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Solis Arcana grumbled under her breath as she stood next to Soundwave as he typed whatever it was he was typing into the consoles before them. They were cuffed together, a fact that had only come about from her stubborn streak.

"Can you let me go?" Solis asked loudly, just to annoy the tall mech beside her.

Soundwave ignored her and continued to type in codes and whatnot as he worked his usual place, despite the annoying presence of the crimson femme.

"Sooooouunnnndddwwwavveee!" Solis growled at him loudly. "Can you take off the cuffs?" She asked for the umpteenth time in ten minutes.

"Negative." Soundwave answered, continuing to work as Solis vented loudly... he had told her that she had to follow him wherever he went, and was not allowed to leave his sight, per Megatron's orderes to him, but Solis had refused... Which resulted in her current predicament, being cuffed to the most feared Decepticon on the foreboding warship she now inhabited.

At first, Solis had questioned herself as to why Megatron didn't just have her stay with him, but then had realized that the massive silver mech may not have been able to control himself, hence her present place at Soundwave's side.

"It's so BORING to be here." Solis vented loudly again, wanting to see just how far she could push her 'guardian'. "Seriously... Get a REAL life.

The cold, dark visor turned onto her and Soundwave leaned close to her so that visor and face nearly touched.

Solis tried to lean away, but couldn't anymore than she was now, due to the cuffs.

Looking into the visor, Solis could've sworn that she could see a flicker of purple behind it and she felt her spark flutter at their sudden closeness. "S-Soundwave?" She stammered, pink and blue optics wide.

"Silence." Soundwave ordered in a hiss before he was suddenly gone, back to typing as if nothing had happened.

Solis relaxed now that she had pulled away... She saw, for just a brief glimpse, why he was feared among the ranks.

Shuddering, Solis wondered why her spark had fluttered like that when he leaned so close to her.

Solis was silent and meek now as he continued his work, glancing at him briefly every few moments, as if afraid he would explode at her.

Frowning to herself, the crimson femme looked at Soundwave again. "You're just a big grump." She said bravely.

Soundwave ignored her and her comment, continuing, although she was just beginning to make him feel irritation, something that almost never occured with him anymore.

"Soundwave... Can I go use the washracks?" Solis asked him and he looked at her. "Later." He answered.

"Now Soundwave... I need to use them now." Solis answered, looking at him.

Venting loudly, Soundwave growled inwardly and began to walk, dragging Solis along until they got to her room and the washracks.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa! Hold on a minute!" Solis dug her pedes in. "You're not planning on following me in, are you?" She cried, staring at him.

Soundwave brought up the recording and played it. "You are to guard..." Solis cut him off. "I don't give slag!" She shouted. "Lord Megatron can go to the pit! I..." Solis froze, mouth and optics wide.

Stiffening at her words, Soundwave looked at her intently through his visor, thoughts rushing through his processor. Megatron had said that Solis was important to their cause, but had Soundwave guarding her as if she were an important prisoner. Solis had claimed she was training to be a medic, yet never once was she sent or asked to go to the medbay.

Soundwave frowned behind the mask... There was obviously something going on... Something that Lord Megatron didn't tell him, but Solis obviously knew, since she spoke badly of her lord.

"Five clicks." Soundwave finally spoke, unlocking the cuffs, and she nodded, turning, but he grabbed her arm. "Solis Arcana must be careful with how she speaks of Lord Megatron." He warned, releasing her and watching her hurry into the washrack room, shutting the door behind her.

What is Lord Megatron not telling me?

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