In From The Outside

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For once, I am the first one to wake up. I glance at the dull red numbers displaying on the digital clock on the nightstand. It read 5:07 AM. Jesus. That's the earliest I've been awake in a while. Especially considering I was only asleep by 11:45 at the absolute earliest. I don't even remember what time it was when I fell asleep, to be honest. We don't even have to be to the studio until 9:00. If we're up and moving by 7:00 we'll have plenty of time to get going and get there. It turned out that the place is only 25 minutes out from Tom and I's house. I start to think how tonight could be the last night Eric and the guys stay with us for now, since they'll actually have time to get home tonight. I feel kind of down thinking about it, because I have enjoyed their company. Especially--and obviously-- Eric's. Cuddling here with him is all I want to do. Man, I might have to stay at his place tonight just so I can be with him like this once more before everything really starts picking up speed. I turn back over and bury myself into the warm covers. I can stay like this a little longer, even if I don't get any more sleep in. I just want to rest for as long as I can. I look at Eric, studying his handsome face. He's so peaceful right now. I try not to wake him up, but I can't stand it. I pull myself closer to him, resting my head on his chest, and my hands just near my face. His heartbeat is faint but I can still hear it. I don't know what it is, but hearing his heart beat and his breathing calms me. I think it's more of the feeling of being close to someone, a living human being, and knowing they love you more than anything that affects me this way. I lie still, inhaling slowly in time to his breathing. I feel myself start to drift off again, and that's okay. I let sleep take me under once more, this time with no dreams, just utter silence in the depth of my slumber.

After what only feels like minutes, I am awoken once more. I feel Eric stroking my hair gently.

"Good morning, sunshine," he says softly.

"Morning." I smile groggily.

"Sleep well?"

"As a matter of fact I did." I lift my head off his chest and face him once more, wrapping my arms around his waist. "What time is it, anyways?"

He cranes his neck and reads the clock on the nightstand, "Looks like... 6:21."

"Hm, we're up a little earlier than we need to be, but I guess that's okay. I wonder if anyone else is awake."

"Probably not, Fred sleeps like a frigging rock, and Jeff sleeps so soundly he probably wouldn't wake up if a bomb went off." Eric laughs.

"Yeah." I laugh. "And Tom, he just never wakes up before 7:00 unless he's to bed before 9:00 the night before."

Eric smiles that bright beautiful smile of his. "I suppose we can check if you want, or we can just hang out here until 7:00 rolls around."

"I think we're okay to let them sleep for just a little while longer."

"M-hm. I think you'd be correct." He leans his face down to mine, kissing me softly and sweetly like he always does.

I kiss him back, and he pulls us closer together. We settle back down into the warm blankets, cuddling with each other. I run my fingers through his blonde locks, and he smiles in the soft sunlight coming through the curtains.

"Eric, would you mind if I stayed with you at your place tonight?"

"I don't see why not, Donna. Why?"
"I just want to spend another night with you. I feel like I won't be able to sleep tonight without you. I love being here with you like this. But I know you probably want to go home."

"Yeah I do. And I would think that would be perfectly fine, hon. You're always welcome to stay the night whenever you want to."

"Thanks." I kiss his cheek.

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