Shocking News

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(A/N: Thanks for all the views, comments, and votes! They make my day. :) Story's almost done... Just a couple more chapters. :'))

Solis was certain that she was dreaming, strange mechs appearing above her, talking amongst themselves as she was carried through the halls. Why wasn't she in Megatron's rooms? She never left the warlord's berthrooms, even for medical care. The medics always came to her.

She had thought she had heard Soundwave's voice earlier, but that was just her dreams... He was dead. Run through with the sword of the mech he'd served for millennial.

Who were these mechs again?

Solis stared up at them through half-shut optics, focused mainly on the red and blue mech nearby. Who was that? She'd never seen him before...

Closing her optics again, Solis didn't respond to all the voices calling to her. She was so tired...

When Solis opened her optics again, it was too bright lighting and a room she wasn't at all familiar with. Where was she? This most certainly wasn't Lord Megatron's quarters.

"Hello?" It was weak, almost a whisper, but someone heard it. Pedesteps sounded and an orange and white mech appeared at her side, a ragged look on his faceplates. He looked exhausted.

Solis opened her mouth to ask where she was, but the mech held a digit up to his lips. "Shhh." He whispered softly, a pained smile spreading over his lip components. "It's alright. You've been through a lot. I want you to rest, alright?"

Managing a weak nod, Solis fell silent as the medic worked on her, but she so desperately hated it. Every touch, no matter how light and gentle, had her wanting to scream as memories of cold, clawed servos clawed their way into her mind. Memories of the torture and abuse she'd faced over the weeks that she had been imprisoned on the Nemesis.

"Soundwave...? I thought I... Heard him..." Solis whispered, turning her helm towards the medic.

The medic paused in his work, casting the crimson femme a quick glance. "Soundwave was... Captured when he went to rescue you... We're working on it." He responded, moving to slip an arm under the femme's head, helping her sit as he held a cube of energon to her lips. "Drink this."

Solis tried to drink, but choked, the medic pulling the cube away as the femme began to cough. "I thought you'd be ready." The white and orange mech stated, adding a mumbled apology. There was something in his voice, something that Solis didn't like.


Before Solis had onlined, the autobots had received a comm from an unknown individual. The mech on the other end -unseen in the shadows- had used something to conceal his voice. He'd made an offer to the autobots. He would help them infiltrate the Nemesis and rescue Soundwave. On one condition: they brought him back with them.

The team hadn't been sure what to do about the mysterious caller, but Optimus had ultimately decided that they wouldn't get a better chance at rescuing Soundwave. So they had taken the chance. Now they had concealed themselves within the cargo hold of the Nemesis to await the arrival of their unknown ally.

"Why are we doing this?" Arcee whispered sharply from where she crouched behind crates of energon, obviously on edge.

Optimus Prime glanced towards the two-wheeler, the mech remaining silent for several moments before speaking again. "Soundwave has made mistakes, but loving someone isn't one of them." The blue and red mech added softly. "He came to us for aid. Now we can give it."

"What if it's a trap?" Bulkhead barely finished the question before the bay doors slid open, setting the autobots on alert, blasters whirring in preparation as they waited.

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