Chapter Eleven

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We headed to our classroom. She was so funny that simply walking to class was entertaining. As we entered the teacher told us to take a seat. I didn't know if I should sit next to her or just sit anywhere else. I really wanted to sit with her, but I thought that it would be weird. I was just standing pretending to look for a chair she tugged on my shirt.

"Come sit here next to me." She said with a beautiful smile.


We took our seats and the teacher started to tell us all about the class and all. Our first task is to just talk to people around us and get to know each other. We where toward the end corner of the classroom, she was against the wall and I was behind her.

"I guess you're my partner. Eww!" She said sticking her tongue out.

"Oh I see, well I can partner up with some one else." I snapped back starting to get up.

"No, wait!" She yelled and pulling on my arm.

That was so loud that the whole classroom looked back at us. She was so embarrassed that she hid behind me. It's was one of those protective moments where I feel so manly.

"Is everything alright?" The teacher asked.

"Yes, I just asked her a really stupid question. Sorry for being so loud." I answered

"Thanks." She whispered.

After all those activities, teacher told us all the expectations and goals and what not. I was bored so I started shaking Berenice's seat and poking her to annoy her. She would just giggle and maybe turn around to just stare at me.

When class finished, she started to get packed up ready to leave. When she got up I pulled her towards me and whispered to her ear:

"Meet me in front of the library after school."

She turned around with a face asking for what. I simply smirked and pushed her a bit. I really can't wait.


It was already last block and I haven't had even ONE class with Nat yet. I really hope that he is in there. As I walk there is a teacher 'Mr. Parker'. On the board it said that he was just a sub, since our real teacher was a bit sick. I didn't care that much. I was looking for Nat. There on the right side of the classroom was a rather thin guy with brown wavy hair. My heart was racing and ready to explode. I started feeling light headed, and my steps where going as slow as they can.

"H-hi" I muttered before getting interrupted by some girl.

As I was saying hi and the girl that had put me in a bad mood in the first place was right in front of me, cutting the connection between Nat and I. I felt stupid. I was saying hi to somebody that clearly had no time for me. I turned around and sat at the back of the other side of the room. I just sat there with my head down. Everybody was sitting down. I didn't want anyone next to me. I felt like crying, so I didn't want anyone to see or hear me. I heard someone come and take a seat next to me, but I didn't want to look up. I had my head against the wall and just felt useless. The person that sat next to me tapped my shoulder. I really didn't feel like looking up, but I didn't want to be rude. I looked up and regretted it. Nat was next to me with a face of a puppy that had just been kicked. That just how I felt.

"Are you ok?" He asked

"Yeah, I'm good." I lied. what type of question is that?

"Look I'm sorry about what happened with Samantha. She didn't see you."

Didn't see me?!? Are you kidding me?!? She knew exactly what she was doing! "It's alright"

Class went by and I slowly got happy again. I mean I was just being selfish. Just a few minutes ago I was wishing to see him and now I am just mad with him, no way. I as I was packing my stuff when he asked me if I could wait for him outside. I stepped outside. I peeked through the window on the door. He was talking to Samantha. When they were done she seemed mad. I quickly stepped away from the door. She stared at me while walking away, she was pissed. Nat came out. I didn't wan to ask him what happened, I was actually happy that she was mad.

"Why did you tell me to wait for you out here?" I asked.

"Are you saying that you don't want to wait for me?" He said in a playful manner.

"Come on!"

"Just kidding. I was wondering if you wanted to come with me back to the little garden we went to earlier." He said looking at me directly to my eyes.

I was lost in his eyes. I could feel little push inside me. I was feeling hot on my cheeks. I was blushing, and I quickly covered my face.

"Sure". I said a bit shy

He smiled; don't know if he was happy or because was making fun of me blushing. As we got there I noticed something. I pulled his hand to make him stop and look at the garden. There was already someone there. It was Berenice and Alex. I was happy. My little sister, that was probably the least girly girl I had ever known of liked a guy, and one that maybe likes her back.

"Well, I think it's taken." He said with a grin.

"Now what, sir?"

"Hmm... What if I invite you to get something to eat?"

"Are you sure? You better have enough money to buy ll that I want, including your meal."

"Do you really eat that much?"

"Nah, mostly when I say that guys just think I'm gross and leave."

"Jerks... I don't care if you do or don't have a big appetite. I think you're amazing."

What does this guy do to make me blush so much. I mean that even his songs made me blush. I would all ways say that the songs were for me. He really knows how treat a girl. I know that it's soon and that we just met, but I have the urge to date him. To everybody to know that WE ARE A COUPLE. I know that it had always been a dream since I was a little one; but, now it could come true. I wasn't like other girls, I really, deeply, truly liked him. Not only because he is cute or sweet, but because his songs and voice have slowly made me fall in love with him. I want him to know that.

We got to a Jack In The Box that was crossing the street. It was always packed, since a lot of the kids from my school went there after school. For my bad luck, Samantha and some of her friends where there being stupid. Nat noticed but never told me anything, I didn't feel that uncomfortable until she came up to us.

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