39: So very promposterous

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My heart had sunk to the pits of my stomach as I realised that in less than five minutes we would inevitably arrive at school for prom. Anxiety was clawing its way through me, threatening to take over. I muted the sound of Steph and Cass' chatter and focused on how perfectly everything was going. I had come here and made best friends, something I thought I would never get to do.

I had-

The car jerked to an immediate halt and my reverie crumbled. My palms seemed as if they had run a marathon considering how clammy and sweaty they were. Suddenly, arms were intertwined around my own. I looked to see Cass giving me a comforting smile. She looked incredible, vivacious with her strapless sky blue dress, intricate as it was, designed with brilliant and dazzling sequences while the bottom half flowed effortlessly around her. She looked as though she was ready to walk the runway with her silver stilettos and the amount of confidence radiating from her. I had never seen her look so fearless. Fortunately, her confidence seemed to be surrounding us, offering itself to me.

After making sure that the car was locked, Steph joined us and I realised that I hadn't fully acknowledged how breathtakingly sensational she looked as her blood red dress draped gently but immaculately around her dark skin and accentuated her desirable curves. Standing between these two beautiful ladies, I felt underdressed with my lacy black dress that would have been completely strapless if it didn't have two thin cords hooked around my shoulders. The dress highlighted my cleavage before stopping at mid-thigh in the front and rippling out in a navy blue frilly manner from the back. In simple words, Justin did not at all approve of this dress. Cassie had gone shopping for Steph and I, saying that she was an expert at things like this and when she presented it to me there was a smile wider and broader than the skyline plastered on her face. I couldn't deteriorate her happiness with a no, and plus I had nothing else to wear, so reluctantly, he let me leave the house in such a 'ridiculous' dress.

 I couldn't deteriorate her happiness with a no, and plus I had nothing else to wear, so reluctantly, he let me leave the house in such a 'ridiculous' dress

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Jace hadn't seen the dress as he had left with Brandon an hour earlier

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Jace hadn't seen the dress as he had left with Brandon an hour earlier. They both had begun to become very close and you could see them practising football in the backyard every now and then.

"Okay girls, heads up, we are going to rock this!" Cassie squealed.

And so in we went.

Upon entering, all heads swivelled our way, almost robotically. People gasped, probably at how a hobo looking chick (me) was arm in arm with two runway looking models (Cassie and Stephanie, duh). A group of guys that were standing in the corner whistled but none of them was the one I was looking for.

As a group, we all decided that each one of us would go to prom together as friends, save Tobias and Cassie of course. Cassie still came in the car with us but Tobias was taking her out later on in the night.

My mind was going frantic as I still couldn't find who I was looking for. The innumerable amount of heads were turning away just as I stumbled upon a unique and incomparable shade of green eyes that danced and swayed wildly as they spotted me. As he tilted his head up, they glistened a mesmerizingly bluish shade under the light that had caught them.

He seemed dazed until Jace jabbed him in the shoulder and they were both walking towards us. I was so distracted by the intensity of those lush green eyes still on me, I didn't realise I was being yanked away.

"Does Justin have a fever or something?" Jace asked completely out of the blue.

I blinked.


"Is he so utterly sick that his brain has not regarded the preposterous fact that you are wearing a dress that seems to be undersized and wholly incompetent of being able to cover any part of you."

I blinked.

"Okay, one: your British accent is what is preposterous and so very offensive to any Brit walking the face of the Earth. Two: what's with that whole sentence? Those words are too big to big to fit into your pea-sized brain."

He gasped, a long and dramatic and unnecessary gasp.

"I've been using the dictionary you gave me."

"Are you still an attractive pig?"

"No. I'm an incredibly attractive pig."

"I'm going to drown you in the punch."

"You would break millions of innocent hearts. I mean, who else would the girls have to goggle at. You would deprive them of experiencing the happiness that is to look at my face."

"You can keep the dictionary, maybe your pea-sized brain will turn into the size of a meatball one day."

"Maybe. But apart from your dress being ten sizes too small for you, you look beautiful. Mum and Dad would have been so happy about you getting a scholarship and actually doing something with your life."

"Yeah, they would, wouldn't they."

"They would," he said as he pulled me into a hug.

"Okay, now get lost, I'm gonna go stand on the stage so these ladies don't miss out on the marvellous opportunity to stare at me." I laughed as he strode off, turning around to find Steph and Cass.

Much to my dismay, everybody had seemed to disperse. But everybody didn't matter when I could see Brandon standing with his arms crossed and his muscles bulging through the navy blue button up shirt he was wearing.

"I love how productive you're being, standing here, staring at nothing," I said when I reached him.

"Look around you."

I looked. I can't believe how ignorant I had been to every pair of eyes on us. Girls were literally drooling as they looked at Brandon. Many were scowling at me.

"I'm simply modelling for them," he said with a smirk.

I looked around again and if it weren't for the fact that the only thing close to a weapon around here was the plastic cutlery, the girls around probably would have killed me and the liquid in the punch would have been my blood.

"Okay then, I'm going to be elsewhere, somewhere where I won't destroy your modelling career."

I turned to leave but then it dawned on me that once again I was being yanked into the opposite direction to where I was heading.

"I think I would get a pay raise if I had the most beautiful girl here standing next to me," he said as his hand rested on my waist.

And there I was, looking like a close relative of the tomato family because of how he was looking at me and our close proximity.

"Wanna dance?" I blurted out.


A huge thank you to every reader. You guys don't know how excited I get when you vote or comment or when somebody starts reading this book. So thank you so much!






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