Pillow talk

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Louis: "Truth." you grinned, cueing a groan of annoyance from your boyfriend laying beside you. Neither of you could seem to fall asleep, so staying up playing silly games was the most entertaining option. Both of you laid on your sides, cheek propped up in the palm of your hand as the night rolled by. "That’s a rubbish choice." Louis scoffs, amusement laced in his playful tone as you batted his chest. "Fine, fine." You batted your eyelashes teasingly as you watched him glide his tongue across his bottom lip, his blue eyes wandering around the room as he thought of an option. Louis hummed lowly, a deep sigh exhaled as he finally chose his question. "Am I the best shag you’ve had?" he cheekily asked you, laughter erupting from his lips as you shot him a face. 

Niall: Your mind was still buzzing from the heated time with Niall as you laid in bed, eyes closed but hearing still in check. You noticed his side of the bed dip beside you, the warmth of his frame inching closer to yours. Still pretending to be asleep, you laid motionless face him. You felt the tips of his fingers gently glide across your bare shoulder, swooping down and trailing down the ridges of your spine. It was a routine thing for him to do most nights- etch soothing patterns into your chilled skin. But tonight was different, his touch much softer and light, sending goosebumps rising on your skin. “I love you so much, Y/N.” Niall’s raspy accent whispered, trying to keep quiet enough not to ‘wake’ you. You felt his head dip down to your level, his face nuzzling gently into the crook of your neck as he peppered chaste kisses up your neck. “I don’t know what I’d do without you, love.” he hums against your skin, a small smile breaking from your motionless appearance. 

Liam: "Why aren’t you asleep yet, babe?" his voice chimes from the bedroom door, a deep sigh falling form your lips. You shrugged slightly, watching intently from under the fluffy pile of duvets as he trudges over to his side of the bed, climbing in and making himself comfortable. "Can’t sleep?" Liam asks, a small grin toying on his pink lips as he makes his way over to your spot. You let out a sigh of relief as his warm arms snaked around your waist, your tense muscles becoming relaxed in his embrace. You couldn’t put your finger on it, but there was something much easier about falling into slumber with Liam intertwined with you. Maybe it was the steady rising and falling of his chest that acted as a lullaby to you, or the soft kisses that accompanied his presence. Either way, you couldn’t go to bed without him, and he couldn’t help but stir without you. "If I knew you were waiting on me, I would have been here ages ago." he assures you, placing a delicate lingering kiss upon your lips. "But I’m here now, so let’s sleep, baby."

Harry: "Just think about it, Y/N." Harry’s raspy voice chimes from beside you, drawing your attention away from the bedroom window. You felt his grip on your waist loosen, cueing you to roll over to face him. Your turned to see his green eyes peering down into yours, a small grin toying on his full pink lips. "We could spend every night like this; in the city, wrapped up in each other’s embrace." he gushes, letting out a deep sigh as if it were too good to be true. You couldn’t hold back a smile, your heart fluttering as he gently caressed your face, his thumb tracing the outline of your parted lips. "Just you and I." Harry breathes out, his green eyes flickering from yours to your lips. The words in your throat hitched as slowly pressed a kiss to the corner of your mouth, placing another so it outlined yours. "It’s my dream- you’re my dream, Y/N." 

Zayn: "You’re terrible at video games, babe." he chuckles, brown eyes peering down into yours as he continues to tease you on how poorly you played Fifa tonight with the boys. You roll your eyes, keeping a straight face as he finds amusement in your annoyance. "You guys cheat- admit it." you scoff, cueing a roar of laughter from Zayn laying beside you. "Cheat?! The only one who cheats is Niall, and he’s rubbish anyways!" he explains, a huff of defeat falling from your lips. Done with the conversation, you roll over onto your other side to face away from him. "Oh, c’mon babe! I was joking." he exclaims gently from behind you, worry subtly lacing his words. You stand your ground, not muttering a sound as you feel his inked arm link around your waist, bringing your back into his chest. His hand soothingly pushed your hair behind one ear, his fingers then trailing down the exposed skin of your arm. "Baby, don’t be mad at me. I didn’t mean it." Zayn’s voice coos into your ear, his warm breath sending chills down your spine. A small smile toyed on your lips as you found immense pleasure in teasing him just as much as he loves teasing you.

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