Moving in Together

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Niall: “This is a really big step,” You said timidly, holding onto a box of your belongings. “It is,” Niall nodded in agreement. “Are we really ready?” You questioned quietly, while looking around the empty room that would soon become your bedroom. “Isn’t it a little late to wonder that?” You quickly shook your head in reply, biting your lip nervously as you did. “What is making you so nervous [Y/N].” You took a deep breath, before pouring out your worries, “I just don’t think we’ve talked about how big this is. Are you sure you want this?” Niall hated the worried look in your eyes, as you waited for his reply. “[Y/N], I am completely sure about this. I have thought about it a lot, and trust me, this is right.” You smiled hesitantly, “I really hope so. I love you so much.” “I love you too.”

Zayn: “We are officially done!” You excitedly said, while falling backwards onto your new bed, “No more boxes to unload. Nothing. We’re done, and this is home.” Zayn said nothing to you in response, instead he just glanced around the room with a smile across his face. As he did, you leaned up, resting on your elbows, “We should call everyone over and do something. It’ll be fun to enjoy our new house with everyone else.” Stopping what he was doing, Zayn’s eyes traveled to you, “That sounds like a good idea. I’ll go and call everyone, and you can figure out exactly what we can do. Maybe we can all watch a movie or something?” “Anything will be fun. And just think, we’re invited them to OUR house. Not mine, and not yours. This is ours. Together.” A larger smile came across Zayn’s face, “Yeah, it is.”

Liam: ”So who decorated all this?” Your friend asked, as she looked around your brand new kitchen, “It does seem a little more your taste than Liam.” “Well, I mean, I did it myself,” you answered, looking around the room yourself, not seeing how it was so obvious that you had done it alone, “but Liam said he really likes everything. Right Liam?” Next to you, your boyfriend’s arm went around your waist, “Yeah, I think it looks good.” “Did you pick out anything for your own home?” You friend asked, her question directed at Liam. “I’ve been too busy. I was’t even here when she was doing all this. It doesn’t matter though. [Y/N] did a good job. It really does feel like home.” Smiling at Liam, your friend nodded softly, “And that’s all that really matters. So, what does the rest of the house look like?”

Harry: “Our first night together in our new house,” Harry sighed, as the two of you laid in bed, lying so close together, there was barely any space between you two. “It’s so nice to finally be able to enjoy this with you,” you responded, thinking of the past few weeks, when you’d been so excited for Harry to come home and you’d finally move in together. It had been driving you out of your mind with excitement. “You could have moved in weeks ago, you know that?” You somehow snuggled even closer to Harry, “Of course, but I didn’t want to be here without you. I wanted this. I wanted to be excited about it together. And plus, I’d have been so scared all alone. Right now I feel safe, and this already feels so much like home.” “It is home now [Y/N],” Harry replied, running a hand in your hair. “Yeah, it really is.”

Louis: It was such an amazing feeling for you to be standing in your own home. It was all yours; well yours and Louis’. That thought only made it better. This was your home with your longtime boyfriend. And you already felt so at home in it after only a short hour. “I love everything about this place.” “Every little thing?” Louis laughed, feeling you were exaggerating, though he would agree it was pretty amazing. “Yes, I love it all. Even the parts that I should be annoyed by. Like the weird color floor in the extra room. I love it all, because this is all ours, and I can’t believe it. I’m just so happy.” Louis, not sure what to say to that, pulled you into his arms, “I love you so much [Y/N].” “I love you too Louis. And I love our house. This is just so perfect.”

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