Chapter 18

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I woke up with a major headache. 

I walked into the kitchen and took two headache tablets and woke up Hannah and Daria. "Want some?" I said giving the two girls two headache tablets. "How was your sleep?" I asked Hannah who was rubbing her neck. "Yeah, beside my neck just perfect" Hannah laughed. 

"Is anyone going to wake up Brodie and Sharni?" Hannah asked taking a sip at her drink. "Yeha I will" Daria said walking back into my room. 


I walked in to see Brodie and Sharni both curled up together on Lora's inside hammock. 

I crept over and grabbed to side furthest away from me and pulled it. Causing them to fall off. "YOU FUCK CUNT BITCH SLUT MAN!" Sharni screamed getting up throwing a boot at me. "What the actual fuck" Brodie said getting up and running into the bathroom. "Brodie you okay?" Sharni said holding me in a headlock. "Just sick it's okay I'm fine" Brodie responded throwing up again. Eww. 


I collect my things into my bag. "What are you doing? I thought we were going to hang out here?" Lora said upset that I was leaving. "I just need to go" I responded not giving eye contact. "But why?" Lora said once again sounding sadder. "I just need to get away Lora! I need space from everyone!" I yelled while putting my shoes on and grabbing my bag. "Oh okay then. It's okay" Lora said helping me with my things. 

"Bye guys" I yelled walking out the door. 


"Where's Sharni?" I asked as I walked out the bathroom. I think I had a little to much to drink. "Umm she need 'space'?" Lora kina questioned. I looked at the girls who all look very scared at this moment in time. I wonder why she left so suddenly. "Look I think we all need to go home and relax." I said trying to be 'responsible'. "I'll check on Sharni" "me to" Lora said being confident. "No Lora I don't think you should" I said worried of what might be wrong. 

Lora and Sharni are pretty close. We all are but Sharni and Lora are like connected to the hip most the time. "Fine., but if anything is wrong ring me. Daria, Hannah and I will stay here" Lora said hugging me. 

I walked out and walked onto the street trying to call Sharni. Nothing. Shit. I thought to myself. 


I got home and turned off my phone not wanted to be disturbed. By this time I was crying alot. I can't believe what had happened over the past 24 hours. Beau turning up to the party drunk, Ash being with him, Beau's text and worst of all I just yelled at my friends because of my own stupid emotions. I hate this feeling, but most of all I hate myself for feeling this way. I know what I need do. 

I rushed upstairs to my bathroom and rummaged through my draws to find my razor. Once I had found it I locked the door in case someone was come home and opened the door. I sat against the door pull down my pant and pulling up my sleeves viewing my older cuts and scars. They were once little, but once my depression got worse they got bigger. I grabbed the razor and put it against my thigh. It do no longer hurt because I've done it for so long. I pulled the razor far across my thigh and quite deep. I grabbed a red stained towel from my bottom draw putting presser on my cut hissing at the stinging sensation it gave me. 


I arrived at Sharni's house and knocked once. Nothing. I knocked a second time. Nothing. I began to panicked. I tried to open the door. It's locked. Fuck. I thought myself.

I ran around to the back and was greeted by Splodge. Which is weird because Sharni always have Splodge inside when she is alone. I went the back sliding door. Thank god they weren't locked I thought as I ran inside searching for Sharni. "SHARNI!" I yelled turning my head around looking for her. 

I ran upstairs and heard silent sobs coming from Sharni's bathroom. "Sharni?" I whispered. As I walked closer the the bathroom door the sobs got louder. "Sharni?" I whispered once again turing the handle to find it locked. 

"Go away Brodie" Sharni said hitting the door faintly. "Sharni unlock the door" I said again trying to unlock the door with a bubby pin I had in my hair. "Don't fucking try unlocking the door Brodie" Sharni said hitting the door harder in frustration. "Why Sharni? Why can't I see you?" I questioned sliding down the door in defeat. "Because Brodie.. You just can't" Sharni said cocking because she was crying so much. "Just can't isn't an answer" I said slightly laughing. "Brodie I can't see you because nothing will be the same. We won't be friends anymore." Sharni replied. "Why wouldn't we be friends anymore? Unless Luke is behind that door I'm fine with what ever is going on." "Brodie you will.. Augh just be disappointed in me. Everyone will be." "Just unlock the door Sharni" I said getting a little mad. It couldn't be that bad could it? 


"Just open the door Sharni" Brodie said sounding mad. I can't let her see. She will hate me forever. "Just please Sharni" I heard Brodie cry. Hold on Brodie was crying? "Brodie are you crying?" I questioned getting up pulling down my sleves and pulling up my pants. "Yes I am Sharni you're one of my bestfriends and I don't want you to do whatever you are doing anymore. You're not only hurting yourself, but you're hurting everyone. Myself, Lora, Hannah and Daria we are all worried about you!" 


 "Brodie are you crying?" Sharni questioned.  "Yes I am Sharni you're one of my bestfriends and I don't want you to do whatever you are doing anymore. You're not only hurting yourself, but you're hurting everyone. Myself, Lora, Hannah and Daria we are all worried about you!" I said trying again to open the door with my bobby pin. I did it. I unlocked the door without Sharni realizing. I heard Sharni get up so I made a quick entrance. 

What I saw next wasn't what I thought I would ever see in my life. "SHARNI!" I scream grabbing her wrist looking at them. "Brodie..." Sharni said looking at the ground crying. I looked at Sharni with tears streaming down my cheeks. One of my bestfriends was doing this? Why? "Sharni... I..I" I stuttered. "Brodie before you judge me you don't know what I go through. You don't understand how long I've done this so if you're going to judge get out." Sharni said pointing to the door. 

"Sharni as much as I don't understand I'm not leaving you like this. I can't see you hurt yourself any longer. I cna't live with myself knowing that you do this to yourself!" I said holding into a tight hug. "So your not going to leave?" Sharni asked. "Leave? You? No way! I can never leave you. We have been through way to much for me to just get up and leave" I said hugging her tighter. 

"Brodie you can't tell the others" Sharni said sounding scared. "What, why?" I questioned thinking it would be better if they knew. "They won't all understand the way you do." Sharni responded whipping her eyes. "Our secret?" She asked. "Our secret." 

Ours and only ours. 

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