It's Everything About You (One Direction Fan Fic)

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Chapter One-

Annelie’s P.O.V-

I never thought that this could happen to me.

Let’s start at the beginning, I’m Annelie Banks, I have brownish-red hair, blue eyes, and I’m average height for a 16 year-old girl. I was born in Buffalo, NY and now live in a small city in Virginia. My life has been pretty normal, I lived in New York for some time then moved to Virginia; I live with my Mom, Dad, and my sister Elaine. My family is originally from England and we visit my mom’s parents every other Christmas, I’m not complaining about going to England, but it’s not my favorite thing to do every other year. Well this year is the year to go. Don’t get me wrong, I love seeing my family, I miss them, but this year my best friend, Kelly, invited me to go with her and her family to spend the holidays in LA, I mean really? LA! I want to go so bad; but my mom says I have to go to England “We only see them every so often dear, you’re going.”

I’m now packing for England while listening to one of my favorite boy bands One Direction, I’m telling you all right off the bat, I have not been a fan for long, only about 2 months, but I’m loving every minute of it! My friends think I’m crazy because I get “obsessed” very easily; first there was the Jonas Brothers, and then there’s Justin Bieber, love them both still very much, but now there’s One Direction, I mean come on, five European guys, around my age, who can sing, dress well, they’re very attractive, and have really nice hair (I like guys with good hair okay!) , AND they have accents! What more could you ask for?! Haha!

I’m the girl that whenever stick-time (11:11) or any other chance I get to make a wish comes around, I wish to meet them (1D, JB, etc.) and have the chance to sing with them; I want to be a singer/ actress more that anything in the world; I know I’m not the best there is, but I do know I’m good enough that I want to be on stage and help people; I know I’m a dreamer and I know it probably won’t come true, but it doesn’t hurt to try!

“Anna! Anna! Hello?! Are you day-dreaming again?”

That’s when I blink and look up and see my sister Elaine waving her hand in front of my face.

“We’re about to leave! Hurry up!”

“Okay, Okay, I’m coming you git!”

That’s when she hits me upside my head! And we end up running around our room chasing each other.

Don’t get me wrong, I love my sister, she’s 18 months younger than me and she’s practically my best friend, along with Kelly. We do everything together, she loves One Direction too, especially Louis! It’s just that we are so alike that it kinda gets annoying sometimes, especially when I’m dreaming about One Direction!

“Girls let’s go! We’re gonna miss our flight!”-Mom

“Coming!” Elaine and I yell together while laughing at how stupid we were being just then.

We take our bags and start the drive to the airport.

Now all I can do for the next 10 hours is dread being away from my friends and hope that this holiday isn’t as boring as all the past ones…

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