42: Mesmerizing blue eyes

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"Okay, your turn."

We were currently sat upon two very tall trees. Yes, trees. In the car, Brandon got me to put on a blindfold and every time we got to a junction I got to decide whether we went left or right and after about 20 minutes of non-stop music and chatter we arrived at a little pond with beautiful trees enclosing it.

I channelled my inner Columbus and went on a hunt to find the most climb-able tree and after finding it, here we are, sat upon trees. Brandon was reluctant and weirded out with the fact that the first thing I wanted to do after arriving was to climb a tree, but here he is sat on the tree opposite me, sharing life facts, embarrassing stories or just any stories.

"So once I stole my mum's makeup bag and put all the contents inside it on my face," I said as both of us continued to climb the tree. "You don't even want to know how I looked, Oh my god," I groaned. "I had round red circles on my cheeks in attempts of blush and there was mascara all over my face and don't even get me started on the lipstick. It was EVERYWHERE, including my teeth. But that's not even the best part. Jace, Justin and even my dad convinced me to go to school like that. They said that I looked absolutely beautiful. My parents always said that if someone bullied you or made fun of you they were jealous of you. So I went the whole day thinking that I did such a good job and looked so pretty when everyone in school told me I looked crazy. That was until my mum came home from work and saw me. She laughed so hard she almost cried. Then, because I realised that I actually looked hideous I was so upset I felt like crying. My family wasn't having any of that, all of them did the same thing the next day, went to school and work like that as well. We even had a photo shoot." Halfway through my embarrassing story, we had reached the top of the tree and we were both just sitting on the highest branch as I finished it.

"Wow, I would have really loved to meet your parents," said Brandon as we both began the descent down the tree.

I smiled.

"I'm pretty sure they would've loved you. Anyway, now you."

"You know how my dad pretty much marries a different woman every alternate day, right? One time he went on a business trip and the very next day it was his wedding. He had his vows written down, trust me they were nothing special, he just copies and pastes from the internet. Anyway, they were just sitting there and I decided to mess with them. I changed them up, drastically. I changed everything in them, even his bride's name. He didn't even check them before going up, he only realised something was off when I wrote I look into your mesmerizing blue eyes and his soon to be wife's eyes were hazel. Watching him improvise his shit was the best thing ever. Especially when there were over 300 people watching."

I laughed and I congratulated him because after he told me that day about what his dad had done when his little brother had died, I didn't feel an ounce of sympathy. I only felt pride for Brandon, pride for how strong he had been and how he had never given up on being a good person.

"Did you get in trouble?"

Brandon jumped and landed so gracefully it was almost pleasing to watch. I, on the other hand, not so much. "A bit," he said holding out his arms to me. I swallowed before I leapt and he caught me by the waist. Our bodies were flushed so close together that my cheeks reddened and I flustered inevitably. "What did he do?" I breathed out.

His eyes darkened but quickly flickered back to normal. "Nothing," he said about to move out of our embrace when I put one hand on his arm and the other lightly cupping his face. If we were striving for more than just friends then I was determined for a deeper level of emotional intimacy as well. "Brandon,' I whispered.

"This wasn's supposed to turn into a sob fest, Klumsy," he sighed, his hands regripping my waist. He knew how stubborn I could get so eventually he gave in. "He immediately knew it was me, without a doubt. After the wedding, he came into my room and-" his hand flew to his neck and he brought down the shirt he was wearing a little bit. The scar on his collarbone, the one I had seen before ending up in the predicament of looking like a purple cabbage salad. It was more visible in the glistening sunlight and below it was an even bigger one. My finger grazed over them and I bit my lip. "Are there more?" I whispered. Brandon's jaw clenched, "Yeah," he said as he let his hand fall back down to my waist.

There were tears brimming my eyes on the verge of spilling. I hardly ever cried, but even the thought of someone hurting Brandon like that made me furious and ache simultaneously. This beautiful human standing in front of me had gone through so much and still had such a kind heart.

"Hey, Klumsy. No, please don't cry. Hey," he said softly, bringing his hand up and tangling it in my hair. "You know I don't deserve those tears," he said wiping them away.

That made me mad. "Brandon. Stop it. Stop thinking that you don't deserve anything good. You deserve everything in the world, you have such good intentions and such a beautiful heart, don't you dare say that to me again."

And then the thing I had been waiting for all afternoon happened.

He kissed me.

We melted into each other and it started off slow and gentle but as the seconds ticked on it became more and more passionate and filled with desire. My hands tugged at his hair as his slowly dropped from my waist and squeezed my ass. I felt him smile through the kiss when I gasped. He bit softly yet with exigence, demanding entry and I gladly provided him with it. His tongue slipped in and brushed past my bottom lip. I followed queue and soon our tongues were dancing against each other, our mouths battling.

It was the purest form of euphoria I had ever felt.

The rawest form of Brandon I had yet seen.






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