Wedding day

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Ashton: The date had been set. The venue reserved, the flowers ordered. Every detail in place. There was only one thing missing: the actual day to arrive. After agonizing months, it finally came, the day you marry your best friend and true love, Ashton.

   As you and your bridal party were in the dressing room getting ready, a knock is heard at the door. “Got it!” one of your bridesmaids announces, hopping up from her place. “Uhm, this was at the door when I opened it. No one was there, though,” she explained, handing you a long, navy velvet box with a white envelope attached to it. You open the note first and, in very familiar handwriting, inside it read: "Dear Mrs. Right, 

  Last night as I tried to sleep, I couldn’t help but think about our future. Every day you make me the happiest man on Planet Earth, and I couldn’t be happier. I wanted to give you this, I’ve had it for months, but they say it’s bad luck for the groom to see the bride the day of, so I left it for you to find. All in all, I love you with all my heart Y/N, and I can’t wait to see you later. Love you babe!

Forever your Mr. Right,

Ashton ♥ 

After you wipe your eyes, you open the delicate box to reveal what’s inside: the most beautiful strand of pearls you’ve ever seen. As you pull it out to put it on, your maid of honor taps you on your shoulder saying, “C’mon, don’t wanna be late for your own wedding. Here, I’ll help you with your necklace.” As you stare at your reflection, you can’t help but fantasize about your coming life with Ashton and how close it is. However, all doubts and fears you had faded when you saw your groom waiting for you at the end of the aisle, tears streaming down his face because of your beauty.

Luke:  You were making yourself breakfast for the last time as a single woman. Today you married your best friend, Luke. He was always there, even, when he couldn’t be there. He loved you with all he had, no matter what it took, and today was the day you wouldn’t have to worry about losing him anymore.  

  Just as you were sitting down to eat your breakfast, your phone lights up and you notice your groom’s name and picture appear on the screen. you slide to answer it. Hello?

  Why hello Mrs. Hemmings! The familiar voice on the other end calls. Are you okay? You’re not backing out are you??? Do I need to come hold you? 

  Luke! Luke! Listen! I’m fine. Just a bit anxious, that’s all. Are you okay?? Do you need a cuddle? 

  Babe! Of course I’m fine! Just a bit tired. I couldn’t sleep last night.

  Awh! Why not? 

  I guess it was just the excitement and nerves. Well, babe, I’ve got to go. The boys are here. I love you. See you in a few, Mrs. Hemmings!! 

  I love you too Mr. Hemmings. Love you! 

Calum: After your morning routine was completed, you couldn’t help but call your best friend. “I’m getting married today, Calum!” you told him.

"Oh wow really?! Me too! What a coincidence! Where?"

"Why the venue we chose, babe!"

After you both laugh for what seems like ages like you always do, Calum responds, “God, I love you, Y/N. I can’t wait to see your beautiful, smiling face later today. I love you so much.”

"Aw Cal! Now I’m emotional! I can’t cry yet!"

"Well, Y/N, I love you, but I need to go or there won’t be a wedding today. See you later, bae."

"Calum Thomas Hood, never say bae again!” you chuckle, laughing at his goofiness. 

"No promises. Love ya, Bye!"

"Love you too babe! Make me proud!"

Michael: Hey Y/N you’ll never guess what color Lou dyed my hair for today. That’s what the text you received from your fiance shortly before leaving to get ready for the day.

  Hmmm…I’m hoping you didn’t do anything drastic. Please tell me you didn’t dye it pink again. Not pink. 

  Of course not! But it may or may not match your bouquet. 


  Aha babe, chill it’s the same color. but you know how much I hate wearing a tux. 

  yeah but remember you’re wearing it all for me. plus, think about what happens when the tux comes off.

  now that’s something to wear a tux for. Hey, would you care if I wore my guitar with my tux. 

  Mike. That’d be so tacky. Not for a wedding. It’s not a gig.

  But it makes me look punk!

  Michael. It’s a wedding. you’re not supposed to be punk. anyways, love you. Don’t do anything drastic. I love you. 

  Well I might can contain myself but only for you y/n. I love you, princess. Think of me. kisses. xx

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