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Soundwave stood stalk still as the femme stepped off of the ramp, moving up until she was beside Shockwave.

Taking advantage of the fact that he was visored, Soundwave allowed his optics to roam her frame as his HUD scanned her, trying to place her with any Autobot or Decepticon in the database. He knew he wouldn't find a match because of how young she was... She didn't even look old enough to be an adult Cybertronian.

"My lord." Shockwave spoke again, turning his optic from the femme he had brought to look up at Megatron. "May I present to you, Solis Arcana."

Immediately, with the revelation of the femme's name, Soundwave pieced it with the information that his scan had gathered on the femme, adding it to the database.

Soundwave turned his attention back to the other Cybertronian's now, watching in silence.

Solis looked up at the warlord, and Soundwave could see a flicker of fear and some other emotion he was unable to read. "My Lord." Solis spoke now, smiling up at the gray mech.

Megatron also had a wide smile on his faceplate, and Soundwave could detect a strange flicker in his master's optics, but dismissed it, wondering of what importance this femme was to the Decepticon cause.

A silence fell before Megatron turned towards Soundwave, who tilted his helm up to look at his master, the tilt telling the other mech that he was listening.

"Soundwave." Megatron spoke to get his attention, although needlessly. "Bring Solis to the quarters that have been prepared for her." He ordered.

Soundwave felt a flicker of annoyance at the order, turning his visor to stare at the femme now, who stood straight under his gaze, sending a flicker of surprise through him now.

Silently, Soundwave turned and began to make his way back towards the warship, the crimson femme following him without being asked, something that relieved him.

Solis' POV

Solis hadn't seen the tall, dark mech until Megatron had actually acknowledged him through words. The strange mech had been utterly silent through the whole exchange, not even moving.

Following him now into the dark warship, Solis wondered who he was and what it was that he did around on the warship. He was Decepticon, which was obvious enough from the symbols on his shoulders, but he had yet to speak a word.

Feeling the silence was awkward, Solis decided to try breaking it. "So... You're Soundwave, correct?" She asked, recalling his designation as spoken by Megatron.

The tall, dark mech turned his visor onto her, stopping so suddenly that Solis almost crashed into his back, stopping just in time.

Solis stared at her reflection in the dark, cold visor, trying hard to not flinch. "Correct?" She repeated, keeping her voice from cracking. She was good at keeping her cool, and wasn't easily intimidated due to the fact that she had been raised by Shockwave.

"Correct." Came the monotone response after a very long silence.

Almost after answering, Soundwave began to make his way down the halls again, down deeply into the bowels of the warship.

Soundwave was uncomfortable to find that Solis' new quarters were right next to his. The room had once been used for storage, Soundwave's being the only room this deep into the warship.

Solis waited as Soundwave typed in the passcode, then holding out a chip to her with the passcode on it so that she could get into her room.

"Thank you." Solis said slowly, taking it and stepping into the room, turning to look at him again.

The tall mech stood in the doorway, unmoving and silent. It was beginning to bother her how quiet he was and how he could stand in one place without moving for so long.

"Do you need something?" Solis asked slowly, keeping her faceplate neutral.

"Solis Arcana must answer questions." Soundwave answered in that monotone voice. "Lord Megatron's orders."

Solis nodded slowly at the statement. "What questions?" She asked.

Soundwave moved closer to her. "Origination. Faction. Age. Occupation." He answered.

Rolling her white optics, Solis frowned at him. "Obviously, I am of no faction, but am now a Decepticon." She answered slowly. "I am nineteen in human years and have no occupation. I was brought here in order to learn how to be a medic to better serve the Decepticons."

Finally finished, Solis went to close the door, Soundwave planting a firm pede in the way. "Origination?"

Solis frowned, becoming bitter. "I don't know where I came from. For all I know, I'm just one of Shockwave's crazy creations." She responded, shoving him out of the room before closing the door.

Once she had locked the door, Solis looked around her. She felt slightly bad for shoving the mech and becoming short with him. It's not his fault that she wasn't too excited about what was going to happen by next year, and he hadn't done anything wrong to her.

Solis sat on the berth. She had lied to Soundwave by saying the reason she had come to the Nemesis was to train as a medic... She knew the real reason. She had come for Megatron... To be his mate.

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