It's Everything About You Ch. 7 (Dreaming) -

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Niall’s P.O.V.-

We’ve been sitting in the waiting room for 3 hours. Anna’s Nanna is stable, but they are keeping her over night to make sure nothing else goes wrong. Anna doesn’t want to leave; so I’m here holding her hand while she sleeps on my shoulder. I don’t mind, she’s had a long day with meeting me and then her Nanna. I rest my head on hers for a while before her mum walks over and sits in the seat across from me and hands me a coffee. “Thank you.” “No, thank you for being here for Anna. She’s usually not good in these types of situations.””Oh, it’s fine.” I slowly sip my coffee so I don’t wake Anna. “I think it’s amazing how  you just met her and you both act like you’ve known each other for years. Well, I mean she has loved you and the other boys for a long time, but I never dreamed that you’d be sitting here comforting her.” I smile and give a little chuckle at the thought of Anna sitting in front of the TV fangirling over me and the boys. Anna begins to smile in her sleep, maybe the sound of my laugh did it? Anna’s mum, Nancy, gets up and disappears into her mum’s hospital room. After about 10 minutes my phone begins to vibrate and ring, loudly. Crap! I don’t want to wake her! I reach for my phone in my jacket pocket but I miss the call and find that Anna is stirring. “I’m sorry, didn’t mean to wake you.” “No, it’s fine, sorry I fell asleep on you, again” “It’s okay. You looked peaceful. What were you dreaming about?” She made a face. “What?” “I was hoping that I wouldn’t do anything in my sleep.” I look at her questioning. “ didn’t I talk?” “No, you just smiled.” “Oh…” She blushes and looks down. “You never answered my question…” She looks up and looks into my eyes. “I was dreaming of singing with you…”She looks down with embarrassment. She is so cute when she does that! And I can’t believe that she would dream of that. “I know, it’s silly.” She starts to fiddle with her shirt. “What? No, no! It’s not funny, it’s cute.” She looks up at me shocked. Why does she have to be so cute? “Trust me.” Reaching for her hand I see that she is shaking. “Are you cold?” I don’t let her answer, I take my jacket off and put it around her shoulders. She smiles and blushes. Again, why so cute? “Thank you for staying. It means a lot to me.” “No problem, it’s kinda nice to just relax and not be surrounded by fans.” “Well, I’m a fan.” She says with a smirk. I let out a chuckle while I pull her close. “Well, you’re my favorite fan.” “Why, thank you!” Do I sense a hint of sarcasm? We hear her mum come out of the hospital room and see her walk up to us. “Anna, Niall you guys can leave. Everything is okay, we are getting ready to take Nanna home, be there in about 2 hours, going to get something to eat first.” I look at the time and see that it’s 4 am. Have I really been here this long? At least I’ve spent it with Anna.


Anna’s P.O.V.-

After we left the hospital Niall insisted in staying with me, but I really need a shower so he ends up hanging out in my room. I stand in the hot water for about 15 minutes before remembering that I have 1/5 of a hot boyband in my bedroom. I get out, dress, and brush my hair out to dry naturally. I walk into my room to find Niall alseep on my bed. He looks so adorable, even better in person, not that looking at pictures and videos and gifs on Tumblr aren’t amazing… ahaha! Who am I kidding? He looks like an angel! I decide to let him sleep some. I get my computer and log onto Twitter. Nothing new going’s on…so I log off and go downstairs to find something to eat. I find some cheese-its, I take them and sit on the couch to watch some TV. I find a re-run of the X-Factor, just happens to be One Direction’s season. I watch amayzed at how how they have come from being on that stage to now. And now, right this moment Niall Horan is sleeping in my bed! I spoke too soon, I see him standing, leaning on the door frame looking at me. “How long have you been standing there?” “Ever since I heard ‘One Direction!’” Saying the groups name with the anouncer  voice. I can’t help but laugh. He comes and sits next to me and puts his arm around my shoulders. I place my head on his shoulder and sigh, this is perfect.

After watching three episodes of X-Factor I get up to stretch. “Wanna go for a walk?” “Sure!” He jumps up and goes upstairs, I guess to get his jacket. I get mine out of the downstairs hall closet and wait by the door. I stand there for about 3 minutes, what is taking him so long? I get impatiant. I climb the stair and walk into my room to see him looking at my many pictures placed on my walls. They are mainly of me when I was little and then a few of One Direction, and the Jonas Brothers, stuff like that. He’s holding one of me and my best friends, Kelly, we’re sitting in her car with a HUGE leaf looking like fools! We thought we were so cool to find a leaf that is bigger than our faces, I kept saying it’s a tree-star like in Land Before Time. “Who’s this?” I guess he sensed my presence. “It’s Kelly, she’s my best friend.” “She looks cool.” “She is, we’re total opposites, but that what makes our friendship so special.” I smile at the thought of all of our differences. He turns and picks up another picture of me and my childhood friend Sarah. We’re playing in my Nanna’s sand box in the back graden. She was my friend away from home, she lived here in Doncaster, but she moved away when we were about 7. Never heard of her since. “That’s Sarah, old friend.” “You have a lot of friends. Popular?” “Oh, no. I wouldn’t say that. I just like to think I don’t fit into a particular group, I’m a floater.” He turns and smiles at me. “Ready for that walk?” “Oh, yeah. Sorry to keep you waiting.” “It’s okay.” He takes my hand and leads me downstairs. I decide to not lock the door; they’ll be here any minute with Nanna.We walk to the park and sit on the bench where I first met him. It’s warming up out here. Weird, Christmas is in three days and it feels like it’s going to be Spring in a week. We sit here in silence, but it’s comfortable; until I hear my name being called. “Anna?” I turn to see a girl about my age walk up to me. She has blonde straight hair, she’s not the tallest of girls, she has pale blue eyes, almost gray. “Anna? Is that you?” “Yes…” I look at her questionably, then it hits me. “Sarah!” I get up and run to her, giving her a big hug. “What are you doing here?” “I moved back here about two months ago, what are you doing here?” “Visiting my Nanna for the holidays. I can’t believe it’s really you!” I hear someone clear their throat behind me, oh yeah Niall. “Sorry, but Beth this is Niall, and Niall this is Beth. The girl in the picture in my room.” “Oh the one in the sandbox?” I nod. “I have that one still, it’s in my room too!” She then turns and realizes who Niall is. She begins to squeal. “Oh. My. God. You’re- you’re…” “Yes, he’s Niall Horan, 1/5 of One Direction from the X-Factor.” Niall smiles and nods. She turns to me with a face with ‘how do you know him?’ written all over it. “We met yesterday, well actually a few days ago, but we didn’t really meet, I just stared while he smiled…” I ramble on about Niall and me. Niall squeezes my hand to let me know to shut up. “Oh, sorry.”  Sarah’s phone rings, nothing other than Tell Me A Lie by One Direction, she answers it and hangs up quickly. “So sorry, but I have to go…can I get your number Anna? I really want to hangout with you some time.” “Sure.” We put each others number in our phones and hug before she leaves. Niall and I spend the rest of the afternoon in the park playing on the playground, sitting around talking and just enjoying each others company.

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