Book One Chapter Nine: Shopping?

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Ten's POV 

"So, what are we going to day? Seeing as you made us both skip!"  Steve said. I giggled as He tripped over a stump. Steve just glared at me playfully. Nancy just laughed and linked our elbows. 

"Come one losers," Nancy and I walked a head from the two boys. I just followed her as we walk farther into the woods.

"Where are we going?" I looking at her. She just smiled and turned her head to me. "You'll see!" She just skipped off. A few minutes later we where in town. 

"What are we doing here?" I asked looking at the three teens. 

"We are going shopping." Nancy says grabbing my hand. "You need cloths."

"Shopping?" I said with a confused look. "But I don't have any money."

"That's why Hopp gave me this." Jonathan said pulling out a square pice of plastic. "He said to get whatever you need and not to worry about it."

"I can't-" I started to say but got cut off by Steve.

"Hopp also said that you don't have a choice. He know that your gonna have to blend and since the only way you can really do that is with cloths. Then go get some." Jon throw me the card and I caught it.

"Now that that's settled. Lets go get you cloths." Nancy grabbed my hand dragging my into the store. Nancy started to pull things off the shelf and put them in Steve's arms. They where mostly skirts. I grabbed Nancy's arm lightly and turned and looked at me. 

"Could you maybe pick out dresses, pants, and turtle necks more then skirts. I don't really like skirts." I shuffled a little and she just nodded. She took all the skirts and put them back. 

"Okay, Steve and I well look over here for cloths. You and Jonathan can go over there and pick out some jackets and shoes." With that being said we split up and went our ways.

Jonathan and looked around. For the most part it was me and Jonathan just took photos. I didn't know what he was photographing but whatever it was would come out amazingly. After a while I found three pairs of shoes. I got plain white shoes that Jonny called high tops, black boots called doc's, and then a small brown heels that went up about three inches. I was walking through the cloths as Jonathan followed caring my shoes for me. I had fought for five minutes on who would carry them, in the end I lost. 

"Tena, what are you doing?" Jonathan asked looking at me weirdly. I was running my hand up along his jacket. I liked how it felt. It was ruff buy smooth at the same time. I dropped my had and moved it along the jackets until I came across a matching one. I pulled it out and showed Jonathan. It was a darker blue but still soft. 

"You want a jean jacket?!" He asked me in shock.

"Yeah, it'll remind me of you when your not around." I gave it to him as a slight pink showed on his cheeks. I turned around and kept walking. I then found another jacket that somewhat resembled the one Mike showed me. He told me my sister had worn it. I smiled at it and pulled it out. It was an olive color and felt nice. I smiled and handed it to Jonathan.

"Do you want anything else Maple?" He smirked. I blushed remembering what happened this morning. I had put a ton of maple syrup on my waffles this morning and it was really good. I guess I wasn't supposed to have that much because Joyce gasped when she sow it. 

"No," I mumbled walking over to a shelf that held a lot of chains. I looked around and slowly found a necklace. It had a little maple leaf. I picked it up and smiled. I then picked up the one with a little waffle. I then picked a little camera one and smiled I picked it up and held it up to Jonathan who laughed. 

"What are you going to do with those?" Jonathan walking over to me taking them in his hand.

"You'll just have to see." I smiled and made my way to Nancy. 

"Their you two are." Nancy grabbed my hand and pushed me towards a small room. She handed me the cloths and closed the door. She called out behind it and said, "Try them on."

"Tena. Me and Steve are going to go get some milkshakes okay? Well be right back. Nancy is here for you okay?" Jonathan called out. 

"Okay!" I called back and looked down at the pile of cloths. "Lets get started."

Jonathans POV

"So," Steve said taking a sip from his milkshake. 


"When are you going to tell her?" He gave me a look and I just looked away.

"I- I don't know what your talking about." 

"Yeah okay! Come on man don't be a freaking Pussy! Just tell her you like her Byers!" I just rolled my eyes.

"Easy for you to say. Your Steve fucking Harrington! You can get every girl you want cause your not the freak of the town!" I growled out.

"Dude! I've made some mistakes. I know! But, your not a freak Byers. You just haven't meant the right people. That's why I don't hang out with Tommy or Carol any more. They worn't good for me. I'm sorry for what I did Byers. Maybe some day we can be cool and friends?" Steve spook and stuck out his hand.

"Sure Harrington. Friends!" I shock his hand. 

"Hey speaking of Carol and Tommy. Where are they I haven't seen them at all today?" Steve said. I just shrugged my shoulders. "Any way lets get back to the girls. Their probably done." 

Tena POV

"No!" Nancy said for the tenth time and I sighed. Right now we have a yes and a no pile. About two thirds where no's and the rest where yes. I walked back in the dressing room and came back out wearing a white dress. 

"Nancy! What about this-" I stopped mid sentence. Their stood Steve and Jonathan mouths gaping and a smirking Nancy. "What?" 

"Y-you look-" Steve started to say.

"Breath taking." Jonathan whispered. I blushed at his compliment as Steve elbowed him. Jonathan snapped out of the trance. "What?" 

"Okay. We where done! Go get changed." Nancy shooed me back into the small room. Once I was done I walked back out. 

"Okay lets go pay." I follow Nancy to the counter with all of our things. 

"That will be 125.56 dollars." My eyes grew wide at the total. 

"Hey look at that you kept under the amount Hopp gave you."Nancy said handing the lady the card.

"What?" I looked back at Jonathan and he just nodded throwing an arm over my shoulder. The girl at the counter began to awe.

"You two are just the cutest couple."

"We're not-" Jonathan started to say but got cut off by Steve.

"Oh come on Byers! Don't be modest. Come on we gotta get you ready for your guy's date tonight." Steve said pulling Jonathan away.

"Wait! What date?!" Nancy said calling out to them. 

"Don't worry about it baby. I got it covered. Just have Tena ready by seven." Steve called out. With that said they where gone. I looked at Nancy with a confused look. She just shook her head.

"Come on lets go to my house. We can get you ready there." With that said we made our way out of the store with my stuff and began to walk to the Wheelers. 

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