The Road's Still Long

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After the initial shock has subsided, the boys and I calm ourselves enough to make our way home. Tom hops in the driver's seat, and Jeff climbs into the passenger. Fred takes a spot in the back behind Tom, and I slide in the middle. Eric takes his place in the last available seat, right next to me. He slides his arm around my shoulders and smiles.
"Ready to go?" Tom asks, looking at us all in the rear view mirror.
"All set." Eric gives him a thumbs up.

Tom revs the engine up and we make our way back home. Chances are Eric and the rest of the guys will be staying at Tom and I's place tonight since it's pretty late. I lean on Eric, my head resting on his broad shoulder. He gently places a kiss on my head, and I embrace him warmly as I stare at the dark landscape blurring past the window. I glance around the front seat and see Jeff is nodding off, so before he falls asleep I decide I should tell them all something my mind was aching to say.
"Guys, I just want to let all four of you know that I'm extremely proud of you. You've all worked so hard and you definitely earned this gig and you earn this signing more than anything. I love you guys. I wouldn't want to be anywhere else but with the four of you. You guys are amazing and it means a lot to me that you've let me hang around even if sometimes I do get in the way."
I see Tom smile in the rear view. "Well thanks, Donna. I appreciate it. And hey, I love having you around with us. You make it tons of fun for all of us. You're one hell of a friend and I wouldn't want to spend time with anyone else but you and the guys. I should be the one thanking you for putting up with us."
I laugh a little. "Well, this is true. But I still love you guys to the ends of the earth."
"We love you too, don't we, guys?" Tom inquires the others.
"I sure know I do." Eric kisses me quickly.
"It's true, we all do. You make this ride fun for all of us, glad you're here with us," Jeff says groggily, he is definitely tired, and who could blame him.
"Ditto on that." Fred smiles and hugs me a little.

We ride the rest of the way back home in peaceful quiet, the street lights glaring over the leather seats as we drive on. The roads become more familiar and Tom finally breaks the silence.

"Guys, you're welcome to stay at Donna and I's place tonight if you want. We have plenty of room for you to stay."
"Thanks, man," Eric replies.
"Fred, I don't feel like driving back tonight so I think it's best we stay too," Jeff calls behind him to Fred.
"Alright whatever works for me."
We pull into the driveway and Tom pulls the key from the ignition.
"I don't know about you guys, but I'm pretty fuckin' tired," Tom says as he steps out of the car, "So lets make this whole putting-everything-away thing quick."
I help the guys get all their stuff into the garage, carefully taking the guitars and Eric's bass into the small office in the house.

"Goodnight, guys. Make yourselves at home. If you need me, I'll be in my room." Tom walks into his bedroom and silently shuts the door behind him.

"Jeff and I will just crash in your living room, if that's alright," Fred says.
"Yeah, sure. Go right ahead. There's both a couch and a chair so you should both be able to have your own place to sleep." I reply.
"No problem."
Jeff strides off to the living room, and Fred soon follows him.

Eric rubs his neck; he seems slightly uncomfortable.
"Eric, you alright?"
"Yeah... I just... you don't mind me staying in your room with you, do you? I mean I hate to be the one to speed things up in one night."

"It's completely fine. I mean, we've known each other for years, and we've had a thing going for months. I have a feeling it's going to be very easy for our relationship to be comfortable in a short amount of time. Eric, I love you, so of course I'll let you stay with me. I actually would love it if you would. I never have much company; Tom being a guy and just my friend is part of it. But he is good company, don't get me wrong, I just need someone to curl up with every now and then."

"Well I'm happy to be of assistance then. I love you too and I would be honored to curl up next to you at any time." He grins.

"God, you're so adorable, Eric. I couldn't ask for a more perfect guy." I kiss him and take his hand, leading him to my room.

Eric goes out of the room for a couple minutes, letting me get changed. I take off my heavy makeup and my glam outfit I always wear to gigs. I throw on my old Led Zeppelin T-shirt and some flannel pants. Man, this is so much more comfortable. Eric comes back in a few minutes later in a similar outfit to mine. He however is wearing a baggy Aerosmith shirt and some gray sweat pants.

"You look comfortable," I say.

"So do you."

I sit down on the bed, sliding under the covers. Eric strides over to the other side of the bed, laying down next to me. I smile and place a kiss on his forehead, and pull him in closer to me. I pull the cord to the lamp on the nightstand and settle down into his arms.

"This is nice." He sighs.
"M-hm," I murmur.

"Never thought I would actually ever get the chance to be next to you like this, all cuddled up at night. I'm glad I am though. It is even better than I had imagined it."

"Me too." I sigh, running my fingers through his long blonde hair, "I'm really tired, and I can bet you're more exhausted than me."

"Yeah. We better be getting some sleep if we want to be awake by the time that phone call from the record company comes."

"Yeah. Goodnight Eric."
"Goodnight Donna."

Soon, I drift off to sleep in his warm embrace. I feel so complete with him close to me. I never want to leave his side; here in his arms is so comfortable. I can honestly say I wouldn't want to be anywhere else right now.

That night, I dream of performances with the guys, of them playing for crowded audiences in outdoor locations. I dream of smiling with my boys, and everything was just so perfect. Hopefully our ride with the music life from here is just as enjoyable as my dream. All there is to await is an anxious phone call from the record company in the morning.

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