Strengethening Bonds & Secrets

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Chapter 13: 

Soundwave typed away silently at the consoles as he worked on decoding the ancient Iacon database and hopefully find something worthwhile to present to his lord and master, Megatron... He glanced over at Solis, who was sitting quietly on the console beside him, optics closed as she leaned her helm back against the screen, chassis rising and falling with little vents as her mate smiled at her a little.

Knowing she was tired from their... Activities during the nightcycles when it was assumed that Soundwave was guarding her, the tall TIC let her be for now as he turned his attention back to his work, knowing he needed to find something for Megatron before the big warlord decided to check up on things himself, since that would spell disaster for both Solis and Soundwave.

Having felt that the only way to keep Solis safe was to have a backup plan in case Megatron discovered what had happened between the femme and his loyal servant, he wanted to be on the good side of the Autobots, so he had covertly saved away the coordinates to several Iacon relics of Decepticon make that were weapons of mass destruction... he would hand them over to the Autobots in exchange for them caring for Solis should anything come up that would threaten to expose the two.

Venting softly, Soundwave worked in what seemed to be diligence, but his processor was far from his work as he thought through everything that had passed within the cycles he and Solis had spent together. A couple of megacycles had passed since that nightcycle he had bonded with the crimson femme, and he smiled a little at the memory... That was a nightcycle he would cherish for as long as he functioned.

Soundwave paused in his typing to turn his visored face to look at Solis when she shifted and opened her multi-coloured optics, smiling a hidden smile when his mate took notice of him and a faint smile touched her own perfect lips. "Still working?" She murmured softly, the tall TIC chuckling as he glanced around before giving the side of her faceplates a little nuzzle in response before he pulled away again, having made sure that no one was around to witness the action. "Of course, sweetspark." He answered teasingly.

Huffing, Solis snorted and rolled her optics at him playfully. "Honestly, I shouldn't even bother asking anymore... Megatron works you too much." She said with a smile to take any offense out of the words that Soundwave might take to her comment, the TIC shrugging it off. "I had nothing to do besides work for Vorns." He answered as he glanced at her then turned to focuse on the screen again. "Until you came along that is." He added mischievously, making the femme blush and look away. "Honestly, Soundwave?" She groaned, making him chuckle.

Soundwave typed away at the console before looking over at her. "Would you like to go outside for a while? Away from the warship?" He asked, smiling when he noticed his mate sit up and perk a little. "Could we? I've never seen Earth except from above." She answered, excitement leaking into her voice and Soundwave would've laughed had it been safe to. "If you would like."

Solis' smile faded as she looked at him with a gloomy expression. "What about... Megatron?" She asked softly. "What would he say?" She questioned, not wanting to get her sparkmate in trouble for her leaving the warship if it wasn't permitted.

Chuckling softly, Soundwave motioned for her to stand. "You bonded with me when you knew he wanted to, and now you're worried about how he might react to you taking a walk outside the warship with your guard?" He asked teasingly, making her vent a little in frustatration as she shrugged. "Fine... I just don't want him getting you into trouble... Or thinking that there's something else going on between us that he's not aware of." She explained softly, her sparkmate nodding slowly as he led her towards another room that held a groundbridge, not wanting to use his own since it might cause suspcion if the warlord couldn't know exactly where they were bridging. "He will find out at some point, Solis... There's no denying that." He responded carefully, not wanting to worry or frighten his mate. "But don't worry about it... That shouldn't be for about another Orn at least." He added quickly.

Soundwave and Solis were silent as they walked to the groundbridge, Soundwave typing in coordinates for a pretty mountainous area with minimal habitation by humans, opening the bridge and leading her through it silently...He didn't say anything, but he was actually becoming increasingly nervous of their secret being discovered by someone if not the warlord then another, and he kept his plans of passing her off to the Autobots secret. He wanted her to be happy for now and not constantly worrying about when they should do something, and when Megatron might act on his suspicions that Soundwave had no doubt he was growing.

"It's beautiful." Solis' voice pulled the tall TIC from his thoughts as a smile touched his lips when he saw Solis standing on a cliff alongside the mountain, looking out towards the setting sun as he felt his own vents get taken away at the way she looked like what the human goddess of beauty would look like had she been Cybertronian, stepping forwards and taking her servo as he nodded. "It is... Just like you." He added, making his mate blush.

Solis smiled up at her mate and shook her helm a little. "You're sly, aren't you?" She said teasingly. "You're a clever mech when it comes to technology, but it's obvious that you're looking up your compliments." She teased, Soundwave putting on a wounded air as he mock-pouted beneath his visor. "Why, Solis! Whatever could make you think such a thing?" He asked, making a 'tsk' noise as he shook his helm in mock disapproval. "I try my very best to come up with these... All though a femme like you has probably heard them all." He said with a little grin, making her smack his arm.

Silence fell silently as he glanced over at Solis again, rubbing his arm in absent mindedness, venting softly in his happy contentment before he sat down on the ridge of rock beneath them, sending little pebbles skittering down to tumble down the sloping mountainside, the TIC settling himself in a sitting position comfortably before he took the servos of the crimson femme and pulled her into his lap, wrapping his arms around her gently as he lay his chin on her shoulder, staring out at the beautiful scenery and just relaxing and enjoying this closeness with the femme beside him, grunting softly.

"Soundwave?" Solis spoke in a voice so soft that it was barely audible, her mate's keen audios picking up on what she had said as she leaned her helm back against his shoulder, turning her faceplates upwards to look into his optics before speaking. "I want a sparkling."

Soundwave's optics opened slowly, almost lazily, before they shot open the rest of the way when he processed what she had said, lifting his helm up from her shoulder to look into her optics intently, spark beat picking up rapidly as he stared into her multi-colored optics in awed wonder. "A sparkling?" He asked her carefully, aware of the risks that would come with a sparkling, if Megatron ever found out it would cause them a lot of trouble, and Megatron might even take out his anger on their creation... He shuddered at the thought as his arms wrapped around the fragile crimson frame of his mate tightened and he was tense now. "We can't, Solis... You know that we can't." He said gently, softly as he mouthed her audio gently before burying his faceplates into her neck cables, breathing in her scent.

"I... know." Solis whispered as she fiddled with her digits now, her young faceplates crestfallen although she was able to see the logic in Soundwave's response and thoughts, hearing what the bigger Cybertronian was thinking through their bond, the thoughts of Megatron hurting their creation making her feel frightened and her spark to pulsate wildly.

Soundwave noticed the distressed sadness in his mate and he vented softly, reaching around her to take her servos and interlace their digits together, caressing them gently and carefully as he thought, venting. "One day, my dear Solis... One day we will have a sparkling." He told her softly, nuzzling the side of her helm gently. "I promise."

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