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Soundwave was silent, but not the type of silence where he was silent because he WANTED to... He was silent because he needed to think... About Solis and Megatron. Their relationship was confusing, Megatron being all nice to her and Solis being completely afraid of him.

Venting, Soundwave looked over to Solis, who was leaning against one of the consoles, dozing. She was so beautiful when she was sleeping... Peaceful and tranquil, so attractive. He shook his helm, annoyed at the continuing thoughts he had of Solis at random times.

Turning back to the console screen, Soundwave continued working, but his processor was distracted, and his usual fast, quick pace was slowed to looking as if he didn't know where all the keys were, and needed time to remember.

Several moments passed as the tall Decepticon thought, watching his work unfold before him, but also watching the crimson femme out of the corner of his optics... It annoyed him, those strange feelings that the femme managed to bring up in him, but he didn't exactly encourage them either.

Solis shifted and Soundwave quickly turned to face her, watching her intently as he optics opened and she sat up a little, blinking rapidly and optics slightly wide, as if she had just awoken in the middle of a nightmare.

Concerned, Soundwave stopped his work and walked over to her. "Solis...?" He asked in a recording of Megatron, making her jump and coolant to collect in her optics.

Solis looked down at her pedes, crying silently and struggling to hold in her tears and keep her sobs at bay.

Soundwave frowned and took her chin in his servos again, wiping away the stray tears as they trickled down her face, gently and letting her know his concern. "What is wrong...?" He asked, using a different voice now.

"N-Nothing." Solis answered, shaking her helm rapidly, as if she had been scared to answer.

Silence fell for several moments as Soundwave considered her answer... "Solis... Lying." He answered softly, this time in his real voice.

Solis jumped and looked up at him. She didn't recognize that voice at all, and therefore, stared at him with wide optics, thinking that it had been his real voice, which shocked her. Soundwave, the feared, silent TIC, most trusted servant of Megatron, actually spoke to her! "I-I-I..." She struggled to find a response.

Soundwave knew that she was, and didn't wait for her to make an excuse. "Solis... Afraid of Lord Megatron... Solis, lying to Soundwave..." He told her, using recordings again as he held tightly to her chin, making her look up at him. "Tell truth..."

The crimson femme's lower lip trembled and she wondered if she should lie or tell the truth. "I-I don't know..."

Silence fell again as Soundwave looked down at the pretty femme. His thumb gently rubbed her jawline as he inspected her features, feeling those strange feelings well up in him again.

"S-Soundwave?" Solis asked in a tiny squeak.

Soundwave had always been a mech that knew actions spoke better than words, and, with deliberate slowness, he reached up to his visor, removing it slowly and setting it aside.

Solis' mouth dropped open when Soundwave's servo went up to his visor and he REMOVED it! He set it aside before looking directly at her. He was fragging HAWT. His lips were perfectly formed, his optics were purple, and his faceplate was a pale silver... He was so good looking. She stared up at him and noticed the scars around his mouth that extended down his throat and under his chassis armour, but that didn't bother her.

The large TIC had been waiting to see how she would react to his face and scars, and relaxed slightly. He had been afraid that she would reject him once she had seen the horrible burn scars, but she hadn't even seemed to notice them. "You're not afraid?" He asked in a soft, slightly hoarse, tone.

The crimson femme looked up at him, slowly shaking her helm as she hesitantly reached out a servo, pausing right before she made contact with his face, before running a finger over his lips.

Soundwave relaxed to the gentle, cool touch, loving it. "Are you willing to tell the truth now?" He asked in a soft tone, the femme hesitating again. "I think... I like you, Soundwave." She answered, making him relax more and smile ever so slightly. "Then we are on even ground." He answered softly, taking her chin again and slowly leaning forward, kissing her gently and lightly.

At first, Solis stiffened, the memory of Megatron's kiss coming to the very front of her processor, but now she pushed it away and snaked her arms around his neck, returning the kiss as much as her bruising would allow.

Soundwave smiled into the kiss, deepening it, but keeping it gentle. He didn't want to scare or hurt her.

After several moments, the two pulled away from each other, smiling at each other. "I love you, Solis." Soundwave murmured.

Solis opened her mouth to answer but stopped, unsure of what she should tell Soundwave... If she told him about her 'relationship' with Megatron, then he might desert her... If she didn't, he would be blindly betraying his master.

Noticing her hesitation, Soundwave cocked his helm, feeling a slight licker of fear of rejection.

Finally, Solis looked up at him, lower lip trembling. "I think you should know something before anything happens between us, Soundwave..." She paused, the large mech waiting for her to continue. "M-Megatron and I..." She looked away.

Gently, Soundwave took her chin again, turning her face up to face him again. "You and Megatron what?" He asked.

Solis took a deep vent before answering. "I don't know where I came from, Soundwave... But I do know that Shockwave raised me for the sole purpose of becoming Megatron's sparkmate..." She looked up at him with tears in her optics.

Soundwave was silent for a long time before answering. "Has Lord Megatron sparkbonded with Solis Arcana?" He asked.

Frowning slightly, confused by the mech's question, Solis shook her helm. "No... Because of our size and age difference, I can't be bonded with him for a few more weeks, until I'm fully mature." She explained.

The TIC nodded his helm once, smirking slightly. "Does Solis love Megatron?" He asked now.

Solis looked abhorred. "NO! Of course not!" She responded sharply, confused by the smirk.

Soundwave laughed and smiled, leaning close so that their lips almost touched. "Then we'll just have to beat him to it." He answered, kissing her again.

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