Book One Chapter Two: The Gang

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Ten's POV 

"What hold on a second! You mean to tell me that that girl, is Ele's older sister?" The one who was called Mike said to Will. It's the next day and I am currently sitting in the basements of the Wheelers home meeting Will's friends. I'm currently sitting with Jonathan on the couch going through the thing through the electro magnitic wave through what they call a walk talky. 

"Yes! I know it sounds crazy but its true!" Will exclaimed waving his hands in the air. The three preteens just looked at him like his insane. 

"Uh NO! That's impossible. If its true then why didn't Ele tell us about her?" The one with curly hair says. I think they called him Dustin. 

"To stay safe." All heads turn to me as I answered Dustin's question. What? Is it really that hard to believe? 

"No one was talking to you." The darker skinned boy named Lucas said. As soon as he spoke the sentence all three boy's hit upside the head. 

"Don't be mean Lucas! If she is Eleven's sister she could have the same powers as her. We sow what Ele could do and to be honest I don't want to end up like Troy." After Dustin said that he walked over to me holding so sort of wired ship toy thing. "If you are Ele's sister and have her powers then levitate this in the air." Once Dustin said that he let it go and it crashed to the floor. "Okay, lets try it again." He picked it up and once again it fell to the floor.

"What in the hell is going on down here Mike?" A young girl around my age came barging down stares with a boy around her age not to far be hind.

"Nancy and Steve." I said and smiled at them. They both gave me a wired look and turned back to the boys. "What the hells is going on and how does she know our names?" Steve yelled at the three preteens. We all shrieked back a little.

"Her name is Ten and she's Elevens sister." Jonathan said standing up and walking over to them. Nancy gave him a wired look.

"You mean the little girl who was kept and tested on by the government?" Nancy said. "Bad bad men." I shudder. 

"She was also the one who controlled the lights. She saved you from the monster when you went in the upside down, and she was there helping us fight the thing at the house that night." Jonathan told both Nancy and Steve. 

"This is crazy! This is crazy! THIS IS CRAZY!" Steve yelled freaking out walking back and forth. "Steve calm-" Nancy tried to speak but was cut off. "Don't you dare tell me to calm down, Nancy! I'm going to call Hopper!" Steve said. 

"NO!" I yelled using my telekinesis send the basement door shut and locking it. Scaring everyone and practically sending Steve into Nancy. "No one is telling any one that I am here." I all but growled holding back tears. I had to find my sister before they did, while staying hidden. They want us both back to be their little weapons and I'm not having it. I refuse to be their lab rat any longer. 

"No more," I started to cry and I whipped the blood dripping from my nose. Jonathan started to move forward to me slowly. My head start swarming with memories. The black room, the test room, the tank, the white coats, Eleven and Papa. I started to shake uncontrollably. I'm not safe here, their gonna find me, I have to get to sister. 

"Ten, your okay now. No ones going to get you, okay?I won't let them! I promise!" Jonathan said.

"Promise?" I gave him a confused look, and he nodded.

"It's something you say to people who are really important to you. You say it to your friends and family. Its keeping your word. Even more so when a pinkie is involved." He smiled holding his pinkie up.


"Yes! Friends! Their the people you can tell anything to. Even the things you don't tell your family." He looked straight into my eyes to make sure that I understood the words he said. He then took my pinkie finger and rapped it around his.



"Okay can we get done with all the romantic crap and get to the point in all of this, please? Why and the hell should we trust her she could be apart of the government?" Lucas yelled and everyone looked at him crazily.

"Lucas dont piss her off!" Dustin whispered shouted. I just walked over to the board sitting on the table and pushed everything off it. "Hey what are you doing?!?!?" Mike yelled at me as everyone walked over and stood around me. "Mike shut it she could be trying to tell us something." Will said. I picked up one of the pieces that looked like a princess and smiled sadly.

"Eleven." I whispered in a cracked quite voice as a tear fell and was whipped away and soft large hands. I turned and looked at Jonathan. "Well find her, I promise." He whispered to me with a small smile that I returned. I turned back to the others and saw that they where all looking at me and Jonathan with knowing smiles. I felt my checks worm up a little and I put my hand on them. Do I have a fever? 

"Its called blushing." Nancy giggled and I just smiled at her. I looked back at the little princess in my hand and looked at the board. I put her in the middle and looked at Mike who was sitting across from me.

"Eleven," I then picked the piece back up and flipped the board over again, and sat it down. Everyone gasped.

"She's in the up side down!" Mike whispered in horror looking scared looking at the piece. He was in love with her. I could fell it.

"No," I grabbed his hand and made him look at me. " The In Between."

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