Book One Chapter One: Ten

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Will's POV 

"Wait hold on a second? This girl was with you in there!" Mom yelled. I just nodded my headed. Was it really that hard to believe that I wasn't the only one there? Jonathan just sat down on the coffee table in front of me and mom followed.

"How do you know her name is Ten?" Jonathan asked in his normal quite calm voice. I really hope he dated Ten. She would be good for him and our family. I turned Ten's hand that I was holding to show them  her tattoo that read 010. 

"She showed me it in the upside down, but I call her Tena (Tina). It makes her feel normal." I told then as I let go of her hand and watched there reaction.

"Just like Ele." Mom whispered to her self as she held Tena's hand with her's in a motherly manner. 

"Exactly like Ele! Elevens her sister." I Spoke. 

"What? Eleven had a sister?" Jonathan asked. I nodded. We grew closer in the in the upside down I know everything about her just like she knows everything about me.

"Ten was the first. She has the same powers as Ele and more so. The bad men experimented on her before Ele." I told them.

"But that's impossible Elevens mother was taking drugs that the government gave her when she was pregnant. How could she be stronger, older, and be he biological sister?" Mom asked.

"Because-," before I could say anything I was cut off.

"Given pills during the experaments." I turned my head and saw Tena open her eyes.

"TENA!" I said as I through my arms around her giving her a hug.

Ten's POV

I rapped my arms around Will's waist hugging him closer to me. I didn't think I would see my little wizard again. 

"How'd you get out?" Will asked pulling away from me looking at me in awe. I just smiled. 

"Gate in the woods." I said. I looked past Will to the door that was still open and closed it easily with my telekineses. 

"Oh my god! You really are Elevens sister." I looked at Will's mother named Joyce and smiled.

"Yes. We talked." I smiled and hugged her.

"What do you-,"

"Lights!" I smiled and looked at the lamp next to me and made it turn off and then brighter and then back to normal. 

"That was you I thought it was Will," a quite but strong male voice said. I turned my head and smiled at the handsome old brother of Will, Jonathan Byers. 

"Tena was the one that was talking to you guys. She was there when Nancy came into the upside down. She was the one who fought the monster-,"

"Demogorgon!" I corrected Will.

"Right, sorry! She was the one who fought the Demogorgon so that Nancy could run back through." Will told him.

"There!" I said looking at Jon who gave me a confused look.


"There for final fight. Helped worn you. Only one who controlled lights. Demogorgon couldn't do that only me." I said trying to make him under stand.

"So, this hole time it was you doing the light thing not Will or the monster," Joyce asked and I nodded.

"Neat," Jon nodded with an awe look.

"Here," Will handed me a plate full off food. I didn't even notice he left. Once I had the plate I started to eat like I haven't eaten in days, which is true.

"Slow down Honey our you'll choke." Joyce warned me. I smiled apologetically. "Sorry," I said and ate slower. Once I finished I yawned. 

"Okay time for bed," Joyce said standing up. "Will go brush your teeth. Jonathan get Tena a pair of pajamas to sleep in." 

"Night MOM!" Will said as he walked off with his mother not to far behind. 

"Come on my room is this way," Jonathan stood up started walking down the hall fallowing him.  Once we entered I looked around. His room had some paper stuff hanging off it here and there with people on it and words that said The Clash, The Smiths, and many more. I walked over and sat on the bed and looked around. I didn't notice a thing on his bed I think Will called them a camera it up and looked at it. I turned and walk up  to Jonathan. I looked through the glass thing and zoomed up to his face and pressed the button. It made a nose and Jon turned his head to me. I pressed it again and it made the same nose. 

"What are you doing with my camera?" Jonathan smiles at me and I pressed the button. I handed him the camera and took the cloths in his hands and walked back to the be and started to take of the gown.

"What are you doing?!?" Jonathan said hiding his face and turning around.

"Changing," I responded and put on the shirt and sweat pants.

"I know but your supposed to do it in the bathroom. You know for ah privacy." He said shyly.

"Decent," I told him siting on the bed under the covers. Jonathan slowly turned around. When sow him I could just barely see his pinked checks in the laps soft light. 

"Okay," Jon turned off the light and made his way to the door.

"Where are you going?" I asked looking at hims confused.

"Uh to um sleep on the couch?" He said in a questioning manner. I gave him a look and got out of his bed and dragged him back in to his room. I pushed him on to the bed and went and closed the door. I walked back to the bed to and awkward siting Jonathan.

"Get under," I said and pushed him under the cover and lied on top of him and used telekinesis to cover us with the blanket. I lied my head on his chest and lessoned to his heart beat and closed my eyes. I slowly felt him rap his arms around me and felt him rub my back.

"Goodnight Jonny," I yawned. 

"Goodnight Tena," I heard him whisper before I was fell into the darkness to my next nightmare. 

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