7: Invitation

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Right now we were all at Tobias' house, all except Cassie. Tobias was freaking out about Valentine's Day. He wanted to make it perfect for Cassie. So he called all of us and asked for our help. So far I found out that Cassie loves dark chocolate, surprises, roses-but only pink ones, watching Supernatural , well technically, she loves everything.

"Tobias, calm down. You can get her the whole of Supernatural on DVD, get her a bouquet of pink roses, get her a necklace or something with her name on it and some dark chocolate," I suggested.

"Yeah, okay, well I've already gotten her the dark chocolate and I've ordered a bouquet of pink roses for her. All I need now is the necklace and the DVD.

"Why does this shit even matter?" asked Brandon.

"When you have a girlfriend and actually love her with your heart, you'll understand," answered Steph.

"Well, then I guess I'll never know."

"You will, you definitely will one day," said Steph with an unfamiliar look in her eyes.

"Okay, Jace can you please get the DVD while I get the necklace," Tobias pleaded.

"Yeah sure, but who's going to drop Kate home?"

"I can," said Caleb.

Jace gave him a look that said 'keep my sister safe and don't you dare try anything'. I simply rolled my eyes at this.

"Okay let's go, I need to prepare everything. Keys are in the fake stone outside, somebody lock up," instructed Tobias.

And with that, they left.

"Hey!" yelled Jesse.

"What?! What happened," I asked panicking.

"I just came up with a nickname for Kate," he said with a toothy grin.

"Alright, what is it?" I said, relieved.




"Alright, why the hell not."

Steph and Caleb laughed, Brandon just looked bored.

"I'm bored, I'm going," declared Brandon.

"Yeah, I'm tired, let's call it a night," I said.

"See ya at school guys and don't forget to lock up," I said to Steph and Jesse.

As I was about to hop into Caleb car, Brandon spoke.

"Hey, you know what, she's my next door neighbour, unfortunately, I'll drop her home. It will save you the ride.," said Brandon.

"Guys, I think I'm having a heart attack, is Brandon being considerate?" I said dramatically.

"Shut the fuck up," he said getting into his car.

"He's right, it'll save you the ride, I'll see you at school tomorrow," I said giving him a hug.

"Alright then, bye," he said.

I hopped in Brandon's car and he didn't waste a second. We were off and moving before I could even blink.

"My dad wants to invite you over for dinner."

"What, why?" I asked awkwardly to his abrupt question.

"Wants to get to know our neighbours."

"Oh. When?"

"Tomorrow night, at 6:30."

"I'll talk to Justin about it."

"I don't give a fuck, Klumsy."

"I figured," I said just as we were nearing my house.

"Thanks for the ride, bye."

"Whatever," he grunted.

I saw him park his red Mustang in his garage before I walked towards a front door reflecting on today. It was an eventful day. Also unusual. I mean Brandon sticking up for me was definitely unusual. I never thanked him. He never said sorry for being an ass. I guess we're even.






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