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"Can we kill him, tou-sama?"

Tobirama froze when he heard those words, staring in shock at Hayumi who's lifeless eyes stared back at his before turning around, burying her face into Madara's chest. Madara patted her back comfortingly as he walked towards the frozen Tobirama. 

Once he was close enough, he bent to whisper in Tobirama's ear so that Hayumi wouldn't hear what he was going to say. 

"You know what the best part about this is? I didn't have to do anything at all, it was you who willingly let her come to me. I did consider killing you to get even with what you've done but..." Madara trailed before smirking and kicking him back.

"What better revenge is there then this?"

Tobirama cursed as he slowly stood, nursing his abdomen which had received all the damage from Madara's kick as he glared hatefully at the Uchiha standing before him.

"Enough with the mind games Madara! Let me out and give Hayumi back to me!!" Tobirama snarled as he quickly whipped out one of his marked kunai from his pouch before throwing it at Madara, who simply dodged.

Tobirama then flashed to where the two were standing as he forcefully snatched Hayumi out of Madara's and into his own as the illusion of the village began to disappear from around him. 


Now, it was Madara who was glaring at Tobirama, who cradled Hayumi close to his chest. "We're leaving." he snapped as he turned around, shooting Madara a warning glare. 

"Get....." Hayumi whispered as Tobirama looked down at her unmoving form in his arms. 

"Hayumi? Are you hurt? Did he do anything to you?" Tobirama asked worriedly as he quickly set her down and began checking her over.

"Get away........" Hayumi whispered yet again as Tobirama's eyes snapped open when he saw the speed at which she weaved her hand signs.


"Water Style: Water Wall!"

Tobirama's walls came up just in time as it doused the flames. He barely had time to relax as multiple shuriken broke through the wall.

'Shuriken inside the fire?!'

Tobirama just managed to dodge two of them as the other one imbedded itself into his right leg. He didn't even have time to pull it out as Hayumi began forming another set of handsigns.

"Earth Style: Splitting Earth!"

Hayumi slammed both her palms to the ground as Tobirama quickly jumped to side as the earth was split open. 

'That jutsu is on jounin level at best and requires a massive amount of chakra! At her age, even with her Uzumaki bloodline, that shouldn't have been possible! How did she?!'

"Madara! What have you done to my daughter?!" Tobirama roared as he flashed over to where Madara was. Tobirama had remembered to mark Madara when grabbing Hayumi from him in case anything were to happen ; he was glad he did.


Tobirama slashed across Madara's side but quickly-noticed it wasn't deep enough to kill as he quickly flashed back again behind Madara. He was about to sink his blade into Madara's back when something punched him in the gut.

He looked down to see Hayumi, who's glare felt like it could burn him whole as her fist then opened up into a palm on his abdomen.

"Sealing Jutsu: Chakra Seal!"

Tobirama could feel his chakra get sucked right out of him as he stumbled backwards to get away from Hayumi, who was fussing over Madara.

"Tou-sama! Daijobu?!" Hayumi asked worriedly as she knelt by Madara's side and began healing his wound with the limited medical ninjutsu taught to her by her mother. 

"I'll be fine. This won't kill me." Madara assured as Hayumi quickly pulled out a roll of bandages from her pouch before wrapping them around the wound. Madara stood before looking to where the damn senju was and was pleased to find him struggling to mold chakra.

"Don't bother. Hayumi's sealing skills are equivalent to your wife's." Madara chuckled darkly as he walked over to the vulnerable senju. 

"You dare to use that move against me? You really are asking for death, senju scum!" Madara spat as he kicked Tobirama away.

Tobirama coughed harshly as he struggled to get up, cursing at his own uselessness. Madara picked up Tobirama's katana that had dropped when he was kicked ; unsheathing it as he smirked at Tobirama.

"The sword that you used to kill Izuna......will now end your life!"

Madara swung.

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