[ 18 ]

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It has been a week since that day, and Tobirama was still trying his very best to repair the broken bond between him and his daughter. He tries to come home early every day ; taking days off to spend with her and her mother or even just sitting in the room with her and keeping her company. If Hayumi had taken note of his actions and his intentions, she wasn't showing it as she continuously showed them a blank facade whenever they tried to get close to her. 

On this fine day, Tobirama had just bought a fresh batch of dango, knowing that Hayumi loved them as he trodded home, looking forward to seeing the two most precious women in his life. 

"Tadaima!" he shouted out as a faint "Okairi!" was heard from somewhere in the kitchen. He slipped off his ninja sandals before stepping foot into the kitchen, where Himeko was preparing their dinner of Uzumaki-style ramen. He placed the dango on the table before hugging Himeko from behind, around her waist as he nuzzled his head into her neck affectionately.

"Tobi? Is something wrong?" Himeko asked as she turned around to return his embrace, knowing that her husband wasn't well, usually this affectionate. 

"Nothing's wrong, I just felt like giving you a hug," he said shyly and blushed when Himeko let out a giggle.

"Honestly, you're just trying to soften me up so you can tell me you bought more food for Hayumi again, right?" she asked, faking her anger as she pouted at him.

"Well......" Tobirama's voice lowered guiltily as Hayumi chuckled at her adorable husband, giving him a sweet peck on the cheek before waving him off. 

"Go ahead, she's waiting for you." 

Tobirama nodded before picking up the dango and heading to Hayumi's room. He slid open the shogi door, eyes softening at the sight of a snoozing Hayumi tangled up in bed. Books laid splayed around her as her head was close to touching the floorboards. 

Tobirama quickly went to lift her up before placing her back on the bed again. Hayumi had requested for some reading material yesterday, saying that she was bored out of her mind ; Tobirama had immediately dug up all the books he thought she would be interested in before handing it to her an hour after her request.

Hayumi was snoring when Tobirama sat down on her bed, gently caressing her cheeks as he looked at her lovingly. 

"I know that......you may never forgive me. And I wouldn't blame you if you don't, since it was my foolish actions that drove you away in the first place...." Tobirama murmured as he fingered her red locks.

"However......I won't ever stop trying to make you see that.......that........." Tobirama paused when he noticed the slight twitching of her eyes, thinking she had woken up. He let out a small sigh of relief when the twitching stopped before holding her cheek tenderly.

"........that tou-san loves you more than anything and anyone in this world........and that he's willing to do anything for you............papa wa anata o aishite iru........kokoro o tsukushite.....watashi no yūkan'na chīsana Senju......." he whispered as he leaned downwards, placing his lips softly upon Hayumi's forehead before deciding to lie down next to her, wanting to spend just a little more time with her.


Hayumi slowly cracked her eyes open as she let out a loud yawn, blinking sleepily as she tried to register what she had been doing for her to get this worn-out. "Wasn't I reading a jutsu book? Where'd it go?" she mumbled to no one in particular as she started to get up, before finally noticing that a pale arm was slung across her body as she turned to look at who it was.

She nearly let out a squeal when she saw Tobirama dozing away next to her, his facial features relaxed as he slept on peacefully.

'W-why is he here?!' Hayumi thought frantically, looking around her to try and figure out what had happened before finally seeing the dango placed on the floor. 

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