Book One Chapter Six: The Truth

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Ten's POV

"So, we know what the Thessalahydra looks like. Now how are we going to get Ele back?" Mike asked. I just sat in deep thought. How could we get Ele back? Is she even alive still? It's been six months since I've seen her. Thats half a year. Has she changed? Is she still the quite girl I know? Is she hurt? What could have happened in the six months that I've been in the upside down?

"We'll we know that if that thing got out then that means it has to go back in. So, there's got to be some sort of portal. If we find the portal, we find Ele." Dustin said.

"But then who would go into the portal to get her?" Nancy asked.

"I will." I said.

"No, you will not." Jonathan spoke in a nonnegotional tone making everyone shocked. "I will not loses someone else that I care about again."

"Non of you have a choice." I spoke. "The only people who could ever survive a place like that is Ele and I. We are the only ones who have powers, remember?"

"Yup!" Will says with a quick nodded. Jonathan shot him a quick glare, and faced me. "I don't care if you have powers our not. If you go in so do I."
"No." I said standing up in out rage. "You don't know what your facing." Jonathan stood up to looking at me with his once soft eyes that were now in rage, "You don't even now what your up agency. None of us do!"

"That's where your wrong!" I yelled. "This hole parallel universe is just a cover up. What where facing right now is me."


"The monster you meet is real, but the parallel universe is a cover up. The monster is your worst fears combined. It was never about different dimensions and the space between time. It was always about how to make peoples fears come alive."

"But that doesn't make since?" Steve said. Right now every one looked confused. I just sighed and sat down.

"It's true that the government was trying to make weapons, superhuman, but what they didn't know is that nature always has to balance it out. So, the started to test on volunteers with the same DNA mutations. The formula only worked for a few people, me and my mother. Over time they noticed that my mothers powers started to fade and she started to lose a lot over her memory. They then figured out that the formula only started to work on infants and children as old as five. They gave me and a few other kids different formulas. No one had the same but me and Eleven. They changed are names to numbers so that if we died they wouldn't be to attached. They thought I would die just like the others once I hit ten, but I didn't. As I started to go through puberty my powers started to get stronger and they didn't reach full power until I was fifteen. When they sow Eleven lived passed the age too they started her process. But, as soon as the water testing started they didn't know where we went. Only I did. We went into our minds. That's why it was so dark and wet at first, because we only new the darkness and the coldness. As time went on things started to come together. Thus making the monsters. The reason why the Demogorgon was the way it was is because it was everything Eleven hated, disliked and feared. Eleven hates the sight off blood. She's not a fan of meat eating plants, she finds them wired. But, she loves lights and candle fire, thats why you where able to stop it."

"So, when Ele knew it was dangerous, she actually knew. Thats why she thought it was her fault, and that's why she was the only one able to stop it, and that's how she new Will." Mike said fully understanding. I nodded.

"That's why none of you will be able to stop the Thessalahydra. That's why I have to do this alone."

"Wait so if Eleven stopped the Demogorgon. Why is she stuck in the Inbetween?" Lucas asked. I just looked away.

"You where protecting her." Jonathan whispered. I just nodded.

"Some times you're not ready to face your fears because it could swallow you hole. She wasn't ready."

"So, the Demegorgon?"

"I locked it away."

"How?" Nancy asked. I pointed to my brain.

"I've been locking it there for until she's ready."

"So, you like absorbed Eleven."

"I didn't mean to. It was just supposed to be her fears not her."

"So, if the Thessealahydra is your fears and stuff. What's your fears?" Jonathan said.

"I'm scared of losing my self, thus making it feed off the souls of people. I don't like the dark, making its only way to come through is during the night. I never was a fan of things that didn't make sense, thus its looks."

"But what do you like? If your fears is what created it maybe what you like and love is a way to stop it." Joyce said happily. I just smiled sadly.

"Thats the thing. I don't know what I like or love yet." Everyone just got a sad look almost.

"So, if you don't know what you like. How are we going to stop it?" Lucas asked

"Simply! Everyday she will be with one of us and everyday we introduce her to something she may like. So, that way we can find out what it is she can truly like." Will smiled.

"It's a good plain Will, but we don't have that much more time."

"Then you spend a day with the boy's and then a day with Steve, Jonathan and I." Nancy spoke. "That way you have only two days, and on day three we look for the gate, and get Ele back."

"Day four?" I asked

"We kill the son of a bitch." Joyce said.

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