Hell On Wheels

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That night, we have to drive all the way to Miami for the next show, so it's our first night on the bus. Fortunately for us, 12 tiny beds are built into the wall in about the middle of the vehicle's length. Fortunate because there's plenty for all 8 of us. Unfortunate because they are so compact and small. Said beds are so small that barely one person will comfortably fit in each. Definitely no room to move in these suckers. But somehow we're going to have to make it work.

We climb sleepily onto the bus, walking slowly with tired eyes, pacing far enough in for everyone else to get on. It's pretty late tonight, about 1:30 AM, so we all decide it's best if we just get some sleep, especially since we won't arrive in Miami for over 20 hours. We all take turns to change clothes in the tiny bathroom against the left side of the bus. I have a feeling it's not going to be a favored part of the bus, as it's extremely small, and guaranteed it definitely will not smell nearly as nice at the end of the tour as it does now. That's the problem with having those on buses. Sure they can be a benefit but as with everything else, it definitely has it's drawbacks.

"Man I really wish I could sleep with you tonight. I hate how buses like these always manage to blast the A.C. I get so easily cold at night," I say to Eric.

"Yeah me too," he flips his hair out of his face, "but hey these things are crammed enough I'm sure they'll be able to trap maybe even just a little heat."
I chuckle. "That is true."

"Alright, goodnight sweetie, you try and get some sleep, okay? If you need anything I'll be in the ridiculous sized bed across from you." He plants a kiss on my forehead.

"Okay, goodnight, Eric." I embrace him and then make my way to the bed on the bottom row closest to the back lounge. I slide the thick purple velvet curtain back, revealing a small twin sized mattress with pale white sheets and a couple dark-colored blankets over the top, and of course a standard pillow placed neatly in the back corner. I pull some of my stuff out of my big duffle bag in the cabinet on the wall. I take out a couple more of my own blankets and another pillow just in case the one already there is too soft. Finally, I groggily clamber inside, tucking myself under the heavy covers. I pull the curtain shut and I am instantly engulfed in darkness. I toss and turn for a little while, not used to being so separate from Eric at night. After a while, I accustom myself into the most comfortable position and force myself to listen to the dull drone of the air conditioner, which is the main culprit in why I finally was able to fall asleep.

I awake some time a few hours later, unaware of what time it is as I don't have a clock anywhere near. I carefully slip out of bed, trying as hard as possible not to accidentally slam my head onto the wooden ceiling that is far too low for comfort. Yet nonetheless, I manage to smack my forehead on the edge as I stand up.

"Ow, well that hurt," I whisper to myself, rubbing my forehead. I scurry out and down the narrow corridor to glance at the clock on the radio up by the driver. The dull amber numbers read 4:08 AM. Great. I only slept about 2 and a half hours. I shake my head at myself and walk back towards my bed. I glance over at Eric's bed and see he fell asleep before he had time to even close his curtain. I pull the covers up his shoulder and place a gentle kiss upon his cheek. I quietly pull the curtain shut and climb back into my own bed. This time it's pretty easy to fall asleep, despite the gentle snoring of whoever sleeps above me. I use the same trick as I did the first time, drowning myself in the drone of the air conditioner. I fall into a deep slumber once again. I dream of watching the guys from side stage at a very large venue somewhere in Asia. But this time they're the main act. My dream continues with the usual set list, including a couple added in features, like a solo for each member, just one of them at a time playing their heart out on a mysteriously lit stage. I am finally woken to reality by the sound of a siren outside the bus. I feel a quick jolt as the driver pulls us off to the side and slows onto the brakes.

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