The New Femme

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Soundwave stood at his usual, and mostly permanent, place at the consoles in the Command Room, monitoring the security, transmissions and the task of decoding the Iacon database.

The sound of pacing pedesteps told him that Megatron was still pacing, back and forth, back and forth, behind him.

The tall, dark mech didn't move or even acknowledge his lord's agitation. Megatron was common, and tended to happen a lot when Starscream was around. In fact, Soundwave couldn't remember the last time that day that he had even seen the SIC. He made a mental note to check on the seeker later.

It was the sound of the pacing ceasing that alerted Soundwave to Megatron standing directly behind him. As usual, the tall mech didn't stop in his work, continuing diligently. If Megatron needed him to do something, he'd tell him.

Soundwave typed in half of a set of coordinates, trying to figure out what the other half might be from looking at the two pieces together. His typing stopped as he thought carefully over each possibility, tried to think of how the code might work. To place himself in the creator's place.


The sound of his name being spoken by his master caused the mech to turn and look at the Decepticon warlord silently, waiting for an order.

"Have you yet received a transmission from Shockwave?" Megatron asked him.

Soundwave shook his head once. "Negative." He responded, wondering what Shockwave might have to interest his master so greatly. But, of course, it was not any of his bussiness, and, therefore, didn't even bother asking.

Megatron nodded once to him, the signal that he could continue his previous task.

Turning back and resuming the job of trying to decode the set of coordinates, Soundwave's processor took a different road. Shockwave had been left behind on Cybertron to work, with what, nocon knew. It was a secret that not even he himself knew.

Inwardly, Soundwave continued to think about the strange way Megatron acted. The way how over the past few months he had gotten more irritable and impatient than usual, which was bad luck for Starscream.

Soundwave honestly didn't care all that much. Megatron never aimed his aggression at him, and he was left alone by the others. Finally, the dark lord had ordered him to send a message to the one-opticed scientist, requesting him to come to the Nemesis, and bring something with him.

Glancing up at the console, Soundwave noticed that a transmission had just come in, and turned to Megatron, bringing the icon up on his visor for the Decepticon leader to see.

"Finally." Megatron growled, stepping up next to him.

Soundwave looked up at his lord. "Statement: Shockwave requests permission to land his aircraft." He turned his visor to look up at his master. "Claim: Brings something with him."

Megatron nodded once. "Grant his request." He responded, moving to the door. "Then you may accompany me to the outer bridge." He ordered.

Looking after the retreating mech, Soundwave nodded to himself before sending the message to the scientist, then leaving his place at the console to make his way up towards the bridge, pace slow and purposeful.

Coming out into the dimming light of dusk, as the darkness began to choke the sun, Soundwave saw that Shockwave's aircraft had already arrived.

Soundwave moved to stand behind Megatron, watching through his visor as the landing ramp began to open, allowing the large purple scientist to step off and move up before the Decepticon warlord.

Shockwave dipped his helm respectfully at the ex-gladiator. "My lord Megatron." He said in that rumble that was his voice.

"Shockwave." Megatron responded, looking at the cyclopse before him. "Have you brought what I requested?" He asked.

Listening quietly to their conversation, Soundwave's processor was rolling with possibilities. Brought what? He demanded of himself. A test subject? A new weapon? Another Predacon? The possibilites, whenever Shockwave was involved, were endless, so he decided to just wait and see what happened.

"Yes, my lord." Shockwave responded, looking up at Megatron. "She is here with me." He answered, looking back at the ship, motioning with his claws for something to come out.

Wait... She? Soundwave thought, slightly surprised though he would never admit it. He stared at the landing ramp now, watching as a slender, crimson leg appeared, followed by a second.

Soundwave was entranced by the movements as more and more of the body was revealed until a crimson red Cybertronian stood just at the bottom of the ramp.

Oh, Primus. Soundwave thought inwardly. It's a femme.

(Hey guys, wow. A lot of reviews on the first chapter! Thanks so much, it's very motivating! Now. I need help with a name for Prime's daughter. All I can think of are lame, the best probably being PinkStreak. Anyways, if you guys have any better ideas for a name, please leave a comment! Thanks guys! :D)

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