[ 17 ]

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Tobirama stepped into Hayumi's room, where Himeko sat by their daughter's bedside. The two were conversing before he walked in, bringing the conversation to a halt as Himeko stared at him worriedly whilst Hayumi shot him a look of agitation, looking like she was about to bolt any minute now if it were not for the soothing hand her mother had placed above hers.

"Tobi? Are you okay?" Himeko asked as he approached the two of them, locking eyes with Hayumi when walking before coming to a stop in front of her, her onyx eyes never leaving his.

Hayumi immediately shrunk back when Tobirama extended a hand towards her, staring at him distrustfully as she made no motion to take it. 

Remembering his brother's words, Tobirama sat down by her bedside, giving a subtle nod to Himeko, who looked between them concernedly before leaving the room. 

Hayumi watched her mother go anxiously, not wanting be in the room alone with this man. She knew she was still weak - her chakra levels at an all time low as her eyes sometimes pulsed painfully. She was going to have to preserve some chakra soon ; she did not wish to stay here any longer and wanted to know of what's become of her father.

Tobirama let out a soft sigh when he saw her look at him agitatedly, like prey in front of a predator as he slowly started. 

"When...........did you wake up?" he began, not knowing where to start as Hayumi let out a scoff, turning to face the window that had a view of the garden behind it. She knew that she was in her old room ; she had practically demanded her parents to give her this room since she loved the view so much. 

Now, she just wished she could burn it to ashes.

"I do not see how that concerns you." Hayumi answered haughtily, not bothering to turn around and face him even as the words spilt from her lips.

'Well, it's better than her not replying at all......I guess'  Tobirama sullenly thought as he gazed at the wooden floorboard of her room.

Hayumi, who was curious as to why he had not attempted to speak at her again, peered at him discreetly from the corner of her eye. Tobirama finally looked up as Hayumi was quick to switch her gaze back to the garden, listening in on what he had to say.

"Are you.....willing to take a walk with me?" Tobirama hesitantly asked as Hayumi kept silent, still not willing to look at him.

On the inside though, she was very shocked. Her father had never, ever been so uncertain with something before. And even if he was, he wouldn't just openly show it to her or her mother. 

Tobirama himself knew this fact well, and even he was reluctant to put his feelings so....out there, would be a word for it. But he knew that this was something he should have done long before - be honest with her and show her than even he was a human, and could bear feelings of hurt, sadness and even uncertainty.

Hayumi was still debating over whether she should go before finally realising that she couldn't even get out of bed! 

"I can't move, how am I supposed to walk with you?" Hayumi silently asked. The question was not meant to be sarcastic, though she had wanted it to be ; she reigned in her tone at the last minute before she spoke out so that it sounded sincere.

Tobirama himself must have known this, for he stared at her with a look of pure happiness and.......tenderness ; a look she had not seen on her father for far too long - ever since she was a child in fact. 

"I'll carry you on my back, is that alright?" he asked carefully, knowing she was still wary of him as he crouched down in front of her bed, back facing her. Hayumi contemplated on what she should do for awhile before shrugging, deciding that she'd been in the room long enough. 

She slowly swung her legs out from under her covers, shaking them for awhile before moving over to where Tobirama still crouched. She tentatively placed a hand on one of his shoulders, then the other as he gently stood up, his arms supporting the legs wrapped around his waist before craning his head to look at her.

"Are you comfortable?" he asked worriedly, knowing her body was still weak as she silently nodded her head, indicating that she was.

"Would you like to go to town? We can get some dinner along the way for your kaa-san too, since she hasn't eaten yet."

Tobirama knew it was a low-move, using her mother as a means to get her to go with him, yet he honestly had no choice since he knew she would turn him down if it was for any reason other than her mother.

"Ok......" Hayumi hoarsely whispered, not feeling like talking much as they walked out the door and into the lively town. 

Despite being at the age of ten, Hayumi was still a relatively small child ; she looked like she was still 7 years old! Her hands held on to Tobirama's shirt tightly at the stares she was receiving, knowing that it was because of the Uchiha shirt she wore and because of her now onyx eyes. She closed them, not wanting them to look at her more than they need to any further as Tobirama brought her to wherever he had planned to buy food from.

Tobirama, who was well-aware of the looks his daughter was receiving, tried his best to hide her as well as he could, knowing she hated it and would soon regret ever accepting his offer in the first place.

However, Tobirama also couldn't help but feel..........happy, and at peace with himself as he felt her warm body on his back. He knew that she thought this was the first time he had ever given her a piggyback ride, but it actually wasn't.

Whenever the family went out for dinner and she happened to fall asleep, Tobirama always placed Hayumi on his back before carrying her home ; she never found out about it though, despite him doing it quite often, even up till a few days before she had left him. He now knew that he should have cherished those moments more, if he knew of the dark days to come.

They stopped in front of a dumpling shop, the enticing aroma of food made Hayumi pop open her eyes as she practically drooled at the multi-coloured dumplings on display. Tobirama let out a small chuckle at her expression as the shopkeeper came to greet them. 

"Ah, Tobirama-sama! It's nice to see you again! And who's this?" the shopkeeper - Mr.Hitoshi, asked jovially as he peered at a shy Hayumi, who was trying her best to use Tobirama as a shield and avoid the man's stare.

"Ah.....this is Hayumi, she's my......" 

Tobirama suddenly stopped, knowing how absurd it would be if he had said that she was his daughter ; she didn't even look like him anymore! In the past, when she still possessed her hereditary eyes, everyone would just put two and two together and assume she was his daughter without him even having to say it. But now......

"She's......one of my uzumaki companion's daughter. I had decided to bring her out for a snack." Tobirama quickly answered, not wanting the man to suspect something and was relieved when Hayumi didn't show much of a reaction, albeit the small roll of the eyes at his answer.

They bought the dumplings before heading back, Hayumi's head buried in the crook of his neck as she dozed, feeling tired all of a sudden. Tobirama slowed down in his steps when he heard her soft breathing, enjoying it as he trekked back to their home. Her hands that were on his shoulders before were now dangling in front of his chest as he leaned forward slightly so that she won't topple off since she wasn't holding on to him anymore.

He knew that these moments wouldn't last.....that's why he was so determined to treasure them......this point in time.......their time.


3 chapters in a day ;) Just for you guys!

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