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Chapter 12: Sparkbonding
Soundwave stood at the console with Solis Arcana beside him... She was standing closer to him than she had been in the cycles before they had set a firmer relationship and admitted their love for each other, but not close enough for others, specifically Megatron, to feel suspicion over just how close they had become, or if their relationship exceeded the boundaries of guardian and ward.

Although his helm never turned once in her direction, Soundwave was watching Solis through the corners of his optics, digits flying carefully over the console in front of him, deciphering codes and typing up reports in a matter of moments, tendrils also connected to help speed things along.

Soundwave now took a slight glance over in Solis' direction, noticing how nervous she seemed and smiled slightly to himself while in his spark he felt slightly sad. She was nervous because she was old enough to take another as he bondmate... Well, one closer to her size. Megatron wouldn't be able to sparkbond with her until another few megacycles had passed, but Soundwave was planning on bonding with her far before that time... Actually, he was planning on doing it very soon... That night specifically.

"Solis is nervous." Soundwave spoke softly through a recording. He couldn't blame her... Not with Megatron feeling her up and forcing her to kiss him all the time. The tall TIC was angered that he couldn't help her in those circumstances, unless he wanted to blow their cover and let everyone know just how deep their relationship had become. He was glad he was assigned as her guardian, because of how they were able to spend long periods of time alone together without causing suspicion.

Those beautiful pink and blue optics looked up at him, then away again. "A little." The crimson femme admitted softly, looking down at the console in silence for several moments.

Soundwave chuckled softly, a deep sound that reverberated through his chassis. "No need to be... I will be gentle." He answered softly, turning to face her now, digits ceasing their work for a few moments. "And we will stop any time Solis Arcana wishes to." He reminded her gently, making her smile slightly. "I know you would."

Looking at the younger femme, Soundwave tilted his helm to the side a little. A gesture that would go unseen in the optics of all save for Solis or Megatron. "But something still bothers you." He stated gently.

Venting softly, the femme looked up at him, optical ridges furrowed to show her concern. "What will happen Soundwave? If... When Megatron discovers what we've done?" She asked him, voice tinted with her fear and worry.

Soundwave understood now and turned to face her, taking her servo in his own gently. "No harm will come to you, Solis... I swear upon the sparks of my offline cassettes." He told her firmly.

Shaking her helm slowly, the crimson femme looked up at him. "I wasn't talking about myself Soundwave..." She answered softly, looking up at him with slightly moist optics. "I was talking about you." She whispered.

Frowning behind the visor, Soundwave turned to fully look at her, squeezing her servo slightly. "I will decide what to do when the time comes." He answered calmly. "Megatron won't hurt me, because then he could hurt you by doing so.. Through our bond."

Looking up at him, the red femme nodded slowly, understanding. "Al-alright." She answered, still worried about it but not at all wanting to be sparkbonded to Megatron... She wanted to be sparkbonded to the mech she loved.. Love. A whole new concept for her. She hadn't ever felt love before, and Soundwave promised to show her just how wonderful it was.

Soundwave smiled at her now and wished he could kiss her, but not wanting to chance it anywhere near the prying optics and audios of others, so, instead, he just turned back to the console to continue working... That evening, he and Solis would be able to finalize and confirm their love for each other... And no one would be able to change that.

Humming softly within his chassis, Soundwave continued his work.

-Later That Evening-
"Ready?" Soundwave's soft voice tickled Solis' audios and she looked up at him, smiling nervously and nodding. "Yes." She answered in a calm, nervous tone.

Solis looked down at Soundwave's servo as he held it out to her and she slowly took it, letting the tall, dark Decepticon draw her closer to him so that she could lean against his chassis. They were in her room now and had all the privacy they needed.

The crimson femme leaned into his touch as the TIC cupped her cheek with his servo, his visor gone so that she could see his smile as he gently caressed her face in a loving way.

Shutting her optics and smiling slightly, Solis reopened them when Soundwave suddenly picked her up and lay her down on the berth, claiming her lips in his own, his kiss being gentle, loving and caring where Megatron's had been rough, cold and lustful. "Shall we begin?" He asked gently, making her smile up at him happily. "Yes."

Soundwave smiled at her and kissed her forehelm before opening his sparkchamber, revealing the deep blue orb that made up his spark, shining dimly in the light. There were several places where the spark was a dark, almost black, blue... Due from the loss of bonds with his offlined cassettes.

The tall Decepticon remained still and silent as his soon-to-be-mate looked in at his spark with awe on her face before she slowly looked up at him, opening her own sparkchamber for him to see her own spark.

Soundwave nearly gasped at the beauty of it... It was a pale blue, but like her face, had a small branch of pink. He smiled slightly and leaned over to kiss her again, the tendrils of blue and pink reaching out between them, feeling slight tickles of something... When their chassis' connected, both of them feeling a whirl of emotion, memories and feelings as each one experienced everything the other ever had... Soundwave saw Solis' life with Shockwave, saw her time with Megatron... Everything. Solis saw Soundwave's life in the pits of Kaon and all through the war, leaving both in grief, pain, happiness and connection... But the two lovers, now mates, didn't stop there...

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