It's Everything About You Ch. 11 (Victory) -

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We walk in and I run straight to where you get your gear for lazer-tag. “Guys everyone has to play!” I hand all six of them a vest and gun smiling. “We should make teams!” Louis jumps to the front. “Well I’m with Anna!” Niall takes my hand to call me. “I have Sarah!” Harry puts his arm around her shoulders. “I have El!” Liam does the same as Harry. “And I’ll have Zayn!” Louis runs up to him and picks him up. “No!! You guys know Louis is a terrible partner for games!” “Sorry Zayn…” Harry chuckles. Zayn throws him a death-staire “You’ll regret that Styles.” “Oh, I will?” He wiggles his eyebrows playfully. “Okay guys, save it for the game.” I lead them all into the dark room and we all immidiately split up. Niall and I take a corner in the back with two walls for protection. There is a timer above the door that begins to count down from 10 seconds. 10..9..8..7..6..5..4..3..2..1..

“Ready Anna?” Niall whispers behind me. “Yeah..” I feel like I’m in a warzone. “I take my position facing out a window in the all I’m using as a shield. There are lazer sounds coming from all around us. Louis is yelling his head off, while Zayn is trying to make him stop. “Go Sarah, Go!” Harry yells from behind Zayn and Sarah shoots Zayn. Just when his vest lights us so does her’s. Liam comes out from behind a barrier and smirks. “Harry now has his ‘game face’ on and gets his gun ready. Sarah and Zayn both walk over to the ‘dead-zone’, that is really just a couch in the corner by the door. Liam runs back to his previous position and just misses Harry’s shot. This whole time Niall has been laughing quitely trying not to give out spot away. “I’m gonna shoot Harry, he’s in the open.” I point my gun at his vest and pull the trigger. “No!” He falls to the ground. “BOOYAHHH!” I smile and hug Niall. I turn and see Harry faking a very dramatic death while Sarah pretends to faint in the dead-zone. Zayn goes and drags Harry away. Now there’s just Louis, El, and Liam. I never saw where Louis went, and now the room is quiet, we are all waiting for someone to make a move. “We should go and scout.” I agree with Niall so we stand back-to-back and walk out of our safehouse. I feel like I’m a part of Charlie’s Angels! I hear a whisper to my right so I turn my gun to face that gerneral direction. I see a head of light brown hair hiding behind a barrel. “I see you Liam.” “No you don’t!” He ducks lower, proving that it’s him. I smile and nudge Niall to get his attention. I point my head in Liam’s direction. Niall grins and nods. We both make our way to either side of the barrel and see that Liam is sitting on his knees in the fetal-position. “Niall burts out laughing. I take the end of my gun and bump Liam’s shoulder to let him know that he is done for. I let Niall have his turn of getting someone. Liam then gets up with his vest glowing and walks to sit by Zayn. “El, Louis where are you?” I haven’t seen El this whole time. I then hear someone run behind me. I jolt around and just see El’s hair fly by to my and Niall’s safehouse. “Niall, I have El.” He nods, “Maybe we should split up. I’ll find Louis.” I approve and move forward towards El. I turn the corner and then hear Niall yell. I turn back around and see him fake a death just like Harry. I know I should play along and go and help him but I need to find Elaine. “Go on without me Anna!” I see Niall reach his arm out to me dramatically. I hear Louis laugh and then retreat to his hiding place. I then snap back into the game and continue towards El. I can see her hair just like Liam was. She peeps her head out and sees me, her eyes widen before popping back down. “Come out Elaine…You’re gonna lose.” She then jumps up and shoots at me..and misses! Giving me time to make her vest light up bright green! “Yes!” “No!” She walks her death-march to Liam. Uh oh, now it’s just Louis and I… not good. I turn and ready myslef for whatever Carrot-boy has planned. “Get him Anna!” Niall has a fit in the air like he’s watching a football match and him team just scored. “Shh! Don’t destract me!” “Sorry.” He lowers his arm and chuckles. I hear Louis run across from one bin to another. “There’s no need to hide Tomlinson!” “Fine then!” He jumps out gun at the ready. I have mine pointed right has his chest. We both come face-to-face in the middle of the room. We begin to walk in a circle, I feel like Simba and Scar from the Lion King! “Ready to lose Banks?” “You should be asking yourself that! “I snap at him playfully. “Ha! Right! Like Louis Tomlinson- Carrot Man loses?!” He holds up his gun like it’s a trophy, giving my the perforect opportunity. I pull the trigger and hit dead-on! He then turns to me in shock when a bell rings meaning that I’m the winner. He drops his head in defeat. Niall runs and picks me up and kisses me. I laugh at how amazing I am! I am a bad winner, just to put that out there… Niall puts me down and I run over to Louis to shake his hand before jumping around in victory. We all leave the room and decide that we should bowl to pass the time. We split into teams of 4: Sarah, Harry, Niall and myself. Then Liam, El, Louis and Zayn.

Louis P.O.V.-

I can’t lose at bowling! I can’t believe I lost lazer-tag! I always win! We’ll have to have a rematch to show who the real winner is. I take my turn and get all but one. I smirk at Anna to show how awesome I am. I look to see how many people are here, just so we won’t be recognized. That’s when I see her…

*****Author's Note: I had nothing better to do today, so I wrote another short chapter for all of you guys! :) Hope you like it! Comment, Vote, and become a fan! Love you guys! 

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