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Madara POV

I watched as Hayumi's eyes widened in fear at the sight of that bastard senju as she tried her best to wriggle out of my hold but I held on tight. "What's wrong Hayumi? Does the sight of him make you uncomfortable?" I questioned her, making sure my question could be heard by the senju as Hayumi quickly shook her head.

"Tou-sama, let me down! Tou-san is -!"

"Hayumi - get over here. Now."

I smirked at the senju's infuriated tone as I turned to him and matched his glare with my own. "What are you doing here senju? You're interrupting my time with Hayumi." I hissed as Hayumi trembled in my hold, her hands fisting the fabric of my high-collared shirt.

"Excuse me? "

The senju was livid.

"You heard me. It's not as if you're going to do anything with her once I hand her over to you. At least she'd have plenty to do if she were with me - who's been there for most of her life ; even more than you - her biological father!" I spat, trying to rile him up as I saw it was working easily.

"In fact, if I ever had or wanted a daughter, it would be someone exactly like Hayumi." I muttered as I planted a soft kiss on her temple while keeping an eye on the senju.


I barely had time to jump backwards as he suddenly appeared before me, kunai in hand as I readjusted my grip on Hayumi, who was about to fall off from the sudden movement.

I was about to lash out at the senju when I thought of an even better idea. I turned to Hayumi, who was looking at her father in shock. "How could you do that senju? Did you meant to hurt your daughter, oh I'm sorry, my daughter as well?"

It had the exact effect I wanted as I saw his eyes narrow in rage before I had to dodge another attack. The senju was quick on his feet - I'll give him that.

"She is not ....your daughter."

I could feel the amount of rage behind those words ; looks like I might've struck a nerve there.

"With a few modifications here and there, she can be! And besides, even I know I'll be a better father than you - who's never there for their child!"


He made a frontal assault this time, to which I decided to return as our kunai clashed before I kicked him back.

"Shall we take a trip down memory lane senju? Or more specifically - Hayumi's memories...let's see who made a bigger impact in her short life."

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