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Somewhere far away in the Konoha forests - in an underground hideout, Madara gently laid Hayumi's body down in a wooden coffin as he caressed her soft cheeks for the last time. He bent down, placing a long kiss on her forehead as he felt the tears threatening to spill. He remembered to cut off a few strands of her fiery red hair before sealing away the coffin.

He walked over to sit down before a wooden table before pulling out the scroll Hayumi had given him from his pouch. He lightly fingered the dark blue scroll before opening it and was greeted by the sight of her neat handwriting.











"Tou-sama.........I've really done it now, haven't I? I probably did something stupid and uncalled for if I ended up like this.......and you're probably cursing my head off for making that decision. But you know? I don't regret it - not one bit. If I did die, I feel like I must have done something right for once. Though I'm pretty sure that the reason I'm dead is because I took a blow for you or something, as highly unlikely as that seems since you've always told me you can take care of yourself.

Tou-sama, I'm so grateful to have you be the one who stands by my side ; no matter what anyone says, you'll always be the father I love and look up to. Even if we constantly bicker about the most insignificant of things, the time we spend together is one of which I will always cherish. Even though you're always lecturing me on one thing or another, I know it's because you care and for me to better myself.

When I first had decided to transplant the Sharingan into my eyes, you had given me a choice, You didn't force me to get it, which I honestly thought you would. Instead, you straightforwardly asked me if I truly wanted it, that you wouldn't blame me or hate me for it if I didn't. I know you aren't usually this compassionate tou-sama ; to know that you were like that to me, it made me feel so special and loved. However, I had already decided to get the Sharingan long ago. I would prove that I wasn't weak, that I'm worthy to stand by you and proudly call myself your daughter.

Many in the village show you scorn for your heritage, despite not even knowing you to a certain degree to judge you for it. Whenever we went out together, I could see the fear in their eyes when you spoke to them ; if it wasn't fear, it would be contempt as glares of hate followed you everywhere you went. Seeing this, it made me.........unbelievably sad.

You were such a kind person deep down, why couldn't they just see that? Why do they judge you to be something you're not. You're always showing me that you don't care ; that it doesn't affect you but I know it does. Be it from the way your hand tightens ever so slightly around mine, or the sadness shining deep within your eyes. 

All you ever wanted..........was to be accepted for who you are........

And in that sense, you're just like me. 

I could still remember the first time we met, when I woke up to your grumpy face after I was knocked unconscious. You had immediately scolded me for suddenly getting injured like that as I just wondered to myself - 'Who on earth is this oji-san? Why is he scolding me?' And I remember snapping back at you that - 'an old man should just mind your own business!' Boy were you mad! You looked like you wanted to choke me!

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