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That's the smile Madara usually shows Hayumi!


Tobirama and Himeko felt themselves falling for a very long time as Tobirama tried his best to get close to her before wrapping his arms around her, protecting her in case anything happened. After awhile, they found themselves coming to a stop as they stopped in front of three huge bubbles.

"These are...." Tobirama murmured as he tried to get a closer look.

"Memory bubbles. These must be the memories she's most fond of, or remembers most clearly out of all the rest. Maybe we'll find our answers there." 

Himeko stepped forward to the first bubble as Tobirama followed suit.


"Tou-sama? Tou-sama!" Hayumi shouted, getting extremely worried for her father as she reached out, trying to grab hold of something to know where she was. Bandages were wrapped around her newly awakened eyes - The Mangekyō Sharingan. 

Madara had gone out a few hours earlier, saying that he was going to get them some food. But it was nighttime now, and Hayumi was getting very worried and hungry as she stumbled about.

"T-tou sa- waaa!!" Hayumi shrieked as she tripped over a loose stone. She felt herself pitching forward as she braced herself for the fall, which never came.

"Why do you never listen to me?" Madara grumbled as he transferred the plastic bag on one hand to the other before picking up Hayumi by the waist and letting her dangle there as he began walking.

"I-I was just worried about you!" Hayumi pouted as Madara chuckled, to which Hayumi huffed to. "What's so funny?"

"You really should be resting you know. Acquiring the Mangekyo is no easy feat and I also have no idea why you are experiencing such pain upon getting it ; It usually doesn't hurt at all." Madara mused as Hayumi pondered upon that fact too.

"It didn't even hurt that much when I first got my normal Sharingan transplanted into me.......maybe it's because of my Senju blood, though I'm not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing............" Hayumi trailed as Madara hummed in agreement.

"Your Sharingan itself is unique - I've never seen the likes of it before." Madara said as he adjusted his grip on Hayumi, who gave a little "oof!"

"Tou-sama, you're being too rough!" Hayumi whined as she hit Madara's hands.

Madara let out a laugh before carrying her properly this time as her head rested comfortably in the crook of his neck.


"What is it?"

"You stink! When was the last time you took a shower?!"

"Tch, that's none of your business!" Madara rebutted childishly as the two continued on walking.


Tobirama stared at the scene wistfully, wanting nothing more than to be in Madara's place and have Hayumi say those things to him. He never joked around with Hayumi much, seeing as he never really was there in the first place. They usually merely exchanged greetings when passing by each other and that's it. 

When was the last time he had properly spent any time with her? He couldn't even remember. He wanted to, so desperately, turn back time ; change the past. If only he had been there for her ; if only he had seen more of her........

An image of him cradling a baby Hayumi suddenly popped into his mind. He could still remember her small, pale face and ruby-red hair as she snoozed softly in his arms. The feeling of astonishment and love of when she first opened her eyes and gazed at them with his eyes. Hearing her laugh as he played with her as a baby. 

Tobirama was full of regrets.

Himeko also stared at the scene sadly as she reached out, wanting to touch her precious daughter and the laugh frozen on her petite face. She looked so happy - happier than she had ever been when she was with them. She suddenly began to develop anger for the man standing beside her - her husband. If he just spent more time with her......would Hayumi still have left? Somehow, Himeko had a feeling that Hayumi never would have gone to see Madara in the first place if Tobirama had just spent more time with her ; time of which he never had for either of them.

Whenever she thought of a memory between the three of them, Tobirama was never there ; It was either that, or Tobirama was there and Hayumi wasn't. Ever since Hayumi turned three, Tobirama just never seemed to have the time for her anymore, choosing to push her away and rushing to his work instead when really, he should have been catering to Hayumi's wants and needs - she was a child for pete's sake, did she not deserve Tobirama's attention? Did his work mean that much to him? More than their own child?

"Himeko......" Tobirama started, somehow sensing his wife's change in mood as he reached for her, only to have her turn around, avoiding his hand. 

"We should go." she softly murmured before forming a seal and they were transported back to stand in front of the three bubbles once again. Himeko didn't utter a single word as she stepped into the second bubble, with Tobirama close behind her.


I was just watching Itachi and Sasuke's final fight again.

I was just watching Itachi and Sasuke's final fight again

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Guess who cried at 3 in the morning ;-;

And while we're at it, here's a fun fact: did you know I actually listen to Naruto soundtracks/songs when writing these fanfictions? It gives me inspiration and so many ideas (I'm a sucker for Silhouette, Sign, Blood Circulator, Blue bird and - yeah I'm just gonna stop there)

And then sometimes I lose myself in the song to the point I blank out and forget what I was writing LOL.

Speaking of which, I found so many great gifs :D

Gonna enjoy using them hoho.

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