It's Everything About You Ch. 5 (The Mustache) -

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Anna’s P.O.V.-

It’s 12:30 and I am so nervous. ‘I don’t know why, it most likely isn’t Niall Horan, I mean that are a bunch of Nialls in the world right? I mean just because I saw Niall Horan from One Direction the other day and he’s in town apparently doesn’t mean it’s him. Who am I kidding?! I’m about to go meet someone I’ve never met before and it could just be a creepy rapist guy. No Anna! You promised, and he sounded young and like he was serious about wanting to meet me… just walk out that door and go to the park!’ That’s when I go tell mom I’ll be back in time for dinner and leave the house. It’s colder than I thought it would be and I can just go get a thicker coat, but I just keep walking. I get to the park about quarter to and sit on the bench by the pond. I get out my phone and check twitter to pass the time. What I didn’t expect to see was Niall Horan’s tweet: ‘Going to do something I’ve never done before. Wish me luck! I really don’t want to blow this! :) XX’

That can’t be about me, I mean he could be going to jump off a bridge or something, right? Once it hits 1 I look around to see if anyone might be looking for me. That’s when I see a guy with a really fake mustache, a scarf, and a hat on walking in my direction. This is not weird at all… “Hi Annelie!” “Umm, hi? Why are you wearing all of that?” “I don’t want anyone to recognize me.” “Oh, why?” “It’s for your safety, trust me.” “Okay, I trust you.” Wait Anna, you just met him and you said you trust him already? What are you doning? “Do you want to go somewhere and talk awhile?” “Sure, but only if you take that awful disguise off.” “I will once we get there, promise.” That’s when he takes my hand and I feel bolts of electricity go all through my body. It’s weird, I feel like I can totally trust him. We walk to a parked car and he opens the door. That’s when I look at him funny. “What?” “Are you gonna kidnap me or something?” “What? No! It’s just that it’s faster to drive to where we’re going.” He clearifies with a smile. “Oh..” getting into the car with a smile. He closes the door, walks around the car, and gets into the driver’s seat with biggest smile on his face. “So can you take the disguise off now?” I say. Without letting him answer I take the hat and scarf off; just when I go to take the mustache off I realise his eyes, they are the brightest blue eyes I have ever seen in my life. I get lost in them for about 10 seconds before he goes and takes the mustche off himself. Then I really can’t breathe. I know exactly who he is, what am I doing here? “Oh, sorry if this is scaring you. Please don’t leave.” What? Leave? Why would I leave? Wait, he just said something to me, I should robably say something, not just stare at him. “Oh, no, I won’t leave.” was all I could get out before a huge smile spread across both of our faces. “I’m soory, this is probably really weird, but I saw you the other day and I had to meet you.” Starting the car he began to tell me about seeing me and searching for me, meeting my sister and everything he has been throught in the past few days. “I’m sorry I probably looked really stupid just staring at you guys, I didn’t know you were in town.” “What are you doing over here anyways? I mean you’re from California and all.” “Wait, California? You think I’m from California? No, I’m from Virginia.” “Oh sorry, you’re sister said something about a friend in California, so I just thought-“ “Oh, my best friend is there on vacation there, while I’m here visiting my grandparents.” “Yeah, I saw your grandmother when we were at your house yesterday. She looked like she knew who we were, almost shocked, like you at the station.” “Yeah, she knows who she is, my whole family does, because of me and a little from my sister.” We pull up to a house, I’m guessing is Louis’,  just a few streets from my grandmother’s house, I didn’t know that Louis lived that close. “Ready to meet the boys?” “Ready as I’ll ever be.” That’s when he gets out, comes around to open my door, and offers me his hand. I take it and feel the electricity again.

Niall’s P.O.V. –

I’m holding her hand! I know I shouldn’t be acting like this, but I can’t help it, there are sparks going up and down my spine when we touch. I lead her to the door and force myself to let go of her hand to unlock it. I open the door to find Harry and Louis sitting on the couch, Liam in a chair, and Zayn sprawled across the floor. “Guys we have company.” They all look at Annelie and me and suddenly sit up and smile as us. “Hi guys!”I look over at Annelie to see her smiling and looks as if she is about to faint, I think it’s cute how she’s clearly a huge fan but trying to hide it and be cool around me and the boys. “Hi Annelie!” they all reply in unison. “Oh call me Anna.” “So Anna wanna go somewhere private or hang with the boys?” “Umm, someplace private? Sorry boys.” Turning to the boys with a giggle. “Don’t do anything naughty!”, I smack Louis on the back of the head while I lead Anna into the back garden.   

*****Author’s Note: I wanted to post this one early for you guys! Comment, Vote and Become a Fan! :) It’ll make my day! Hope you guys are all liking it all so far! The next on will be up Tuesday! :)

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