Coming Home

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The days and weeks begin to blur together once again, and before I know it, we are at the day before Eric and I's wedding. Today is October 8th, 1987. I almost can't believe it's here already. I sit on my bed, absent mindedly twirling my engagement ring around my finger with an open novel strewn across my lap. So many things are rushing through my brain all at once. The wedding, honeymoon, stress from work, how this novel is going to end... More things are flying through my mind than I can count, let alone spend more than a few mere moments contemplating. I squeeze my eyes shut and open them back wide, rubbing my forehead. Somehow this always helps me to wake up, even when it is from drowning in a daze like I was just in.

"Hey kitten, want to go walk for a bit?" Eric knocks on the doorframe, to which my back is currently facing.

I crane my neck around and look over my shoulder at him. "Yeah sure, I'd love to."

"Okay, meet you in the living room in 5." He smiles, then turns to leave.

I pop an old and faded receipt from the gas station in between the page I'm currently on and the next one as a makeshift bookmark. I stretch and push the book aside, carefully laying it onto the pillow where it won't get bent or anything, at least until I get back. I hop up and throw my jacket around my shoulders then slide my feet into a pair of fringed white leather boots. I shiver a little from the cold fabric that now envelopes my shoulders. It's getting pretty chilly out this time of year. But it is October, after all. I step out into the hallway and slowly stride into the living room to see that Eric is strewn out on the couch with the blue glow of the TV bouncing off of his skin. Jeff is asleep with a just as unconscious Marissa curled up to his side.

"Ready?" I grin at Eric.

"Yep, let's go." He pushes himself to his feet just as gracefully as always, then gently slides his hand into mine.

"Tom! We'll be back in a bit!" Eric shouts across the house. To my surprise, it somehow didn't wake Jeff or Marissa. I swear the two of them sleep like rocks. They may not sleep as solidly as Fred, but pretty damn close.

"Okay!" Tom acknowledges, his voice carrying through the air from his room.

Eric and I shuffle to the front door, it creaks as I turn the handle to step out, and I am met by a brisk breeze and cloudy sky as the door slams shut behind us. The two of us make our way down the driveway and onto the old, faded concrete sidewalk. We walk for a few minutes straight down the road, and I look up at the colorful treetops above me. A mosaic of oranges, reds, yellows, greens, browns, and purples almost ignites into a fire from the dim sunlight peeking through the clouds and resting upon them. A particularly large golden-yellow one tumbles down, spiraling through the air and lands right on top of Eric's head. I smile and giggle a little.


"Look up, Eric." I laugh.

"Oh." He reaches up and grabs the gold maple leaf off of his head, chuckling softly to himself as he tosses it to the ground.

"They're so pretty." I sigh.

"What are, kitten?"

"The trees. All the colors they have this time of year; it truly is a remarkable thing."

"It is. We definitely picked the best time of year. All these colorful leaves on the trees are almost as beautiful as you." He stops us in our tracks and reaches his free hand to my cheek, then kisses me softly.

"I'm so glad I'm marrying the only man in the world I could ever desire. You and your fluffy hair." I stand on my tiptoes and scruff up the blonde locks atop his head.

"Yeah, I'm glad I'm marrying you, my little fireball." He chuckles and then pulls me along to keep walking. We make a left at the end of the block, this time to walk beneath a different set of colorful, interwoven treetops. Eric's grip on my hand tightens as I shiver from the cold.

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