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When I awake the next morning, the bed beside me is cold. I push myself to my feet, shuffling out of the room and down the hallway to the living room. I pass it without a glance and push the door to the kitchen open, starting the coffee maker. While I wait for it to finish, I absent mindedly twirl my ring around my finger, looking down at the glittering gemstones carefully inlaid in the smooth golden metal. I ponder over Eric's design choices, and just as the coffee maker clicks off, Eric wanders in.

"What're ya thinking about, honey? You seem kinda spaced out," he comments as he pulls two cups out of the cabinet.

"The ring. My ring. I was wondering why you chose the design you did, but I know that sounds dumb, I should know this stuff already," I reply as he fills the cups, passing me one.

"Well, that's a good question." He curls his fingers around his cup, taking a sip as he sits in a chair at the faded kitchen table. He clears his throat, "Lots of things about it I tried to use as symbols for different things about us." He gently takes my hand, trailing his finger over the diamonds. "I chose three diamonds to be the centerpiece of it, if you will. The one on the left represents how when we first met, I knew there was something about you that I really liked, and that I knew it would continue. The other smaller one on the right that matches that left one represents everything we've been through together, and how our love has grown. And the biggest one in the middle, it represents our future and our commitment to each other. Because I know from here on out our love will only grow stronger."

"What about the blues and purples?"
"That my dear, was my own personal touch, but not just to be stylistic. Also has some meaning behind it. Blue is your favorite. It means something to you, between your guitar, half the shirts you bought me, half the clothes you own, including your glam outfit, your blue makeup I've practically never seen you without, your love for the water--ocean, pool, rain, you name it. But you get the point, lots of stuff. Purple also means a lot to us, at least I think so. It's the color of my bass, the color of the band's logo, the color of eternal love and passion, and of course the purple in lots of our clothes, like that dark purple dress you were wearing the first time we met."
"Oh my God, you remembered the dress?"
"How could I forget? You were so beautiful I was almost paralyzed. That image of you smiling when we first met, when you shook my hand and Tom introduced us is forever burned into my mind."
"Aww Eric. Stop it I'm gonna cry."

"I'm serious though, I'm not exaggerating. And as far as the style of the metal, I thought a flowing, smooth, curvaceous pattern with the gold around the stones looked nice, and it kind of reminded me of how we just coast along with the changes, adjusting to them like the ocean's shape adjusts to the wind."

"You are such a romantic. How did I ever deserve you?" I gently pull my hand from his gentle grip and pull him into an embrace.

"I think I should be asking the same question." He sighs onto my shoulder.

"And dear God, this is only the engagement ring, not even the wedding ring. I swear once we're married I'm going to wear this one on my other hand. I couldn't bear to just let it sit and collect dust with how beautiful it is."
"My dear, I only wanted you to have something special. And I'd be happy if you did that, after all, that's what I had hoped from the beginning."

"Can I ask you something?"

"Absolutely, kitten."
"When did you know? Well, like when did you decide 'this is it, I'm going to marry this girl' kinda thing?"

"From the moment I met you, I knew it. But not until we started dating last year did it become a definite. But from the moment behind stage that I asked you out, I knew you were the woman I wanted to spend my life with."

"Honestly, sunshine, I felt the same. I was hoping for a long while it would happen, and after we made that bond, I knew it would happen, but I assure you, I didn't expect it at the time you proposed. But I did know it would go down eventually."

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