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Hayumi and Kizuto finally reached her father as she pushed herself off Kizuto, wincing at the red blood that now stained his white coat. "Gomene.....I got my blood......." she mumbled as her wolf summon snorted before nodding his head in Madara's direction.

"That's what you're worried about? It's not as if I'm the one who's injured now am I? You better heal yourself before you decide to go in." Kizuto huffed before poofing away, leaving behind a smiling Hayumi.

"Ah honestly.......what a tsundere." she chuckled as she stood straighter, trying to see if she could help in anyway. She couldn't risk activating her Sharingan and draining her already limited chakra supply. She hobbled along, occasionally wincing as rocks and stones pelted her tiny body.

She looked up again, only to find that the wooden golem and her father's susanoo was gone as the two men stood on opposite rooftops, both drained of their chakras. She too hopped onto one of the shadowed rooftops nearby, trying to sense any incoming danger. 


Her eyes widened when she sensed Tobirama's chakra flickering to life nearby, most probably wanting to attack seeing as her father was vulnerable now. But how was he going to get there? From the left? The right?

Hayumi, who was panicking slightly now, glanced around her quickly, trying to gauge his location and his plan of attack when she suddenly remembered a distant memory.


"Tou-san? What are you doing?"  a seven-year old Hayumi sleepily asked her father, who was still sitting in his office working on something despite the late hours. 

"Shouldn't you be in bed, Hayumi?" Tobirama asked, not looking up at her as he continued to scribble something down on a scroll.

"I was................waiting for you to come back." she said softly as Tobirama did look up this time, his eyes softening at the sight of his dishevelled daughter, who kept rubbing her droopy eyes as he motioned for her to come over.

Hayumi perked up slightly as she walked over before sitting next to her father, wanting to sit on his comfortable-looking lap yet also not wanting to disturb his work.

"What are working on, tou-san?" Hayumi asked curiously as she tried reading over his scrolls, yet not understanding a word as she pouted. 

Tobirama chuckled at her expression before beginning to explain to her.

"I was trying to strengthen my flying thunder god jutsu."

"You mean the one where you disappear?"

He laughed at her choice of words. "Well yes, I suppose you could say I disappeared. But it's more like me just teleporting to wherever I place my markings." he explained as he showed her his seal - a round circle with three straight lines protruding from both sides of the circle as she looked at it in amazement.

"Tou-san's a genius!" Hayumi chirped as she grinned at her father, who let out a smile at her enthusiasm.

"Not really, this jutsu isn't actually that hard to do. All I have to do is to place my marking on my target and I'll be able to cut them down where the stand. But, the marking usually disappears after I use it, so now I'm trying to make it permanent."

Hayumi nodded, listening attentively despite not really understanding much. Tobirama went on to talk about a few more things before finally noticing the lack of response and movement next to him. He turned, only to let out a soft sigh when he saw his daughter's head nodding off.

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