Fearful Encounter

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The moment the word was out of her mouth, Solis knew that she'd regret it, and immediately began to struggle in the large, silver mech's arms, trying desperately to escape him. His arms only tightened around her as he sat silently, keeping her pinned against his chassis as he waited for her to stop struggling.

Solis felt fear... That's all she could feel as she looked into the red optics. And, for once, she really wished that Shockwave was there. He wouldn't comfort her, he would probably lecture her about not doing as her lord and future sparkmate demanded, but she just wanted him around... His familiarity... He had been a surrogate father for her, even if he had never really cared for her.

Looking at the warlord, Solis wondered what he was waiting for. He was just watching her silently, arms tightly wrapped around her while he waited for something... She realized that he was waiting for her to give up... Tire herself out. He was trying to break her spirit...

Tears threatened her optics, but Solis pushed them away, staring at the mech as her struggling slowed and then ceased, the crimson femme venting hard as she just waited for what she thought would happen.

Megatron studied her patiently while he waited for her to stop her feeble attempts to struggle away from him. He waited and thought as he did so. He wondered if he should just make her his mate now, but, if he sparkbonded with her, his greater size and age, coupled with her much younger, immature and small body... She most likely wouldn't be able to keep the bond, or it would offline her. If he just took her now, then he could injure her and totally obliterate her spirit... And he wanted her to have spirit, just not too much of it.

"You are very stubborn, Solis." Megatron stated calmly. "And for this time, I will be lenient... But not ever again." He hissed.

Solis stared at him with wide otics, the fear increasing. She felt his servos mover up her sides and over her shoulders to the back of her helm, gripping it painfully and making her wince at the slight pain that welled up. "L-Lord." She stammered, trying to pull away again.

The warlord growled and pulled her helm down fast and hard, his lips connecting with hers roughly.

Solis squeaked in fear, surprise and pain, trying to continue struggling as he kissed her. One arm wrapped around her back to keep her arms pinned to her sides and her upper body against his own. All she could do was shut her optics as she whimpered against his lips. His kiss was rough and hard, hard enough to bruise her lips.

Tears threatened the optics of the crimson femme again, and, this time, they streamed down her face as he kept going, biting her lips and eventually getting his glossa into her mouth.

Whimpering and crying silently, Solis tried to get out of his grip. She was beginning to envision what life would be like to live with this mech... To be sparkbonded to him. The very thought of it nearly suffocated her with the fear.

Several moments passed and Solis' struggles grew weaker until she eventually stopped, just submitting to the much stronger and larger Cybertronian, letting him continue. Her lack of air was beginning to make her desperate again, and she was scared that she would fall unconscious when he finally pulled away.

Drawing in a sharp breath, Solis stared at him, lips trembling as she tried to not cry.

Megatron had absolutely no regret or sympathy in his expression and just smirked, reaching up to roughly wipe away her tears, just making them fall faster as the femme looked away from him.

Growling, Megatron took her chin in his servo, the claws biting in slightly and making Solis wince as he turned her face so that she was forced to look at him. "You will do as I tell you Solis." The warlord told her sharply. "And you will obey me, or learn to."

Solis stared at him with fear in her spark, nodding quickly, not trusting her voice to speak for her.

"Answer me." Megatron snapped at her, his claws digging in more.

"Y-Yes, L-lord." Solis stammered, trying not to pull her face away or cry, but she was very close to doing both as he just kept her face in place, optics looking her over again. "Good." He purred, pulling her against himself and wrapping both arms around her body. "Now kiss me, Solis." He ordered.

Solis' lower lip trembled as she looked at him, not wanting to obey him but scared not to. "Wh-what if someone s-sees us?" She asked, wanting to get out of it, but Megatron snorted. "The door is locked." He responed, glaring. "Now do it, or I'll do it again."

Trembling, Solis leaned forward a little before kissing him. She just placed her lips against his lightly, not wanting to do anything more than that, but his servo moved to the back of her helm again, deepening the pressure, making her winced. "Stop, lord..." She pleaded. "M-my lips h-hurt and..." He cut her off with another rough kiss, causing her to mew softly with the pressure again.

This kiss didn't last as long as the first, but now her lips did hurt. She tried to move her arms up so that she could touch them, but the warlord kept her lips pinned against her sides still.

Megatron looked at her. "You are stubborn." He told her. 'Just like you're creators.' He thought inwardly, face changing to one of hatred as he thought of the Prime and his mate, Elita-1.

Solis noticed the change and it only scared her more, looking at him with large optics. "M-my lord?" She asked fearfully, wondering what had caused the sudden change.

"Hmmm?" Megatron asked her, smiling sweetly as he put a servo to her back, between her shoulder blades, and pulling her closer.

"N-Never mind." Solis answered softly, looking down at his chassis.

Megatron chuckled softly at her response before beginning to rub little circles in her back. It was rough and not at all relaxing, but the femme didn't move or wince, not wanting him to react badly. The warlord increased pressure to her back, making her try to relieve it by leaning forward, but she stopped. She didn't want to lean against him, but it was what he wanted, and he continued to put more and more pressure until she was forced to do just that.

Solis leaned against his chassis, and he moved his servo up to her helm, forcing her to lay it down on his shoulder. "See?" He purred in her audios and placing a brief, rough kiss to her lips again before pulling away. "We're perfect together."

The crimson femme shut her optics tightly again, tears threatening to leak down her face again as she leaned against him, helm on his shoulder... She hated him so much... Soundwave wouldn't do that! Wait... Where'd that thought come from?

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