Story of my life

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“It seems to me that when I die, these words will be written on my stone.”

Michael: “W-What? H-how? Did y-you just b-beat me?” he was in shock, he can’t believe i beat him in his favorite game. “Sorry babe” i stuck my tongue out. “Oh no babe, sorry won’t solve this, its time for a payback” he smirked. “Oh shit” I mumbled under my breath, this is happening again, this happens everytime I beat him in a game. He would always tickle me until I give up and say something horrible. I started to get out of the couch but I was quickly grabbed by a pair of strong pale arms. “Oh no (y/n), you won’t go anywhere unless you say that I’m the greatest boyfriend ever.” he challenged me, I rolled my eyes at his lame game. “What, no.” I pretended to act that I wanted to puke. He was on top of me, he started to tickle my sides and sadly, it made me squirm. “Say that Michael Clifford is the greatest boyfriend ever.” “No.” “Say it.” “No.” I managed to refuse not until he started to tickle my feet. My feet was my weakness, I really don’t know why but it would always make me give up someone tickles them. “Okay fine!” I shouted at him, as he gladly stopped. We both sat on the couch, face to face. I cupped his cheeks with my two small hands and said “Michael Gordon Clifford, you’re the greatest sexiest lamest punkest boyfriend ever.” I giggled as he leaned in for a kiss. “I love you Michael” “I love you too (y/n).”

“The story of my life, I give her hope.”

Ashton: Being in a relationship with a band member who travels all around the world, is hard. I knew it from the moment that we met that this relationship wouldn’t last especially that i’m still studying but then, I never thought that this thing called love would work. Tomorrow is my finals and also Ashton’s time to fly to another country to perform and live his life with his fellow bandmates. Well, i’m here right now sitting on my bed staring at my notes. I’m really trying to absorb everything I read but.. I just couldn’t manage. “Babe?” I turn to my left to see Ashton peeking at the door, I chuckled at the sight. “Yeah?” I asked, as I patted a space on my bed where he could sit. “I just wanted to know if you’re done studying so we could do something like.. uh watch movies?” “Oh, I’m not yet done.” I pointed at my notes scattered on the bed. “I can’t understand anything, I feel like crap.” I whined. “Hey, hey, relax. I’m here!” he reassured me. “Oh shut up.” I sighed. “C’mon (y/n), trust in yourself, you can do this!” “You think so?” I looked up to his beautiful eyes. “Of course! Just remember that even though I’m leaving tomorrow, I’m always here to give you inspiration and hope.” he gave me a cute dimpled smile and we both leaned in for a passionate kiss, and yeah its true, he always gives me hope.

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