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(A/N: This is the final chapter of my story "Restricted Love" and it's just a short narrative of what happened after the last chapter. :) Thanks so much for all the support you guys gave me throughout the entirety of this story! Love you all so much!)

Steve had decided to return to the Nemesis, turning down several offers the autobots presented that would've allowed him to stay with them as one of their own, the vehicon firmly set on returning to his brothers to stand by their sides. Besides, he was convinced that he would be of better help to the autobots as an inside bot than he would be in their ranks.

It wasn't much later when the Autobots received word of Steve's death, the vehicon having been killed the moment he stepped back aboard the Nemesis, security footage showing him as the vehicon that had betrayed Megatron and aided in Soundwave's escape. They never found out what truly happened, but each of them hoped it had been quick and painless.

The war might've been over for Steve, but it was nowhere near done for the autobots and decepticons, even if it didn't last much longer than it already had. A human generation at most. At least Raf had lived to see the end of it, the youngest human accomplice of the autobots being the last survival in the war that ravaged his homeworld.

Ratchet had offlined before the war's end, the old medic executed on the battlefield by Megatron himself. That had been one of the hardest blows the autobots had to take, though it was eased through the arrival of other autobots, including Jazz and Prowl.

It was Soundwave that forced the sword through Megatron's spark, ending the tyrant's cruel reign after the birth of his son. A mechling who's CNA matched Soundwave's, but his characterstics were somewhat similar to Megatron. Something that would never be held against little Nitro.

Optimus was old by the time the broken decepticon ranks disbanded, leaving behind earth for the last time. He and the other autobots remained behind to help rebuild the destruction that their war had caused Earth, returning to their homeworld after the death of Rafael. Nitro would become the next prime, the young autobot rebuilding the majority of Cybertron and the strained relationships between those of the autobots and the decepticons. He ruled in a time of peace, and hoped to see it through until his end.

Even though the cybertronian race had left earth behind, everyone knew that - while this war had ended and earth was now under human control again - it wouldn't last forever. Cybertron and Earth were tied together now, and the humans had discovered that there was other life besides them in the galaxies.

All that mattered now was that there was peace.

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