He's "The Doctor" Doctor Who

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Luke- “Just move very slowly.” He said, “Don’t look away and don’t blink.” You did what he said, staring at the weeping angel in front of you. The Tardis was right behind you, with the doctor reaching out for you. “Just a bit further…” He encouraged, “Come on…” The stone angel continued to stare forward, unable to move while being watched. “When I say 3, turn and run.” He said softly, “Okay?” You nodded your head quickly, too afraid to speak. “Alright…3 NOW!” He yelled. You turned and ran in the tardis, the doctor shutting the door behind you. “3? No other numbers?” You gasped as he ran to the controls. “I said 3! Not a countdown!” He flipped switches and twisted nobs as the angel pounded on the outside of the Tardis. “Hold on.” He grinned pushing a large lever, “OFF WE GO!”

Ashton- “Does it get lonely…” You asked as you both looked onto the planet below you, “Being the only one and all…” He sighed, “A bit…I have companions…But they come and go…No one stays forever…” You looked at the curly haired time lord. You hadn’t known him long…But he seemed like a good guy. He was just alone… “I would.” You said, “If you’d take me…” He looked at you with a bit of wonder. “Really? You haven’t even seen anything yet.” You grinned. “Well then show me Doctor! I have time…” He grinned. He suddently picked you up and spun you. “Well I know I’ve got time! Time Lord after all, come on! So many things to do and sights to see!” You laughed chasing after him as he ran to the tardis, ready to go anywhere in time and space.

Calum- “You can’t take me back.” You argued as he avoided your eye, “I hate the life I left. You told me I could stay with you! Forever!” He refused to look at you. “You promised.” You said with tears threatening to spill. “I also promised to keep you safe.” He said, “And staying with me isn’t safe.” “I don’t care!” You cried, trying to make him look at you, “I’m willing to risk it to be with you…” “No.” He finally looked at you, “I can’t do that.” You shook your head, feeling your heart shatter. “This was a dream that came true…” You said silently, “And now your sending me back to my nightmare.” “I’m sorry…” He said holding your face in his hands, “I hope you can forgive me someday…” You woke with a start. From a dream you couldn’t remember…

Michael- "Run!" Those were the first words out of his mouth. The bright haired Time Lord grabbed your hand and told you to run. Saved your life. "God I’m out of shape…" He gasped when the two of you stopped. "Who even are you?" You questioned, "What was that thing that almost killed us?!" "Easy there." He grinned, "I’m the doctor. And those things? Well we out run them at least…" He dusted off his jacket and grinned again, " Got a pretty name to match that pretty face?" "(y/n)" You said. "Well, (y/n), nice to meet ya, but see ya later." He began to hurry off. "WAIT!" you yelled, " You’re not leaving me!" He turned to you. "It’ll be dangerous." "I think I can handle it." He grinned. He ran back with a kiss, "Then c’mon! No time to waste!"

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