Chapter 13

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( A/N I'm stopping from now on putting titles on every chapter.And sorry for the very late uptade but here I am again.enjoy! )

I woke up next to Kai.So this wasn't a one night stand,but,to be honest I didn't want it to be.I kinda like him and he's my type so I mean why not?I'll get to know him better and everything will be fine.I guess,cause I mean,I live in the US. he lives here.Ehh we'll find a way.''Good morning beautiful'' he said kissing my lips slightly .''Good morning'' I smiled at him and got off the bed to get dressed,as he did too.''Let's go have some breakfast.''I unlock my door and we both walking to the kitchen where everyone was and they all were staring at us.''That's Kai'' I told them and they indrontuced themselves but Kian didn't,he was just looking at him with the I'll-fucking-kill-you,you could say,look.I sat next to him and Kian.That's was awkward but it's okay since I have food right now,I'm starving.When we were done with our food me and Andrea cleaned the kitchen and we had a conversation.It was about Kian that he asked her to be his girlfriend and I fucking care but anyways,they're happy fucking eachother and I have Kai.Do I?

It was about 3 PM right now so I thought I could have a rest alone,I closed my door,not locking it and closed all the lights so it could be dark,I put on my ''thoughts''playlist and Fallin' by Alicia Keys started playing.And I was just standing there thinking and thinking.Everything that have happen the past month.I mean,Alex and I broke up,he cheated on me the first day,then I move into a stranger's,kinda stranger,house.Then I fuck with his best friend and kiss him and learn that I'm his sister,that my father isn't my  father,then I have kian and his fuck bussy around,it's like those movies,my life is a fucking movie?I mean till now it didn't end all unicorns and blue clouds and shit like that it's just fights,drama,club and repeat.Plus,I wonder where my mum is,she hasn't visited me since I came here,maybe she's nervous about Jc?I don't really wanna know.I wonder what Alex is doing,I kinda miss him.I mean we dated for so long it's normal but I just miss him not miss him and get back with him.And I miss kian,but I miss him.I miss everything but he's such a dipolar and mysterious person.I don't think like I know him too well,all we do is fight- ''You think you don't know me?''kian said whispering stopping my thoughts.He sat next to me but he wasn't laying down.''Did I said that outloud?''I said trying to look at him through the dark. ''Yeah..''he said and I saw his movement to look down.I really didn't know what to respond,but of course he knew.''Do you want?''he said whispering.''Want what?''.''To get to know me''he said while laying down next to me.''If you want to yes,I want.''I gave him a slight smile and he smiled back.We sat there about 2 hours talking about his hometown Iowa,when he moved to San Clemente,he told me about his family and some funny family moments,that his mum cooks great but he's  very picky at food just like me.He also told me school moments,that he was the class clown and he wasn't good at school because he hated it,he told me things he like,things he didn't like.To be honest,it felt great.I learned so much about him while we were cuddling in the dark with music,our laughing bombing my whole room.I know I have fell for him..but what about him?.

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