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Harry: “I’m going to faaaail.” You groan out loud while tossing your world history book on the floor. Harry walks in with a concerned look on his face “Are you okay love?” You glare at him and fall back against the pillows “No I am not okay! I’m going to fail my final exam, I’m never going to graduate and I’m going to live on the street.” You groan again and cover your face with your hands. The bed dips with your boyfriends weight and you feel him crawling towards you. He stops when he’s straddling your hips and removes your hands so he can look you in the eye. “1. You’re not going to live on the street because I would never let that happen to you. And 2. You are going to graduate because you will pass your test because I believe in you. Okay Y/N?” His green eyes grow darker with the intensity of his words and your heart flutters “Okay Harry.” He smiles and mumbles a small “good” against your lips.

Louis: “It’s not your fault Y/N” Louis rubbed your back as you walked towards the car. You had just finished your championship soccer game and lost 2-1. You were heading towards the goal, confident you would tie the game. But you didn’t see the girl from the other team coming towards you until it was too late and she stole the ball. You grunted “Louis, you trained me ALL summer to come to this point. And I blew it.” You lean against the car and watch all your disappointed team mates as well. “Dammit, Louis I feel so stupid. I had it! You were the best coach a girl could ask for too and I still blew it. I probably disappointed you.” You hear a loud scoff “Now hold on just a second.” After storing your bags inside, Louis comes to stand in front of you with your hands linked. “How could you possibly disappoint me Y/N? I put you through hell and back while training and you got here. That’s the whole point. And I’m so glad I was here to cheer you on. I’m proud of you.” You put on smile and pull him close, grateful he is here to pull you back up when you’re feeling down. 

Niall: ”Y/N! Y/N! Y/N! Where are you babe?” You snuggle into the cocoon of blankets you have around you and give out a non-caring shout “here”. A familiar blonde head pokes around the corner “There she is. What’s wrong darlin’?” You shake your head. You didn’t want to get in between Niall and his fans. You know how much they mean to him. But after having announced you being together officially, hate has been pouring into your twitter feed, and you cant help but acknowledge the awful things some people say. He shuffles towards you and plops on the bundle of blankets. “Come on love tell me what’s bugging ya.” He peppers kisses all over your face, causing you to giggle. “That’s what I want to see and hear but what’s wrong?” He pesters you until you finally give in “Just some hate on twitter. No big deal. Younger fans calling me a whore and cheat.” You shrug your shoulders, trying to play it off as no big deal. Niall’s silent for a moment before he unravels the blankets around you and squeezes himself in. “You know Y/N, people are going to be mad that we’re together and some may even hate us for it but it shouldn’t matter. Because I chose you and you’re what matters to me. And them sending hate isn’t going to change my mind.” He kisses the back of your neck as a stamp of declaration and you blink back tears. Happy ones of course!

Liam: "Liam?" You call out to your boyfriend while laying in bed, dry tears streaked across your face. "Y/N? What’s wrong?" You had just gotten off the phone with you mum, who broke the news that your parents were getting a divorce. You shake your head and open your arms, gesturing you need a shoulder to cry on. He’s immediately by your side pulling your face into the crook of his neck where it fits perfectly and his strong hands stroke your back in a comforting way. He lets you sob into his shirt for what seems like hours. Once you finally calm down you take a deep breath and pull away. "Are you okay babe?" He looks at you with concern and you nod your head "I- I’m just shaken up that’s all. My- my mom said she’s divorcing my dad." Your eyes tears up again but you blink them away, forcing yourself to stay calm. "Y/N… . I’m so sorry. I know you love them both so much. But they’ll get through it. And so will you. But I’m not letting you go through this alone, I’m here. You know that right Y/N?" You wipe your eyes and laugh at the black smudge it leaves on your hand from your eyeliner. You look up at Liam and nod, putting on a brave smile before crushing yourself against him. His warmth and touch being the only thing giving you comfort. 

Zayn: "This is so infuriating!" You throw your paint brush down in anguish and wipe your hand on your painted overalls. "Y/N? Is everything all right in there?" You shake your head, picking up the discarded brush and try to resume painting. "How do you do this Zayn? I mean with your spray paint? Come up with ideas and making them come to life on a canvas? I just cant do it!" The art gallery is tomorrow and you still haven’t finished painting what you said was going to be your piece at the show. You hear his light footsteps get closer and you sit on the floor defeated. "You’re so good at it. Compared to you I’m an amateur." When he rounds the corner he notices the slight pout on your lips and laughs. He carefully walks around the mess you’ve made. Trying not to trip on any of the paint buckets or discarded canvases. He finally makes his way over to you an pulls you up so that you’re standing in front of your painting with him behind you. "Babe, you’re good at what you believe you’re good at. You cant keep telling yourself you’re not doing it right because pretty soon you wont know what right is. Just go with your gut." He pulls your hair away from the side of your face and kisses behind your ear. You feel lightened by his speech and give him a peck on the lips. But not before swiping the green paintbrush across his cheek just to show how excited you are! 

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