Book One Chapter TEN: What?

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"How does this look?" I asked Nancy. I twirled and looked into the mirror. I wore the white dress with the docs and the same looking jacket that Jonathan had. My hair was down in waves and pulled back like Nancy's. I had a little makeup on. Nancy had put what I think is called mascara on my eyes, which was weird. 

"You look perfect!" Nancy said walking up to me. "Now for the perfect touch."

Nancy went to the bag and came back to me and put the necklace around my neck. It was the maple one. I toyed with it with my fingers. I turned around and hugged Nancy. 

"Thank you." I pulled back and smiled. She smiled back at me.


"I'LL GET IT!" I hear Mike yell. I giggled as Nancy rolled her eyes. "IT JONATHAN!" I heard Mike yell again. I started to shift back and forth.

"Don't worry! I'll  go down and call for you okay?" I just nodded as Nancy walked out. I took one last look into the mirror and twirled. I looked pretty for once! I giggled at the thought and heard Nancy call my name. I took one last look in the mirror and left the room. 

I walked down the stairs and walked over to Nancy, Jon and Steve. Nancy and Steve gave a knowing look as Jonathan gave one of pure shock. 

"What?" I asked. "Is there something on my face?" I started to touch my face a little. 

"N-No! You look amazing." Jonathan said in a rushed tone. I just laughed a little at his pink cheeks. "Ready to go?" I nodded and followed him to the car. He held the door for me and I smiled and got in. 

A few minutes later we where sitting at a small diner. We talked until a waiter came and got our order. 

"So, tell me about yourself?" I said taking a bit of the burger. Mhmm, this is really good! Jonathan chuckled. I blushed a little and whipped my mouth.

"Well. I'm the oldest. I like photography. I keep to myself." he said with a shrug. I gave him a confused look.



"What else?" I gave him a look and he sighed.

"Well, I'm the man of the house. My mom and dad had argued a lot growing up so I kind of was the only father figure for Will. My dad was an asshole! He had left us a few months ago. He and mom had finally filed for divorce. Mom got full custody and dad wanted nothing from us." I grabbed his hand and held it. Jonathan was looking down what fist clamped shut. I unfolded his hand and gave a small kiss into his palm. I saw him slowly relax and he pulled his hand away. I just sighed and sat back more.

"What about you?" I looked up at him as he gave me a small but casanova smile. 

"I'm the oldest. And you know the rest." I looked down and played with my necklace.


"I like maple syrup, drawing, walking in the forest and just hang out." I looked at him through my lashes. He just chuckled at my pink checks.

"I like you Ten." He whispered taking my hand. 

"I-I like you too." I blushed as he kissed my hand. He just chuckled and looked out the window. He paled.

"Jonathan? What's-" I was cut out by his voice. 

"Hey, I'll be back in a second okay? I have to go to the bathroom." He said starting to get up. I just nodded my head and he walked away. I just sighed and looked down at my food. I just started to eat my food.

It has been about ten minutes now. I was still waiting for Jonathan to get back. I had finished eating and was now playing with my straw. Maybe he got scared when I told him I liked him. But, that doesn't make any sense! He said it to me first. I just sighed and stood up. I walked to the bathroom and opened the door. 

"Jonathan?" I asked, but I didn't hear anything. Maybe he went to the car and his waiting for me. 

I walked back to our table and grabbed his jacket. I took his wallet and put a ten down and walked out. That should cover it. I looked around for him. He has to be here? He wouldn't just leave. I then spotted him. I smiled and started to walk over. I slowed down when I got close enough to see what was happening. 

There stood Jonathan and Nancy kissing. Well, more like making out, according to Steve. I stared at them Jonathan had Nancy pushed up against his car. He was kissing her with passion. She stood there fisting his shirt. I felt my eyes burn as they blurred. I felt a sharp pain in my chest. It felt as if it was being stabbed and squeezed. My head was buzzing, and I felt sick. I was shaking uncontrollably. I couldn't feel anything but gut-wrenching pain. 

"WHAT THE HELL?!?!" I heard someone yell. It sounded like Steve but I couldn't tell. My ears were ringing. Jonathan and Nancy pulled away so quickly that it almost seemed that they were burned. Shock crossed their faces. 

"Steve?" Nancy asked shocked. I felt someone standing to the left of me. I couldn't tell my eyes were locked with Jonathan. His eyes filled with shock, but regret. I stood shaking.

"Who do you think it is Nancy?" Steve yelled. Nancy took a step forward. 

"I can explain." Jonathan and Nancy said at the same time. Steve had finally turned and saw me and stood completely still. Jonathan took a small step to me. I took one back. I was shaking so bad the jacket had slipped from my fingers. I felt my cheeks burn as hot tears fell. 

"Ten-" Nancy said, but I just shook my head. I started to slowly walk backward. 

"Ten are you okay?" Steve asked slowly. I looked into his heartbroken eyes. He was trying to stop the tears from running down. One fell tho. I just shook my head.  I shut my eyes tightly as a sob racked through me. Sob after sob followed. I was walking back words as I heard someone call my name. Before I knew it I was running. 

I was running really really fast. 

My legs burned but I just kept running. Every step I took a sob would follow. Finally, I had ran so much much my legs gave out. I fell to the ground sobbing with pain. It hurt so damn much. Why did it hurt so damn much?

"I need you Eleven. Please come back to me. Please come back to me!" I sobbed harder. 

"It hurts! It hurts, so damn much. I need you Eleven! Where are you?" I sobbed.

"WHERE ARE YOU ?!?!!" I screamed as hard and as loud as I could. All of the pain came out. Ever thing that I was holding for fell. 

"I'm here Ten." I heard a whisper. I picked up my head and looked into a pair of doe eyes. The same doe eyes of my sister. 

"Eleven?" I whispered. Tears fell from her face.

"Hi Ten." I pulled her to me and hugged her tight. We sat there crying our eyes out. 

Eleven was here.

Ele was back.

I had my sister back. 

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