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Soundwave glared at the door for several moments before heading off down the hall at his slow, deliberate pace. He thought about the femme and what in Unicron's name she was really doing there. He could see on her faceplate that she was lying, and, just to make sure, he had used his HUD to test her voice. It came back to tell him that she was lying to him.

Vehicons moved out of his way as he walked towards them, never needing to shove them out of the way. They knew that it was in their best interest.

Behinc his mask, if someone could see behind it, they would see someone who looked annoyed and thoughtful, as if he was thinking of how to solve the hardest problem known to bot.

Soundwave walked as he thought. He was the communications officer of the Decepticons, therefore, hard problems came up for him but he could always solve them. This femme was a problem, but one so complex that he was baffled. Everything, her attitude, her looks, her lying, even just her very presence frustrated him as he tried to think about it.

Venting softly, Soundwave continued into the command room. However difficult of a problem she was, he would solve it... He had never failed before.

Solis Arcana stood in her room. It was nice, no doubt about that. Large, spacious, furnished. It was higher up in the deck, among the other officers' quarters instead of lower down where all of the Vehicons and Eradicons stayed.

Sitting down on the berth, Solis began to think about life here... And how different it would be than her life with Shockwave. Most likely horrible.

Thinking back, Solis knew that Shockwave hadn't been terrible but he was far from being a perfect or even good caretaker. He was cold. Emotionless. Didn't have a care for her in the entire world.

Venting softly again, Solis stood up from the berth. Shockwave had instructed her on how to behave with Megatron. For millennia, she had been told that she was going to be a queen. She would birth heirs for the leader of the Decepticon cause. That she would never actually have to worry for her safety since her sparkmate would be a warlord.

Solis felt slight frustration of all those things she had been told. Even with all of those things she had been told about Megatron, it was still a mech she didn't know at all. She had grown up on stories about him, but that still didn't make her feel any better about it.

Thinking about it, Solis crossed her arms over her chassis. She had been putting on an act on the flight deck. She wasn't at all calm inside. She was scared... Even if Shockwave hadn't been much of a caretaker, he was the only Cybertronian she had known growing up. Now she was thrown in amongst several hundred including the vehicons, without Shockwave to even help her.

Solis thought about how Shockwave had readied her to be presented to the warlord. He had made sure her armour looked good, made sure she used special salves he had created... It all sickened her. But he had promised that Megatron would not sparkbond until she was of age. That was the only comfort she had out of the whole situation.

Standing upright now, Solis wished that she could leave the room, but Shockwave had warned her about doing so until it was made clear that she was of greater 'rank' than the vehicons. The stories he had told her to make sure she obeyed that warning were terrifying in the least.

Pacing back and forth across the room, Solis wished that, for once, Megatron's intentions wouldn't be a secret. Her future mate should make it clear that he was planning on bonding with her so that the others aboard the warship would stay at a safe distance... 'Like Soundwave.' She shuddered at the thought of that tall, dark mech that kind of creeped her out.

After several moments of agitation passed, Solis looked up when the door opened, admitting the warlord. She immediately stopped her pacing and watched him come.

Megatron watched her for several moments after he had shut the door, and silence stretched between them for many terrible moments. "So you are the little sparkling I had found that day." He said slowly, purposefully not mentioning that he had pretty much ripped her from her carrier's womb.

Solis nodded as he came closer to her, moving around her as he looked with his optics. She was grateful that he didn't at all touch her, hiding the relief when he came back in front of her again.

The large, gray mech looked down at her for several moments. "Shockwave made it clear to not talk of our... relationship?" He asked after a few klicks of silence.

Again, without speaking, the crimson femme nodded. "He was very keen on reminding me." She answered in a soft tone.

With a small snort of laughter, the warlord smirked widely at her. "Indeed." He stated, looking her over again.

Solis kept herself from crossing her arms in self-consciousness. "I was told to remain in my room until my arrival was announced?" She asked him, receiving a nod.

"Regardless of that, you will have one of my officers monitor you at all times," Megatron responded thoughtfully. "To make sure nothing happens."

Solis nearly swore under her breath but stopped from doing so. "Oh? And who might that be?" She asked, regretting that she had asked when she found that she didn't like the answer.


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