It's Everything About You Ch. 4 (The Phone Call) -

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Harry’s P.O.V.-

Niall just told the boys and me about this girl he saw at the station yesterday. I feel for him, I mean to see a girl who just blows you away and then know you will never see her again, but that’s something you have to deal with when you’re famous.

“Dude, do you have a yearbook? Anything that I can find her in?” “Yeah, only these two from secondary school.” We spent the next hour and a half going through both books analyzing each girl and asking Niall if it was her. “It would help if we had a name…” Zayn says to Niall. “Like I don’t know that?!” smacking him on the back of the head. “Hey, no need for violence!” standing between them; Liam is so adult sometimes. “Maybe she’s not from here…maybe she’s just visiting.” Louis looks up from his book with a face that shows he has a plan.


Next thing I know we are on our way to the taxi garage. I don’t know how a taxi is going to help us…

“Hello there! Can you give me a list of your clients who have come here from the airport in the past two weeks?” What was he doing? The lady who looks like she’s been having a really bad day looks at us like we are up to something illigal. “Please, we need to find someone…” Niall steps forward and gives her a smile. This works because she smiles back and hands him the catalouge. We walk over to a bench outside of what looks like a diner-thing for the taxi drivers. “Write down all of these addresses and we will go to each one to see if she’s there.” Louis instructs while scanning the names. “There are a lot of names here, this could take days…” Zayn points out pacing. “Then it will take days, guys I have to find her.”Looking at each of us with a puppy-dog face. “Okay Niall, you better find her.” walking up to him to pat him on the back. “Thanks man.”


We’ve spent 3 hours yesterday going to each house on the list and we have found old people, little kids who know who we are so it was hard to leave, but not the girl…

We are now up bright and early continuing the search.  We now come to the last house. “What if she’s ot in there...will I ever find her?” Stopping in his tracks. We all stop and turn around to face him, “I beat she’s in there, she has to be.” “Liam’s right, she has to be, and if not, we will find her. Somehow.” I put an arm around his shoulders to guide him to the door. I knock on it three times before stepping back for who ever opens it. This girl, maybe 15, answers the door and her jaw drops. Niall studies her and ignores that fact that she totally knows who we are. “Hi, we’re looking for someone.””What? Who?” was all she could say while scanning each of us. Niall still studying. We all just stand there until Niall breaks the silence, “Do you have an older sister? You look like who we’re looking for.” Her face then drops realizing we aren’t there for her… “Yes, but she’s not here right now, well I mean she’s still asleep.” “Oh, what’s her name?” Niall asks stepping forward and looking behind the girl to see I’m guessing to be her grandmother loking at us all oddly, does she know who we are too? “Annelie, I’m Elaine.” Holding out her hand. We all shake it, she then takes it, apparently just realizing she just touched us, and holding it behind her back. “Do you know when she’ll be awake?” “No, she usually gets us pretty early but she was up late last night talking to her friend in California about seeing you guys or something, I thought she was lying, but because you’re here, I’m guessing she was telling the truth!” almost screaming because she’s making connections in her brain. We all let out a little chuckle when she stops to breathe.

Niall’s P.O.V.-

California? Really? I thought I heard an American accent, but I didn’t know Califonia! Life. Sucks.

“I know this sounds odd, but can you give me her phone number?”

“Umm, sure…” She runs back into the house and what I can hear she tells her grandmother and comes back with a slip of paper. “Mines on the back with a heart too..” she tells us with a smile. “Thanks. Maybe we’ll see each other soon anyways.” Was all I could say while walking away staring at the phone number.


Sitting in the Louis’ room waiting for the perfect time to call is probably the worst thing I’ve ever been through, next to being almost kicked off the X-factor. “Dude sit down, take a breathe.” “No Louis! I cant think while just sitting…I need to figure out what to say.”

At about 11:30 I decide that Annelie has had enough time to sleep. I dial the number, put it on speaker phone and wait for an answer...

Anna’s P.O.V. –

“Hello?” there was silence at the other end. “Hello? Is someone there? If this is a prank, it’s not funny, it’s quite lame and I’m just gonna hang up.” “No! Don’t hang up!” Who was this? “May I ask who’s calling?” “I- I can’t tell you Annelie, not yet.” “What? How do you know my name?” “All I can say is that I’ve been looking for you for days and now that I’ve found you-”, “What? What’s going on?” walking back up to my room and closing the door, for privacy. “Please don’t hang up, I’m sorry, I didn’t plan out what I was going to say… I have a lot I need to tell you, but not like this. Can you meet me some where? Please?”  What? What is this? Creepy much? “I can’t, not unless you tell me you’re name.” I hear who ever it is ask someone else if he should tell me their name, it sounded like there were a few other guys there listening in. Weird. “Okay, I’ll tell you my name, but you have to promise me that you’ll meet me at the park at 1 first.” “Well, I guess it wouldn’t be that bad. “Okay, promise.” “Okay, good!” “Alright I prmised, name?” “Well, my name is Niall.” Wait, did he just say Naill? Like Niall Horan, from One Direction, one of my all time favorite bands? No, it can’t be him, why would he want to meet me? “Hello? You still there?” I guess I was so lost in my thoughts I forgot to answer.”Oh, yeah, sorry.” “So 1?” “Yeah, 1.” I hang up the phone and  then I have no clue what to do with myself…

*****Author’s Note: Hope you all like it all so far! Comment and Vote! :)

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