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Born with the blood of a Senju and Uzumaki

Senju Hayumi, the child of the prophecy

A prodigy though not known to many

A danger to the future , be wary

Uchiha Madara ; the man of war

will rise once more, causing an uproar

With his daughter by his side

His one and only Uchiha pride

To those who shall be fighting in the war

Do exercise caution or you're bound to fall

Father and daughter shall rule them all

Not one shall be spared ; they'll kill them all

Her Sharingan cuts through the darkness of night

No one shall escape her heavenly plight

Flames as dark as lacquer burns bright

Setting everything around her alight

Senju Hayumi is the key

To victory or loss ; do pay heed

Victory is ensured with her by your side

A loss so devastating if she so decide

Tobirama Senju, I say this to thee

You had let her slip before

Yet Uchiha Madara had been there to catch her fall

let her slip even just once more

and she shall forever, be yours no more







Q and A time!

Here are some of the questions you guys have asked me either in the comments, or by personally messaging me! I do hope that you'll be content with the answers!

1. Will Hayumi be participating in the fourth shinobi war?

- Of course! In fact, she's going to be playing a big role in it! What role you ask? You'll see!

2. What's going to happen to Hayumi? Will she be resurrected? Reanimated?

- Well, all I can say for sure is that she's going to make an appearance in the war itself! Whether as a reanimation or........reborn.....or not :P

3. How many chapters are you planning to make for the sequel?

- Erm.......I actually haven't really thought about that yet. It probably won't be too long - I estimate about 20 chapters or less!

4. How old was she when she died?

- Hayumi passed at the age of 10, saving Madara from Tobirama's point blank stab.

5. Are you planning on making a few one-shots for Tobi, Mada and Hayumi?

- I certainly wouldn't mind writing it! The main question is of how much you want me to write it!

6. How did you come up with the storyline?

- I'm an avid daydreamer I must admit, and find myself daydreaming about Naruto 98% of the time since I've started reading a few fanfiction on it. At that time, I was really into Tobirama, and wondered how he would be like if he had a child. And lo behold - this story is born lol.

7. What was the original ending for your story? Did you really intend to kill her off in the first place?

- Oh dude, now I feel bad lolol. Well initially, I had pictured for her to die along with Madara and live happily in the other world. But then, I figured - why not resurrect Hayumi again when Madara starts the war? Heckin awesome.

8. How do you write those heartbreaking scenes?

- Just listen to extremely sad naruto piano music - it works, trust me.



And that's it for the questions! Thanks so much for reading the book! I hope you've enjoyed the story! Oh, and I apologise if the short poem I wrote above is....well, crappy. That's the first poem I've ever written haha.

Look forward to the sequel!


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