29: Hit and run

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I was drenched from head to toe and my clothes were completely saturated. After Jace, Brandon and I had a mini water fight inside the house we decided to take it into the backyard. Things got pretty intense when Brandon decided it was a good idea to use the hose and surprise Jace with aiming it at him while he wasn't looking. I honestly have no clue as to how I ended up in the midst of this. Brandon had thrown water at Jace inside the house due to him singing Let It Go at the top of his lungs. From there, all hell broke loose and we were having a water fight.

Brandon kept aiming at me and is continuing to do so just to piss me off. It's working and to say I'm annoyed is an understatement. So I grab the bucket that Jace brought out and fill it up with water. As I'm about to pour the content all over him he grabs my waist and pulls me toward him so that when the water leaves the bucket it not only soaks him but also me.

Our close proximity suddenly makes me aware and conscious. His face is only inches away from mine and his hand is still resting on my waist. He opens his mouth as if to say something but I take this as an opportunity to quickly turn around and slash my hair against his face.

As his eyes are closed and his expression is amused I take the hose and spray the water directly at his face. He inches backward from the sudden force of the water and I am too preoccupied to realise that ice cold water is trickling excruciatingly slowly down my back.

I whip around almost instantly after my sudden realisation and see Jace doubling over with laughter while clutching his stomach. He was too occupied in laughing to notice that the hose I was holding was pointed directly at him. As the water left the hose Jace lifted up his hands in a sign of surrender.

"Okay, okay, that's enough. I'm hungry now. Let's go eat. I'm gonna order Chinese. It'll probably be here in like five minutes so when it comes somebody go answer the door. I'm gonna go dry off."

Brandon headed inside, most probably going to go find a towel.

An exhausted sigh left my mouth as I went and rolled up the hose. I must've been too busy in cleaning up the now soaked backyard because the doorbell rang after what felt only like two minutes.

I quickly grabbed a towel out of the bathroom where Brandon was vigorously running a hand through his hair. He acknowledged my presence with an icy glare and I did the same in return. The doorbell rang again which signalled that the person outside was getting impatient so I rushed outside the bathroom at the same time Brandon did. I headed to the door and he headed to the kitchen counter.

I opened the door to be greeted by a bored looking teenager around my age. He lazily handed me the order all while looking lost. I followed his gaze and it landed on my chest. My chest that was being exposed through the white transparent t-shirt I was wearing. The water made it stick to me like a second skin. My black lace bra and the upper part of my breasts were clearly exposed.

I snapped my fingers in front of the guy's face. "My eyes are up here, doofus."

"Yeah, but I like that sight better," he said as his eyes returned back to my chest with a smirk.

"Oy, look at these babies again and I'll make sure that you'll never have babies," I said, getting sick and tired of this guy.

He was about to say something just when a familiar hand wrapped around my waist and Brandon came into view. He took a protective stance in front of me and gave the doofus a cold glare. "You heard what she said. Now get lost," he said as he stuffed the money in the guy's hand. "Oh, keep the change and buy yourself a better-looking face. Mine's off the market, sorry," he said cockily and slammed the door in his face.

He turned around and gave me a furious look. "What were you thinking?" I was still ignoring him so I turned around to walk away just when he grabbed my hand and slammed me against his rock hard chest.

His puddle of green eyes stared at my own in an intimidating manner. He brought his lips close to my ear and whispered in a low voice. "Stop ignoring me, Klumsy." My upper part was still on display so I pushed him away after giving him a death stare and rushed up the stairs.

I was upstairs and was about to close the door when a foot wedged in between and pushed it open. Brandon came in and closed the door behind him. He moved closer toward me and I moved further backwards until my back came in contact with a wall.

Brandon's hands enclosed around me, his palms flat against the wall. I tried to duck under him but he blocked my way. His eyes were scrutinising my every move. There was no escape and my shirt seemed to be looking even more transparent than it was before.

"Kate, stop ignoring me." I didn't reply to him, instead, I just looked away and folded my arms. "You do realise that you're only making that part more visible by crossing your arms over it, don't you?"

Heat rushed to my face and I suddenly felt more conscious than I had ever. "Move, Brandon." If he didn't move I was going to punch him in the face and there is absolutely no hesitation there. "Oh, so now you're going to talk to me?"

"Move, Brandon." His body made absolutely no attempt to move so I tried one last time. "Move, Brandon." He didn't move at all, instead, his piercing eyes stared at me. I had had enough. Who did he think he was? A fist formed in my hand and I swung it at Brandon. The impact wasn't at all that hard as I didn't space to properly swing it. I had a feeling that Brandon knew I was going to punch him but he did nothing. He didn't seem at all surprised or affected as his expression remained neutral. He had let me hit him. Brandon's reflexes were sharp and so was his mind. There was no way I would have actually landed a punch if he hadn't let me.

The question, though, was why had he let me hit him?






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