It's Everything About You Ch. 12 (Dance Dance Revolution) -

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***I'm posting this because my friend huntermoon713 was annoying me to upload! I've been busy, sorry! But this weekend she and I will be beginning our story that were co-writing! so look out for that! :) This chapter is really short, but I hope you like it! Comment, Vote, and Become a Fan! :D

She is sitting at the counter of the cafe with another girl. I want to go up to her and say hello, but I know the boys would be annyoing about all of it. Liam notices and comes over to me, “Hey isn’t that the girl from the shop? You should go say hi!” He slaps me on the back in encouragement. I judt nod and walk slowly up to her.

“Hi Melody.” She turns to my in mid-laugh, I’m guessing her friend said something funny. “Oh, Hi Louis.” She turns her body to face me. I’m not sure what else to say… “Did you want something?” Now, I’ve done it…I look like a complete idiot. “Oh no, I just wanted ti say hello.” “Oh, well hello.” She then turns back to her friend. Rejected. I then turn back around to go back by the others. About half way there I feel a hand on my shoulder, I spin around to see Melody standing there, “I have a feeling you wanted to do something other than say hello..” she smiled and I melted inside. What do I say now? Think of something Louis, don’t let her get away! “Ummm…do you want to come and hangout with me and the guys? Your friend can come to.” I gesture towards her friend still sitting at the counter. Melody smiles again and nods, “Okay, that sounds like fun.” She walks back over to get her friend and they both follow me to the others. “Guys this is Melody and….sorry I didn’t get your name.” “Oh, I’m Victoria” She smiles and waves to everyone. “And this is Zayn, Niall, Anna, Sarah, Harry, Liam, and Elaine.” I point to them and they smile and wave when I say their name. “So do you all want to go play some arcade games?!” I look to them for a response. They all answer with a mix of “Yeah” “Okay!” and Niall with “Yea buddie”.  We all split up to play different games. It looks like Anna and Niall are going to play Ski-Ball, Harry and Sarah to Ice-Hockey, El and Liam to The Price is Right, Zayn takes Victoria to play some basketball, and so Melody and I are left standing there.

 “So, what game do you want to play?”  “Dance Dance Revolution?” “Sure!” We walk over to the game and jump on. I let her pick the song, surprised that she picked “Who’s That Boy” by Demi Lovato. Good music taste. We begin to follow the people on the screen, before I my score decides to plummit. I look over to see Melody smiling wide contintuing to dance. That’s when I begin my famous ‘pat the dog, screw in the light bulb’ move infront of her. “Are you kidding me?” She stops and crosses her arms infront of her chest. “What? Just dancing.” I continue waiting for her to laugh. About 5 seconds later a smile finds its way to her face. I stop. “Wanna play something else?” “No! I want to play again and beat you fair-and-square!” I laugh. “Oh, really?” “Yeah, really.” “Well, I get to pick the song!” “Fine.” “I choose “She Makes Me Wanna” by JLS. “Nice song…” “Thanks.” I smirk. The song begins and I bite my lip in concentration. My score grows, as does her’s. I can’t lose, I can’t. I already lost lazer-tag!  The song ends and I wait patiently to see who won. The screen blinks with colors and the word “TIE!” flashes on it. “Well played, well played.” “Thank you!” She smiles a wide grin. My heart begins to race, and it’s not from all the dancing. She’s to pretty, I feel as if I can get lost in her hazel eyes for hours. I know, this sounds strange for just meeting her just yesterday, but I feel like I’ve known her for years. I just hope our friendship can grow.

Anna’s P.O.V.-

I’ve beaten Niall at ski-ball 5 times now, I am on a roll! I go to trow another ball, when I feel a set of arms snake around my waist. “Hey, I can’t concentrate with you doing that.” “I know, I just don’t feel like playing anymore…” I set the ball down and turn to face him. “What do you want to do then?” “Go get some ice cream?” He smiles in anticipation. “Sure, just let me tell El.” “Okay, but hurry, I’ll be waiting by the door.” “Don’t worry, I will” I smile and kiss his cheek. He smiles and walks to the entrance. I go on a short search for El, finding her and Liam about to go into the photobooth. “Hey El, Liam me and Niall are going to get some ice cream. Can you ride with the others home?” Liam nods, “Yeah, we’ll be fine.” “Bye, Anna. Have fun, but not too much!” El winks at me. “Eww, El! It’s not like that!” She laughs and turns to go into the booth. “See you later Anna.” “Bye, Liam. Thanks for hanging out with my sister.” “Oh, no problem, she’s really cool.” “Yeah, she is.” “Well, don’t keep Niall waiting.” “Okay, bye!” I walk to the entrance and Niall takes my hand and interlocks his fingers with mine. We get into his car and I put in their CD. “Everything About You!” Niall shouts. “Okay, Okay!” I laugh.I put it on and we both begin to sing along, of course Niall sings it beautifully. The song soon ends and “Gotta Be You” begins to play. “Hey, you’re not that bad.” “What?” I turn in my seat to face him. “I said, you’re not bad. Actually, I think you’re really good.” “Really?” I look down to hide my blush. I know, I can some-what sing, like my family and friends say I’m good but it’s totally different hearing it from your boyfriend who happens to be in an international boyband. “Yeah, really.” He takes his finger to force me to look up at him when we come to a redlight. “Thank you.” I smile. He leans towards me and kisses my quickly on the lips, just enough for me to want more. He turns to face forward again and turns into the ice cream shop. We wait in line for about 10 minutes, mainly because we couldn’t decide what to get. I finally choose plain vanilla with chocolate sprinkles and Niall picks the rainbow superman, the kind that could dye your insides rainbow. We sit at a picknic table talking about random things, like food, movies, music, and the guys touring. Before we knew it it was getting dark. “We should probably be heading back home.” “Yeah, probably.” “Wanna come hang at Louis for a bit first?” “Sure, just let me call my mom.” I leave the table and dial her number, it rings and goes to voicemail, “Hey mom, I’m going over to Louis’ to hang with Niall. I’ll be home by 11. Love you!” I hang up and walk to the car with Niall.

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