Book Two Chapter Two: "Who the fuck are you?"

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After a few minutes, Ten pulled away from Eleven gently. Giving her sister a small smile she turns the young girl to her friend giving her a slight nudge in his direction. Not even a minute late the two preteens were in each other's arms.

Ten looked at the two of them in envy with a small happy smile on her face. She felt an arm wrap it's self around her shoulder looking up she meant the eyes of Hopper who gave her a look of understanding. She just nodded her head in response to the unasked question of are you okay. Hop gave a gentle fatherly kiss on the top of her forehead in acknowledgment. Releasing her Hopper turned his attention to Mike. Leaving her in her own little world only to be pulled out to the sound of a slammed door. Turning her head she watched as Ele and the boys embrace each other.

"You have teeth?" Eleven said after they pulled away, shoving her thumb into Dustin's mouth. The boys laughed a little.

"Oh, you like these pearls?" Dustin smiled making a wired sound at the back of his throat making Ten laugh a little.

"Eleven?" Ten watched as max made her way over to the group. Oh no, this won't be good. "Um, I'm Max. I've heard a lot about you." Max put her hand out to Eleven in hope of giving her a handshake. Eleven just looked at her coldly and walked past her. At her sister's coldness and the somewhat sad and confused expression that graced Max's face, Ten sighs and making her way over to the group of three preteens.

"Come with me." Ten commanded taking a hold of Max's hand and leads her over to the couch where the two girls sit in silence. "Don't think too much of Elevens actions. A lot has happened to her this past year. She-"

"She didn't need to be so rude to me! I don't even know her that well! She doesn't even know me!" Max cut Ten off. With a pout, she sinks further into the old worn couch that had the sent of cigarettes and a faded smell of alcohol.

"Do you remember that day in the gym? When you were talking to Mike about being the Zoomer of the group and skated around him? Then out of no were your board slips out from under you?" Ten asked resting a hand on Max's should. Slowly nodding, Max unwraps her crossed arms and faces Ten. Making Tens hand fall off her shoulder. "Eleven was there that day. She's the one that made your board move."

"Why though?" confusion masked over Max's face. "That doesn't make any sense!"

"Well, she thought you liked Mike." Ten giggled at the horror that graced Max's face. "Ew! Mike?!?! Really?!?! I would never!" Max shook her head back in forth as and shivers ran down her spine. Ten couldn't help the joyful laugh that escaped as she watched the display of her actions. "I know! You like Lucas too much."

"Wh-what?! No I-I don't." Max stuttered as a tint of pink flooded her face. Ten just smiled at her.

"It's okay if you do! I won't judge."


"No, but's Max. Eleven needs another friend that's a girl. One her own age, and so do you. I think you two could be really close. Just clear the air with her." Ten pats her knee and stands up and walks over to the others. Leaving Max in her thoughts.

"It's not like it was before," Hopper said as everyone gathered around the table to come up with a plan. "It's grown a lot. I mean that's considering we can even get in there! That place is crawling with those dogs." Ten leaned up against the counter away from everyone as they discussed what to do. She was deep in thought once again and slightly tuned out. She was gone for so long she didn't even realize how much has changed. She lost Jonathan to Nancy. Steve was one of the good guys now. There was a new person in the group that she didn't even know if she could trust, more so her brother. She needed a break and coffee. Taking a sip she tuned back into the conversation with an aching heart as she watches how lovey Jonathan and Nancy were to one another. They didn't show it, but their eyes said everything.

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