Chapter Twenty-One - " Mom! "

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I left the café after a while. The lady or Claire as she told me was very helpful. The things she said kinda help me not to feel guilty. I walked all the way here thinking about it & at last I got she was right. I can't let the incident from this morning ruin my life for ever. It's not my fault that we live in a modern fairytale with no happy endings. But I'm gonna mend that. I know that each & every person must face the bad side of the world at a part of their life & mine just decided to pay me a visit now. But I'm not gonna sit & cry over it letting it ruin my life forever. I'm gonna fight back & I'm gonna be happy. I'll do my best to get a choice to change my life & when I do I'll take it without hesitation.

Right now I'm outside my house trying to open this shitty excuse of door to get myself in. But it won't even budge. I've been standing here pushing & twisting it for more than half an hour but still no progress.

Just one Push & Twist. I try to convince myself. Just let me do it one more time & I know it will budge & open.

Push! Twist!

Yes at last! I knew it would budge it I try it one more time.

Just like you problem. My conscience said.

What do you mean? ( Not the JB song people! )

If you try harder your problems in life will vanish & you can be happy. It replied.

Yeah! You're right! Just like this door which wouldn't budge before my problems are staying too. Unless I take any action it would stay like that forever. But if I take an action and push it again without giving up it will budge & open to let the happiness flow in my life.

" Anyone home? " I shout even if I knew dad won't be here until late & also the house was quite. But it wouldn't help to try, right? That's why I did it.

I checked the living room just incase & then left to my bedroom upstairs sure that I was the only one in the house. I opened the door, got in & shut it before jumping on my bed laying down. I didn't even bother changing my clothes because I was very stressed.


I've lied here for the past two hours but still no sleep. My mind had been wondering about the incidents from the morning restlessly. Maybe pushing your problems away isn't as easy as it sounds. But still that doesn't change the fact that it's possible. If only I cou-

" creak" " shoot "

The door opened. Well it must be Dad because we're the only ones staying here right now but how come he came so early. I mean it's late but I didn't expect him to be back at this hour because he kinda has this gathering with friends of his today.

I knew it was dad but I wasn't in the mood to get up & say hi so I just decided to lay there pretending to be asleep. Just as I was gonna cover my head with the blanket my door opened. I was laying on my side so I couldn't face the door.

" Dad I'm kinda sleepy now so can we talk tomorrow? " I'm not sure he heard me but it was worth a try. I'm really sad & stressed so I don't want to move even a bit.

" It's me honey. " it wasn't my dad's voice but I knew the voice too well. This time I didn't hesitate shooting up from the bed.

" Mom! "

" Yeah honey it's me, Can I come in? "

" Is that even a question? Of course come in. "

She opened the door & I got a full view of her. Just as she took a step in my room I jumped hugging her like there is no tomorrow.

" Hey hey no need to kill me as I put my leg in this room. " she joked. I'm sorry mom but no time for jokes, I thought. Nevertheless I loosened my hold on her but still I didn't let go.

" I missed you so much mom & why did you come early? You were supposed to come a week after. " I said.

" You know your sentences cross each other right? Anyways I planned to come a week before because I miss you & for your birthday. "

Oh being occupied with lots of things kinda made me to forget about my birthday. But wait! What's the date today's? Hmmm... I don know... AARRGH how am I supposed to know when it's?

" Oh.. When is my birthday exactly? " I asked her sheepishly. She gave me ' you're joking right? ' look waiting for me to admit it was a joke. But when I didn't budge she sighed & said, " It's On Friday. "

We talked like that for God knows how long until mom decided to quit it.

" Ok darling I'm kinda tired right now & your dad is in the bedroom so goodnight I better go. We will talk tomorrow. " Oh ok then it means I'm gonna struggle to sleep again. She must have sensed my off mood because the next thing she said was, " Honey are you ok? What happened? "

" Nothing mom goodnight! "

She kissed my forehead & walked to the door but she turned at the last minute & said " Oh & I know you might have liked it here & all but I'm sorry to be the one to tell you this. We are moving to Florida the day after tomorrow. Goodnight! " with that she quickly shut the door & ran to her bedroom.

In other occasions I would be completely angry for deciding this without consoling me & put up a fight but at this moment exceptionally I was happy that I got the perfect turn to change my life.

But there is something I must do first.

I grabbed my phone from the nightstand & texted the real person that always cared for my favor.

Hey Bri I'm really sorry I was a bitch to you when you tried to protect me. I value everything you did to me & I wanna say thank you as well as sorry. We might not see each other like other days after now but don't forget that I love you for being real to me.

Love yours Bff Bella.

With that I put the phone & drift in to sleep thinking about the fresh start I'm gonna have with in a gap of hours.

😊 Hurray! Hurray! I finished my book at last! 😃

😄 I really hope you guys enjoyed it despite its ending! 😉

Don't worry there is still an Epilogue.

💖 Love Y'all 💝

Crush on Mr. Arrogant Boy( COMAB Series# 1) Wattys 2018 [ Editing On Hold ]Where stories live. Discover now