It's Everything About You Ch. 10 (Surprise!) -

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Zayn’s P.O.V.-

I’ve been on the phone with the press all afternoon trying to figure out who took the picture of Anna and Niall, I found that a girl sent it into the tabloids around 3 yesterday. I just want to find the girl and ask her to delete it, and stop spreading it around. I know I just met Anna, but Niall really likes her and he’s one of my best mates, so I feel like I need to help protect her. I walk into the living room to find Sarah and Harry watching Bambi, well actually more like sleeping. I decide to be nice and leave them be. So I walk to the kitchen to find Anna sitting on Niall’s lap kissing him, wow didn’t expect that. I clear my throat to get their attention. Anna looks up and blushes in embarressment. “Sorry Zayn.” She gets up and sits in the seat next to Niall. “We just got caught up in the moment…we’re official.” Niall grins and takes Anna’s hand in his. “Congrats guys!” I take the seat across from them. “Thank you” they say together and giggle. We sit in silence for a few minutes, I decide to break it, “I found out who took the picture.” “Really?! Who?” Anna leans forward in anticipation. “Well, actually I found out a girl sent it in, I’m not sure who she is exactly…” “Oh,” she leans back in her seat, “well I guess it doesn’t matter anymore, we’re together now…” she smiles at Niall and gives him a peck on the lips. “So, that’s it? You don’t want to find the girl?” “Nope, not really… like Anna said, doesn’t matter anymore.” Well, I just wasted the past day... for nothing. “Oh, okay… well I’ll be at my place if you need me.” I get up and leave. I’m glad they’re together, I can tell Niall is really happy. Once in my appartment, I take a seat on my bed and grab my laptop. I log onto twitter to see if there’s any news about us, nothing. I log back out and turn on the TV, there has to be something good on. I find a Britain’s Got Talent rerun and feel myself falling asleep.

Anna’s P.O.V.-

I check my phone after Niall finally gives it back to me and I see that it’s going onto 9:30, my parents are probably wondering where I am…”I have to call my mom really quick, so she doesn’t worry.” Niall smiles and nods. I leave the kitchen to go into the front hall. I dial my mom’s cell and wait for her to answer, “Hello?” “Hi mom, I’m just calling so you don’t worry about me.” “I was just going to call you… I know you’re at Louis’ house.” “Oh, okay.” “Oh can you hang out with El (Elaine) tomorrow?” “Yeah, sure.” “Well, I have to go, your Opa is giving one of his religion lectures to your sister.” I giggle at the thought of El sitting there listening to him going on, and on about history, religion, etc. “Okay, I’ll be home soon, love you!” I hang up and go to sit with Niall again.

“Can we do something fun tomorrow? My sister is going to hang with us and I also just want to get out.” He then smiles a michevious grin and wiggles his eyebrows. “Uh oh, what did I say?” “Oh nothing I have a plan…” “And what is that?” “Like I’m gonna tell you!” He laughs loudly. “Oh thanks, not like I’m your girlfriend or anything…” I stick out my bottom lip to pout. “Babe, I just want to surprise you.” “I know, I just wanted to say that I’m your girlfriend!” I grin at what I said. “It does have a nice ring to it.” H leans over the table and kisses me lightly on the lips. He pulls away with a smile and chuckles. “What?” I look into his eyes for an answer. “I’m just excited for tomorrow.” I playfully push him away. “You’re a meanie butt.” “Ouch! Meanie butt, haven’t been called that in years…” “Maybe just not to your face.” He lets out another loud laugh. I begin to laugh as well.


 I wake up to WMYB on my phone and notice that Elaine is not in her bed, must be awake already; which is weird, she is usually the last one up. I force myself out of bed knowing that I’ll see Niall soon. I go and take a quick shower and put on some skinny jeans and a purple v-neck shirt. Whatever he has planned for today I might aswell be comfortable. I make my way downstairs and see El shoving Coco-puufs into her mouth. “That’s attractive.” “Thanks!” she replies with her mouth full. “So what are we doing today Anna?” “I hanging out with the boys, Niall has something planned.” “Sounds cool.” “Hurry up or we’ll be late.” “Okay, okay.” She shoves the last spoonful into her mouth and puts her dishes in the sink. “Bye mom! We’re leaving!” “Have fun!” I grab my phone and walk out of the house with El behind me. We decide to walk, Louis’ house isn’t that far. I text Niall letting him know we’re on our way, Morning babe, on our way now. Be there in about 5! xx :) I immidiately get a reply, We’re all up and ready to go! Can’t wait to see you! ;) xxx I giggle at his response. We arrive at Louis house to find the boys all waiting outside. “Hey guys!” I run up to Niall and kiss him, I don’t care what the others think. “Eww! Guys, get a room!” Louis holds up his hands as if shielding his eyes. The others, indcluding Niall and myself laugh. I look over and see El sitting on the side awkwardly. “Guys this is El.” “We know” They all say. “And don’t worry I know who they are…” She snickers. Liam walks over to her and begins a conversation.

 “So where are we going?” I look up at Niall with a look of curiousity. “You’ll see! Wow, you’re impatient!” I laugh at this realization. I looks over and see that Sarah has arrived so I go over and give her a quick hug before Niall takes my hand and leads my to his car; because there’s 8 of us we have to take two cars. Sarah, Harry, Niall, and myself go in one, while El, Liam, Louis, and Zayn go in the other. Niall takes the drivers seat while I’m in passenger, he is clearly leading the way to our destination. After about a 10 minute drive he pulls into a parkinglot. I read the sign and see that we are at  Arcade World: Classics with Bowling and Lazer-Tag included  I grin and begin to jump up and down in my seat like a little kid. “Oh my God! Can we play Lazer-tag?!?! Please Niall please?!” He bursts into fits of laughter from my reaction. “Yes-  we- can-“ He takes a few deep breathes to stop himself from laughing more. I laugh at how silly I must’ve looked. Sarah and Harry are in the back seat laughing aswell. “Thanks for laughing at me guys…” I open the door and see that Louis is just as excited as I am! I run up to him and we both jump up and down in excitement. El and Liam are walking into the arcade with embarressment written all over their faces. I know I can act like a 5 year old sometimes, but then life wouldn’t be as fun! Sarah and Harry walk past holding hands, woah didn’t expect that! Niall comes behind be and wraps his arms around my waist immidiatly calming me. The grin still hasn’t left my face while he takes my hand and leads my inside.

*****Author's Note: I know it's been FOREVER since I've uploaded! I've been really busy and haven't been able to write! But now I'll have more time, so there will be more coming soon! :)

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